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Alt 05.05.2012, 16:22
Benutzerbild von goto34
goto34 goto34 ist offline
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Super Expert C 6Mhz - Designer Mach III

Hallo zusammen,

nur zur Info...heute abend ab 19:30h wird folgende Partie (just for fun)

Super Expert C 6Mhz (Geert R. vd Ploeg) - Fidelity Designer Mach III (T.Gora)

Schönes WE

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Alt 05.05.2012, 16:34
Benutzerbild von Novize
Novize Novize ist offline
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AW: Super Expert C 6Mhz - Designer Mach III

und Willi fragte grad auf ISchach, wer für sowas Zeit hat (just for fun Partien)
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Alt 05.05.2012, 17:05
Benutzerbild von goto34
goto34 goto34 ist offline
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AW: Super Expert C 6Mhz - Designer Mach III

Hi Olaf,
ja, ich habs gelesen..naja mal sehen vielleicht machen Geert und ich ja auch noch etwas mehr von...ein Re-match wird es auf jeden Fall geben...alles weitere müssen wir dann mal sehen.
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Alt 05.05.2012, 20:08
Benutzerbild von grploeg
grploeg grploeg ist offline
Mephisto III
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AW: Super Expert C 6Mhz - Designer Mach III


Habe nicht immer zeit darfur. Aber wenn es passt spiele ich gerne 'fun' partien.

Spiele auch selbst gerne gegen schachcomputer und lass sie bei mir zu hause nur gegen mich spielen

Geert Roelof
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Alt 07.05.2012, 15:45
Benutzerbild von grploeg
grploeg grploeg ist offline
Mephisto III
Registriert seit: 11.03.2012
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AW: Super Expert C 6Mhz - Designer Mach III

Below an analysis of the game in english. My exuses to my german speaking friends: My german is not good enough for making an analysis. All analysis is my own, no use of engines except where noted. I don't like annofritzed games

[Event "30 sec/move"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2012.05.05"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Super Expert C, Novag"]
[Black "Mach III, Fidelity"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C59"]
[Annotator "van der Ploeg,Geert Roelof"]
[PlyCount "178"]
[EventDate "2012.??.??"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. exd5 Na5 6. Bb5+ c6 7. dxc6 bxc6 8.
Be2 h6 9. Nf3 e4 10. Ne5 Bd6 11. f4 exf3 {SEC out of book} 12. Nxf3 {Mach III
out of book} O-O 13. O-O Re8 14. Nc3 Qb6+ 15. d4 (15. Kh1 Ng4 16. d4) 15... Bg4
16. h3 $6 {Black will take advantage of the weaknesses around the white king}
Be6 17. Na4 Qc7 18. Bd3 Rab8 19. Re1 {It is difficult to find a sound plan
here (as a computer) but with some help black finds the right moves.} Bg3 20.
Re2 Bd5 21. Nc5 (21. Nc3 Nc4 22. Rxe8+ Rxe8 23. Rb1 $11) 21... Rxe2 (21... Bxf3
22. Rxe8+ (22. gxf3 $6) 22... Rxe8 23. Qxf3 Re1+ 24. Bf1 $11 {After Nd3 it is
possible for white to free its rook.}) 22. Qxe2 (22. Bxe2 Re8 23. Bd3) 22...
Re8 23. Qf1 (23. Ne5 $1 Bxe5 24. dxe5 Qxe5 25. Qxe5 Rxe5 26. Bf4 $18 {After
the rook moves blacks has a big problem: b3! and the knight on a5 is in
trouble.}) 23... Nb7 24. Nb3 Nd6 (24... Bxf3 25. Qxf3 Re1+ 26. Bf1 $11 {White
has no problem to free his rook due to his knight on b3}) 25. Bd2 Nde4 26. Be3
Nc5 (26... Ng5 27. Bxg5 hxg5 28. Nxg5 (28. c4 Bxf3 29. Qxf3 Bf4 $19) (28. Ne5
Rxe5 29. dxe5 Qb6+ 30. Kh1 Ng4 $3 $19 {(Fritz finding)}) 28... Bh2+ 29. Kh1 Nh5
$19) 27. Nxc5 $2 (27. Bf2 $142 Nxd3 28. cxd3 Bxf3 29. gxf3 (29. Bxg3 Qxg3 30.
Qxf3 $11) 29... Qf4 $19) 27... Rxe3 28. Be2 Qf4 $6 {Black makes it difficult
for himself but it finally finds the right moves to position its pieces.} ({
The variation} 28... Qe7 29. c4 Rxe2 30. cxd5 Nh5 $19 {proves to difficult for
black to find.}) 29. c3 Qb8 30. Nd3 Qe8 31. Nc1 Ne4 32. Qd1 Bf2+ 33. Kf1 Qb8
34. Nd3 Qg3 {Now the end is near.} 35. Nde5 Be6 $1 36. Ng4 {With so many
pieces around the white king a forced win should be present.} Bxg4 ({Fritz
finds} 36... Rxf3 37. Bxf3 (37. gxf3 Qg1#) (37. d5 Rf4 {And mate in 21 (!) An
impossible task for the Mach to find.}) 37... Bc4+ {Mate in 6!}) 37. hxg4 Qxg4
{Argh, black loses track.} (37... Bg1 38. Kxg1 (38. Qe1 Bh2 39. Nxh2 (39. Qxg3
Nxg3+ 40. Ke1 Rxe2+ 41. Kd1 $19) 39... Qxh2 $19) 38... Qf2+ 39. Kh2 Rxe2 $19)
38. Bd3 {White will try to exchange as much as possible.} Bg3 39. Bxe4 Qxe4 40.
Qd2 a6 $2 {Black even goes more astray and has no idea anymore.} (40... g5 41.
Ne5 Qf4+ 42. Kg1 Re1+ 43. Qxe1 Bxe1 44. Rxe1 Qd2 $19) 41. b3 Rd3 42. Qe2 f5 43.
Rc1 (43. Qxe4 fxe4 44. Ng1 Rxc3 45. Ne2 $11) 43... Re3 44. Qc2 Qe6 45. c4 f4 $2
{Now the bishop cannot control some important squares anymore.} 46. b4 (46. Rd1
$142 $11 {With the idea of d5 and finally free himself.}) 46... Qe8 47. a4 Ra3
(47... Qh5 48. Kg1 $11) 48. Rd1 Kh8 {We will see that the endgame is very
poorly played by both computers.} 49. Ne5 (49. d5 cxd5 50. cxd5 Qh5 51. Kg1 $14
{And white will survive.}) 49... Qh5 50. Ng6+ Kg8 51. Ne7+ Kf7 52. Qf5+ Qxf5
53. Nxf5 Rxa4 54. Nxg3 $2 (54. d5 cxd5 55. cxd5 Rxb4 56. d6 Ke8 57. d7+ Kd8 58.
Nxg7 Rb6 $15) 54... fxg3 55. Rb1 Ra2 56. Rb3 Rf2+ 57. Kg1 Rc2 58. Rf3+ Ke6 59.
d5+ $2 {And now its wrong.} (59. Rxg3 Rxc4 60. Rxg7 Rxd4 61. Rb7 $15) 59...
cxd5 60. cxd5+ Kxd5 61. Rxg3 g5 62. Rd3+ Kc4 63. Rd6 Kb5 64. Rxh6 g4 (64... Rc6
65. Rh8 Kxb4 66. Rb8+ Kc4 $19) 65. Kh2 Rc4 66. Kg3 Rxb4 67. Rh5+ Ka4 68. Rg5 a5
69. Rc5 Re4 70. Rc8 Kb3 71. Rb8+ {At this moment I was convinced black knew
what it was doing. But I was wrong. The rest of the game is a comedy of errors.
} Ka2 72. Rf8 a4 73. Rg8 a3 74. Rd8 Kb1 75. Rb8+ Ka1 76. Rb3 a2 77. Rb8 {Now
black refuses for some moves to play its rook to the second or first row.} Rd4
78. Kh4 Ra4 79. g3 Re4 80. Kg5 Rd4 81. Kf5 Ra4 82. Rb5 Rc4 83. Rb8 Rc1 {Finally
} 84. Kxg4 Rb1 85. Rf8 Kb2 86. Rf2+ Ka3 87. Rxa2+ Kxa2 88. Kf5 Rb5+ 89. Kf6
Rb6+ {And here we agreed on a draw. We played some moves but black refused to
move its king and kept giving checks. According to the tablebases its a draw.}

Geändert von Chessguru (07.05.2012 um 16:19 Uhr) Grund: PGN korrigiert
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