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Alt 17.04.2020, 11:28
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AW: DTG Centaur Invisible Circles

It looks like DGT are shipping the updated Centaur with the new top board that eliminates seeing the led circles. A guy from USA has received his new Centaur this week and has provided me with the following two photos saying that.

"My Centaur board doesn't seem to have the rings as visible as with yours. They are barely visible from above, and practically invisible when viewed from a player's angle".


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Alt 17.04.2020, 14:39
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AW: DTG Centaur Invisible Circles

In my opinion, after all, it still remains an ugly device, unpleasant and slippery to use, a low value but overpriced plastic toy, that does not help to improve any performance neither simulates a human play style.
Among all engines, this one is by far the worst, because it claims to be "human adaptive", but makes the most unnatural moves possible. Showing some electronic components inside, like the led circus was still one of the positive features, which made him a bit galactic.
However, I really regret my purchase.
(To play an adaptive style during the game, the Hiarcs Explorer does it better.)
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FütterMeinEgo (17.04.2020), Schachhucky (17.04.2020)
Alt 19.04.2020, 07:50
Benutzerbild von paulwise3
paulwise3 paulwise3 ist offline
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AW: DTG Centaur Invisible Circles

Hi Nisse,

Can you give examples of those unnatural moves?
As I do not own the Centaur (nor Hiarcs) , I am very curious.

Best regards,
Wenn ich mich irre, sollte es ein Horizont Wirkung sein
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Alt 19.04.2020, 12:42
Benutzerbild von Bryan Whitby
Bryan Whitby Bryan Whitby ist offline
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AW: DGT Centaur Invisible Circles

Hi Paul

Sorry to jump onto your question to Nisse but I thought you might be interested in my quick response.

On 'Friendly' mode I have found that if Stockfish evaluates that you are behind in the early middle game it will give you a chance to catch up by making a meaningless move with its black roook on a8 moving to b8. It will then retract the move a few moves later. This has happened to me quite a few times.

On 'Challenger' mode I once missed Stockfish mating me in one. As soon as I played my move I saw mate but for some strange reason Stockfish ignored the mate and made another move. I took back both our moves then replayed mine again out of curiosity and this time Stockfish delivered mate.

On 'Expert' mode I haven't experienced any bizarre play by Stockfish only that I feel that the Centaur isn't a beginners chess computer far from it. Even on the quickest time level on 'Friendly' mode it plays quite a decent game for about 75% of the time which would give a beginner no chance.

I personally do like the design of the board especially the size but I'm glad that I only paid £200 for mine. Plastic doesn't bother me whatsoever as one of my all time favourites in my collection is the CXG Super Enterprise.

Hope this helps a little.

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