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Alt 27.02.2019, 14:04
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Re: AW: Oldies auf modernem PC installieren: Fragen über Fragen

 Zitat von (M.Z) Beitrag anzeigen
The PCem program I have already mentioned in this forum is much more precise than DoSboX, as it offers a complete emulation of all the components and not just the CPU.
I do not understand why nobody takes it into consideration.
For any information on its installation with:
- Dos v6.22
- Windows 95
-Windows 98SE
I remain available.

Marco, the problem for my needs is that you cannot control the CPU cycle. We are trying to have something where you can also enjoy games between your dedicated computers playing against these classic programs at similar conditions and speeds. There is little enjoyment playing dedicated matches against programs that run at 800/1000 Mhz against for example an R30 or in this tournament that I am trying to develop to play against Millennium King. There is for me even less enjoyment if for example Sascha's PC runs twice as fast as mine as at that point we can't even play our programs against each other in tournaments or on Lichess because my WChess for example is then slower than his. There is no control with this. That is the gap that people seem to not understand yet everyone here want to play computer tournaments. (Well at least I do.)

If you can show how you can accurately control speed accross all Pentiums and AMD's then my interest would change very quickly.

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M.Z (27.02.2019)

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