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Alt 17.09.2006, 10:35
Benutzerbild von Sargon
Sargon Sargon ist offline
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Human-Machine Tilburg

Hello all,

bord 1 ,Res Fruit overplayed Maurice Peek 2375
bord 2 -Toga played a draw against Herman Grooten.2362
bord 3 TM Londen -Cor van Dongen secure draw was givven away after white b3 blacks position become better and better,wenn the black rook came in a1 i knew it would be diffecult.But Cor had only 1.30 left on his clock ,so i tryed to push him through his time,so i set the TM on a blitzlevel,with 30 sec on the clock for Cor the TM resignd only with 30 sec for Cor left...but the TM could't see the clock Cor elo 2303
bord 4 Res Ruffian vs Bianca Muhren sorry i do not have this game ,because i was blinded by the beautifull Bianca Bianca played very good and get a very good position ,she risked to much and Ruffian taked over the game and won it. elo 2295
Bord 5 Berlin pro Londen -Remco v/d Burght a good win by the Berlin ,the attack of black on the Berlin kingside could not break through,the Knight of the Berlin came in deadly ,well played by the Berlin
Bord 6 Tasc R30 2.5- Bram v/d Berg a 100% draw was given away by the R30! the endgame was a draw but what the R30 did i don't know,perhaps he also did see Bianca...elo Remco 2231
Bord 7 Risc 2- Gerben Veltkamp, a very interesting game! i didn't see it allthe way but when the Risc play there are always complacations on the bord
Bord 8 V11- Mark Clijsen a typical lose for the computer closed position and slowly killed in a kingsattack! well played by Mark elo 2163
Bord 9 Atlanta- Fre Hoogendoorn this game i also do not have,but wenn i somethimes looked by that game i did see the Atlanta was behind a couple of pawns ,so how come i didn't know excactly .Sorry. elo 2124
Game 10 Peter Huibers -Tasc 2.2 active. The R30 was nice overplayed in the endgame ,and loses a quality , i would haved played on but the operrator resigned , still something to fight for i think. elo 2109

So it was a lovely day in Tilburg ,the weather was also good,a couple of supporters about 15 where come ,and enjoyed themselves with a game against the Demo computers of varied playstrenght.
Afterwards Hein with his wife Ruud and I stayed and have a nice dinner .and we did go back with a big taxi with 3 people but the taxi was full!
I only hoped we didn't get a accident after a 5-10min drive we where by Heins home.
I want to thank all who made possible this afternoon(most credits to Hein)possible.Alsoower german friend who came look,Heinz Gert with his wife.
I hope to show u some foto's of this afternoon.And the other 3 games will follow soon. ore a link to it
I hope we get a rematch against them..
enjoy the games

Best regards,Hans

Geändert von Sargon (04.02.2008 um 12:25 Uhr)
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Alt 17.09.2006, 13:18
Benutzerbild von Chessguru
Chessguru Chessguru ist offline
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AW: Human-Machine Tilburg

Hallo Hans,

klasse Bericht. Schade das man nicht dabei sein konnte.

Allerdings mussten unsere elektronischen Freunde eine schwere Niederlage einstecken, da muss eine Revanche im kommenden Jahr her.

Hans war so nett und hat mir ein paar Bilder aus dem Turnierleben geschickt. Gleichzeitig habe ich versucht die beigefügten Partien aufzuarbeiten.

Bilder aus dem Turnier

Partien aus dem Turnier

Viele Grüße,

Geändert von Chessguru (17.09.2006 um 14:04 Uhr)
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Alt 18.09.2006, 00:49
Ismenio Ismenio ist offline
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AW: Human-Machine Tilburg

Hallo Hans and Micha! Thank you for posting that! Great pictures and great event!!!

All the best,

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