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Alt 26.07.2021, 23:38
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Revelation II or DGT XL user wanted!


I've written a driver to allow Arena, LucasChess and Shredder to use DGT boards without using the Rabbit Plugin (so that LucasChess on Linux can also use DGT boards):

It seems to be working OK with DGT boards and the DGT 3000 clock, but I'm hoping it will also work with Revelation boards and the DGT XL clock.

If you use any of those GUIs and have a Revelation II, or a DGT board and a DGT XL clock, could you please try out my program and let me know how you get on? I'm more confident of the XL working than the Revelation though!

Many thanks!
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Alt 27.07.2021, 09:36
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Lindwurm Lindwurm ist offline
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AW: Revelation II or DGT XL user wanted!

Hi Graham,
first again thanks a lot for your work. The drivers are so helpfhul, actually with my Certabo Boards.
I shortly tested the new driver on my Revelation II and it seems to work, including the LED, thats so great.
I just tested the driver using the LucasChess App. Initially it seems, it needs a time to find the board, but when it is connected, I could play two games without any problem.
I will test it intensivly in the next time.
Gruß Tobias
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Alt 27.07.2021, 10:34
DarkBishop DarkBishop ist offline
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Re: Revelation II or DGT XL user wanted!

 Zitat von GONeill Beitrag anzeigen

I've written a driver to allow Arena, LucasChess and Shredder to use DGT boards without using the Rabbit Plugin (so that LucasChess on Linux can also use DGT boards):

It seems to be working OK with DGT boards and the DGT 3000 clock, but I'm hoping it will also work with Revelation boards and the DGT XL clock.

If you use any of those GUIs and have a Revelation II, or a DGT board and a DGT XL clock, could you please try out my program and let me know how you get on? I'm more confident of the XL working than the Revelation though!

Many thanks!
Hi, thanks for the software you wrote, I only use Fritz 17 from Chessbase, I don't know if it is possible to use your driver on this program, if you give me two tips I'll gladly test it. I currently have a DGT USB eboard w/ DGT Rabbit driver and DGT3000 as a clock.
Thank you
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Alt 27.07.2021, 21:18
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GONeill GONeill ist offline
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AW: Revelation II or DGT XL user wanted!

 Zitat von Lindwurm Beitrag anzeigen
Initially it seems, it needs a time to find the board, but when it is connected, I could play two games without any problem.
Hi Tobias! Thank you for testing the Revelation - I'm surprised it seems to work so well! Does it show the times and moves OK on the board's display screen too?

You are right that it takes a little time to connect. With the Certabo, they use a specific type of serial port driver that (in Windows) I can identify and connect to. For the other boards I need to search through all the serial ports to find which one has the board. So 'Auto' is really quick for Certabo and quite slow for the others.

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I only use Fritz 17 from Chessbase, I don't know if it is possible to use your driver on this program
Sorry, Luigi but I haven't been able to get my driver working with Fritz. Unfortunately Chessbase didn't want to help me solve the problem so unless I can work it out myself my drivers will never work in their programs. But thank you for the offer of help!

All the best.
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Alt 31.07.2021, 18:57
Benutzerbild von Lindwurm
Lindwurm Lindwurm ist offline
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AW: Revelation II or DGT XL user wanted!

Hi Graham,
sorry for the late answer. But I was "on the way" the last days. Now I tested again some games with LucasChess on my Rev II.

- connection to the Rev II needs about 1 minute, while on my Certabo board it needs just a couple of seconds

- the display of the Rev II shows time and moves correct, if I play without time control, a brace {} shows, which side is on the move

- take back works also fine without need of pushing a button in the software

- today I had a little problem with the detection of the pieces, that's absolutely new for me on the Rev II. Up to now the piece detection worked great, no matter, which modus I used: the internal engines, the Retroemulation or the BT-modus with Picochess or with Fritz on the Windows-PC. I never had problems until now. But with LucasChess using your driver, sometimes it works not correct, so sometimes it doesn't detect the move and I have to repeat the move again (put the piece back and move again), And just now I wanted to start a new game and the driver said "pieces are not correct", so I had to place every pieces again new on its place, than it worked fine again

so, in principle it works fine, but the piece detection has sometimes a little problem
Gruß Tobias
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Alt 01.08.2021, 21:35
Benutzerbild von GONeill
GONeill GONeill ist offline
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AW: Revelation II or DGT XL user wanted!

Hi Tobias,

Thank you for testing this! Unfortunately "sometimes it doesn't work" is very hard to fix, much harder than "when I do fails like this..."!

Given the very long time to connect and that most of the time it works OK I think the problem is in the actual communication with the board. I saw in Picochess that when connecting to a BT board they seem to close the COM port connection and pair using BT commands. Perhaps this is why.

I'll look into it but I'm not sure if I can do anything without having my own board to experiment with.

All the best.
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Alt 01.08.2021, 23:35
Benutzerbild von Lindwurm
Lindwurm Lindwurm ist offline
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AW: Revelation II or DGT XL user wanted!

Hi Graham,
I understand, but up to now, I cannot find any special situation, when the problem appears. If I find so, I will tell you.
Next time I am very busy again, so if I find time, I will also try the driver in Shredder instead LucasChess, seeing if the problem appears here to.
Gruß Tobias
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