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Alt 17.09.2010, 21:39
altomcat altomcat ist offline
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Need help to repair a standard module Conchess

Hi everybody,

Don't blame me, i can't speak german. I'm a french owner of a Conchess Ambassador with the standard module A0005006. It does not work anymore because all the six eeprom (2732) are damaged. I checked them recently with an eeprom programmer. Each time, i have many read errors.

I hope someone has the original roms and can send them to me by mail ?
I can buy or rent a spare module if necessary to dump them ... this can help the community !

Any help is welcome !

Best regards, Arnaud.

EDIT : the chess module cartdrige

Geändert von altomcat (17.09.2010 um 21:56 Uhr)
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Alt 18.09.2010, 06:40
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AW: Need help to repair a standard module Conchess

Hello Arnoud,

Well mabey some other collectors can help u,but Arno for sure
Send him just a email and ure Conchess will be repared,then u can rejoy the game vs the Conchess

Greetings from Holland,

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Alt 18.09.2010, 10:35
altomcat altomcat ist offline
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Re: AW: Need help to repair a standard module Conchess

Many thanks Sargon

I just write an email to him and i'll keep my fingers crossed ...

Best regards, Arnaud.
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Alt 22.09.2010, 09:01
altomcat altomcat ist offline
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Re: AW: Need help to repair a standard module Conchess

Unfortunatly, i've got bad news from Arno. He never repaired this kind of module ...

So anyhelp is still welcome !
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Alt 22.09.2010, 11:09
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blaubaer blaubaer ist offline
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AW: Need help to repair a standard module Conchess

Hello Arnaud,

do you have working original Eproms? If yes, you could send them to me plus empty Eproms with the same size and same number plus postage. I could copy them!

But be aware, illegal copys are not allowed in this community and I won't do that!

Regards, Michael

By the way: I don't have this module!
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Alt 22.09.2010, 11:32
altomcat altomcat ist offline
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Re: AW: Need help to repair a standard module Conchess

Hello Michael,

No, i do not have a working copy of the Eproms. That's what i want indeed !
Nevertheless, i tried to dump them but i know they are faulty.
These files are available on demand for proof.

So, my last chance is to find a spare module or someone who lent me his module.

Best regards, Arnaud.
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Alt 14.10.2010, 09:38
altomcat altomcat ist offline
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Daumen hoch [Resolved] Re: Need help to repair a standard module Conchess

Finaly, i repaired this chessboard last week. The most significant change was the replacement of the cpu by a brand new one bought on the bay.

Moreover, I've made a mistake by changing the capacity around the oscillator. I choosed too high value. My Eeproms seems ok now. I've already win and lost against the machine.

I wrote a short story about my quest on my blog. Sorry, it's in french. But you can download the schematics there. I have done it for those who want to preserve this "heritage".

Many thanks.
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Alt 14.10.2010, 10:33
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blaubaer blaubaer ist offline
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AW: Need help to repair a standard module Conchess

Dear Arnaud,

this is an interesting story! My French is not that good to understand everything, but roughly I made it. Why did you change the values of the capacitors of the oscillator circuit first time?

Take a look at the Mysticum project - this might be interesting for you! Unfortunately it's all in German but take a look at the drawings below "Technische Dokumentation - Schaltplan..."!

Regards, Michael
Es ist besser, die Steine seines Gegners zu opfern. (S.G. Tartakower)
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Alt 14.10.2010, 12:48
altomcat altomcat ist offline
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Re: AW: Need help to repair a standard module Conchess

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Why did you change the values of the capacitors of the oscillator circuit first time?
I do not remember exactly. I know it was not rational at the time .
I expected to see some change by trying different oscillator at 2 or 1Mhz.
In the same time, i thought it was a good idea to change every capacitors even those in ceramics and i had only close value of them for the oscillator. However, the frequency was good on the oscilloscope.

Take a look at the Mysticum project - this might be interesting for you! Unfortunately it's all in German but take a look at the drawings below "Technische Dokumentation - Schaltplan..."!
Ok, i will take a look this evening.
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