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Alt 14.01.2023, 21:41
Quercus alba Quercus alba ist offline
Chess Challenger 1
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AW: Mephisto Phoenix Owners Lounge

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I am not sure, if it's really wood or something else. I can't either proof or either check it. Feels like plastic for me - or is it this special varnish? The bottom side of the board is definately wood!
But I have the same little dots - unfortunately.
Anyway .. I think, it's a tool ... and a tools will get some marks and spots when time passes and when you use them regularily ....
The pieces are made from wood and pretty nice, especially the velvet (Samt) on the bottom. :-)
Hello Eskimo,

I ordered only the Phoenix computer without board in October 2022, because I already got the big board from Millennium (Supreme Tournament 55) a year before. I bought both from a well-known German chess online dealer (which starts with "N"). Before I ordered the Phoenix from this dealer at the end of October 2022, I had a detailed informational conversation by phone with the owner of the store. This detailed consultation also dealt with the nature of the two 55 boards: I understood the explanations about this to mean that the older board (Millennium Supreme Tournament 55) is made entirely of wood, even on the top side under the varnish. The new 55 Mephisto board, on the other hand, is actually not supposed to be completely made of wood, but partly of plastic ... I then only bought the computer without the board, because I don't need two 55 boards, even if the new board has the Mephisto lettering. But the information concerning the wood respectively the plastic is perhaps quite of interest...
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Eskimo (14.01.2023), gavon (15.01.2023), larryadler (14.01.2023)

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