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Alt 02.02.2005, 15:28
Benutzerbild von Sargon
Sargon Sargon ist offline
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Frage ?? Fidelity v11 -sparc ??

Hello chessfriends , my question is ,is the program fidelity version 11 the same program if the sparc (latest program from the spracklens) ore not? best regards Hans
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Alt 02.02.2005, 16:01
Benutzerbild von Robert
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AW: ?? Fidelity v11 -sparc ??

Hello Hans,

 Zitat von Sargon
Hello chessfriends , my question is ,is the program fidelity version 11 the same program if the sparc (latest program from the spracklens) ore not? best regards Hans
No, because the Sparc-ROM has only 256KB (Info from Schach Niggemann) and the V11-EPROM has 1 MB.

And the Code for the Sparc-CPU is different to the 680x0-CPU, so at least it had to be adapted/recompiled from the source-code.

But the playing-style is not very different...

best regards,
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Alt 02.02.2005, 17:12
Benutzerbild von Sargon
Sargon Sargon ist offline
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AW: ?? Fidelity v11 -sparc ??

hello robert ,thanks for the info ,i will send my fidelity to wilfried b. so he can make for me also a version11 72mhz ,when i did see yours in kaufbeuren, i did tell one thing to myself ,i want it to best regards Hans
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Alt 02.02.2005, 21:57
Benutzerbild von Robert
Robert Robert ist offline
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AW: ?? Fidelity v11 -sparc ??

 Zitat von Sargon
hello robert ,thanks for the info ,i will send my fidelity to wilfried b. so he can make for me also a version11 72mhz ,when i did see yours in kaufbeuren, i did tell one thing to myself ,i want it to best regards Hans
I'm sure, you won't regret it!

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Alt 03.02.2005, 18:58
Eckehard Kopp Eckehard Kopp ist gerade online
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AW: ?? Fidelity v11 -sparc ??

Hallo Hans! You can see the differents between the two computers when you compare the results of the BT-Test.

Best regards Eckehard
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Alt 04.02.2005, 16:42
Benutzerbild von Sargon
Sargon Sargon ist offline
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AW: ?? Fidelity v11 -sparc ??

Hello Eckehand ,thnx for the info .i am sure i will do that . best regards Hans
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