Hallo Schachfreunde
Hier ein interessantes Turnier mit 4 Oldies aus dem Jahre 1984 auf 30s Stufe.
Total 686 Partien. Das Turnier hat Stefan Pohl durchgeführt. Die Partien stehen
zum Download bereit mit ergänzenden, interessanten Daten. In diesem tollen
Turnier wurde mit 6-zügigen GM Eröffnungsvorgaben gespielt, und zwar unter
der ARENA GUI mit der Mess-Emulation von Franz Huber.
Viele Grüsse
1984/85 30secs Championship 2022
| Computer
| Elo
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| Pkt.
| TB Perf.
| +/-
| Fidelity Elite A/S Glasgow
| 1842
| ***
| 68.0 - 46.0
| 57.5 - 56.5
| 66.0 - 48.0
| 191.5 / 342
| 1829
| -64
| Novag Super Constellation
| 1808
| 46.0 - 68.0
| ***
| 66.0 - 48.0
| 75.0 - 39.0
| 187.0 / 342
| 1830
| +111
| Saitek Turbostar 432
| 1786
| 56.5 - 57.5
| 48.0 - 66.0
| ***
| 66.0 - 48.0
| 170.5 / 342
| 1804
| +89
| Mephisto Glasgow III-S
| 1766
| 48.0 - 66.0
| 39.0 - 75.0
| 48.0 - 66.0
| ***
| 135.0 / 342
| 1738
| -136
Games : 684 (finished)
White Wins : 291 (42.5 %)
Black Wins : 264 (38.6 %)
Draws : 129 (18.9 %)
Unfinished : 2
White Score : 52.0 %
Black Score : 48.0 %
Program Elo + - Games Score Av.Op. Draws
1 Fidelity Elite A-S (Glasgow program) : 1832 19 19 342 56.0 % 1789 19.6 %
2 Novag Super Constellation : 1825 19 19 342 54.7 % 1792 21.1 %
3 Saitek Turbostar 432 : 1799 19 19 342 49.9 % 1800 16.7 %
4 Mephisto Glasgow III-S : 1744 19 19 342 39.5 % 1819 18.1 %
(2 games were unterminated...)
*** Engine Aggressiveness Tool V5.21 Score points Ratinglist
*** Meanwhile, the scoring-system of the EAS-Tool got really complex, so
*** please check out the ReadMe-file, where you find the explanation...
*** Evaluated file: 1984_85_30sec_WC.pgn
bad avg.win
Rank EAS-Score sacs shorts draws moves Engine/player
1 189199 11.92% 31.13% 09.72% 62 Novag Super Constellation
2 101966 08.86% 24.68% 20.90% 63 Fidelity Elite A-S (Glasgow program)
3 73577 04.81% 19.23% 24.19% 68 Mephisto Glasgow III-S
4 56480 05.63% 14.08% 24.56% 72 Saitek Turbostar 432
*** Average length of all won games: 66 moves
*** Engine gets bonuspoints, if its avg. won games length is shorter
*** Engine gets maluspoints, if its avg. won games length is longer
*** 2nd Ratinglist with more stats in percent-values ************************
*** Average length of all won games: 66 moves
*** Calculated limit for short wins giving EAS-points: 50 moves
avg.win bad
Rank EAS-Score wins moves sacs sacsQ sacs5+ sacs4 sacs3 sacs2 sacs1 all shorts short30 short35 short40 short45 short50 draws Engine/player
1 189199 151 62 11.92% =[00.00% + 00.66% + 00.66% + 00.00% + 05.96% + 04.64%] 31.13% = [05.30% + 06.62% + 03.97% + 05.96% + 09.27%] 09.72% Novag Super Constellation
2 101966 158 63 08.86% =[00.00% + 00.00% + 00.00% + 00.63% + 02.53% + 05.70%] 24.68% = [02.53% + 03.80% + 05.06% + 08.23% + 05.06%] 20.90% Fidelity Elite A-S (Glasgow program)
3 73577 104 68 04.81% =[00.00% + 00.96% + 00.00% + 00.00% + 00.00% + 03.85%] 19.23% = [00.96% + 01.92% + 02.88% + 06.73% + 06.73%] 24.19% Mephisto Glasgow III-S
4 56480 142 72 05.63% =[00.00% + 00.00% + 00.70% + 00.70% + 00.00% + 04.23%] 14.08% = [00.00% + 04.23% + 01.41% + 04.93% + 03.52%] 24.56% Saitek Turbostar 432
*** EAS-tool (C) 2022 Stefan Pohl (www.sp-cc.de) ***