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Alt 08.12.2023, 11:56
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Re: AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Thanks Mychess and hap - now I have even three copies of it!

In the meantime I tried to write the position directly into the RAM (in the plugin), and the Yeno recognized the correct position, but made illegal moves afterwards (e.g. putting the king into check).
So I guess I'll have to do this position setup in the 'usual' way ...
It is probably necessary to call the "take back" routine IN SETUP MODE :to check the position (validity) and call new moves generation.

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Alt 08.12.2023, 12:36
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AW: Re: AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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It is probably necessary to call the "take back" routine IN SETUP MODE :to check the position (validity) and call new moves generation.
Well, it's not necessary anymore, because I've already switched to the usual method (entering the pieces via buttons and board),
and it's working perfectly.
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kamoj (08.12.2023)
Alt 08.12.2023, 13:27
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Re: AW: Re: AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Well, it's not necessary anymore, because I've already switched to the usual method (entering the pieces via buttons and board),
and it's working perfectly.
Well, that is good.
But I think to enter a position more quickly : using FEN notation for exemple.
Add a special key to request FEN notation, then simulate input via buttons and chessboard, or better simulate the SETUP key, the LEVEL key (to remove all pieces and make other things), write the position directly to memory, then simulate the TAKE BACK key.
Of course, analysis of FEN notation and internal coding of the chessboard for each chess computers are necessary, but simple ;-)

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kamoj (08.12.2023)
Alt 08.12.2023, 16:30
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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But I think to enter a position more quickly : using FEN notation for exemple.
Add a special key to request FEN notation, then simulate input via buttons and chessboard, or better simulate the SETUP key, the LEVEL key (to remove all pieces and make other things), write the position directly to memory, then simulate the TAKE BACK key.
Of course, analysis of FEN notation and internal coding of the chessboard for each chess computers are necessary, but simple ;-)
Exactly this method I'm already using since a long time in my plugins. When you load a position (FEN/EPD) in WinBoard or Arena, the plugin converts it into a board position, and then sends it to the engine - if this is done via direct RAM write or via the buttons depends on the engine (and how complicated each of these methods would be). Speed is no problem, because I switch to 'turbo' mode in the emulation during the setup.
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Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu fhub für den nützlichen Beitrag:
kamoj (08.12.2023)
Alt 08.12.2023, 16:41
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Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Exactly this method I'm already using since a long time in my plugins. When you load a position (FEN/EPD) in WinBoard or Arena, the plugin converts it into a board position, and then sends it to the engine - if this is done via direct RAM write or via the buttons depends on the engine (and how complicated each of these methods would be). Speed is no problem, because I switch to 'turbo' mode in the emulation during the setup.
Sorry Fhub, but I never used yours "plugins".
Why you do not add this directly in CB-Emu ?

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kamoj (09.12.2023)
Alt 08.12.2023, 16:47
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Sorry Fhub, but I never used yours "plugins".
Well, yourself to blame.
Why you do not add this directly in CB-Emu ?
Are you serious?
Ok, then start adding such a code to MAME - it will take a year until we hear from you again ...
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Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu fhub für den nützlichen Beitrag:
kamoj (09.12.2023)
Alt 08.12.2023, 18:00
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Mychess Mychess ist offline
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Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

 Zitat von fhub Beitrag anzeigen
Well, yourself to blame.

Are you serious?
Ok, then start adding such a code to MAME - it will take a year until we hear from you again ...
Hum...About 25000 lines of ... Lua if I count correctly!
Very tired to learn a new programming language (already 31 for me)!
Funny, Lua is 31st in the ranking of language (
Any Lua's guru interresting ?

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kamoj (09.12.2023)
Alt 08.12.2023, 18:28
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fert

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Hum...About 25000 lines of ... Lua if I count correctly!
Very tired to learn a new programming language (already 31 for me)!
Funny, Lua is 31st in the ranking of language ([url]
Well, I also didn't know Lua before my CB-Emu project, but it's THE language to control engines in MAME via plugins, so I had no other choice.
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Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu fhub für den nützlichen Beitrag:
kamoj (09.12.2023)
Alt 08.12.2023, 20:30
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!


der verlorene Sohn ist wieder heimgekehrt , d.h. der Yeno 301 XL ist jetzt wieder wie üblich in CB-Emu enthalten -
damit ist dieses zusätzliche 'MessNew' nicht mehr nötig.
Daher gibt's jetzt auch wieder ein Plugin (incl. Setup- und Edit-Modus) und alle gewohnten Features für diese neue Engine.

Außerdem hat 'hap' inzwischen den Constellation Junior auch selbst in MAME eingebaut, daher habe ich jetzt auf seinen neuen Treiber umgestellt.
Damit hat sich auch dessen Plugin minimal geändert (andere LED-Codes).

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Folgende 16 Benutzer sagen Danke zu fhub für den nützlichen Beitrag:
achimp (14.12.2023), Agep (09.12.2023), applechess (10.12.2023), bataais (09.12.2023), Boris (10.12.2023), hap (10.12.2023), kamoj (09.12.2023), Mark 1 (08.12.2023), Michael (09.12.2023), MikeChess (09.12.2023), Mychess (08.12.2023), Plextor (08.12.2023), Robert (11.12.2023), Tibono (08.12.2023), Tintenfisch (08.12.2023), Wandersleben (09.12.2023)
Alt 10.12.2023, 21:37
hap hap ist offline
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Neuer ROM dump von Berger: Dallas 68020.

Which one is the newer/older version, the one that was already emulated, or this one, I'm not sure.
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Agep (11.12.2023), berger (10.12.2023), fhub (10.12.2023), kamoj (10.12.2023)

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