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Alt 31.03.2022, 19:47
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Bryan Whitby Bryan Whitby ist offline
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Certabo Nano

The Certabo Nano is a micro but powerful chess computer to play with your Certabo chessboards.

It's based on a powerful micro computer with a fast quad-core 1GHz processor and 512Megabyte of ram equipped with a beautiful and refined e-paper display with e-ink technology and encapsulated in a black housing.

The Certabo Nano integrates the Maia chess engine, the famous chess engine based on a neural network and trained on millions of human games.
With its exciting playing style similar to a human, Maia will entertain you in every game with each one different from the other. You can play at different levels of difficulty with time or infinite time, from any position of the pieces on the board or even try challenge between humans. Whether you are playing against Maia or between humans, the powerful support of dedicated analysis with Stockfish will be available at any time during the game and much more.

The Certabo Nano was developed with a training and support functions for game improvement. It has a database of openings that will inform you about the particular opening you are playing if detected and it is also possible to start an analysis of the position with calculation of the variant at any time. Lifting simply the piece you want to move, you will automatically trigger variational analysis and result with CP evaluation will be shown after few seconds . All the possible moves for that piece will be then displayed by the chessboard’s led's and the best one will be highlighted. This way you will be able at any time to analyze and evaluate which is the best piece to move and where to move it constantly evaluating the move’s strengh.

Certabo Nano is also the natural extension of the chessboard, very easy to use. It has no touch and no buttons and all the settings can be very simply made with a queen and kings. You want to set a parameter? just put a spare queen in a specific square and that's it. You want to start a new game, just remove the kings from the board. Simple, intuitive, a perfectly integrated gesture control. Small in size but powerful and flexible. Expandable like all Certabo devices by simply reflashing the micro sd card as soon as new release will be availabe. Also available with keychain hook to always carry it with you.

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Alt 31.03.2022, 21:38
Benutzerbild von applechess
applechess applechess ist offline
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AW: Certabo Nano

Hi Bryan
That's great news. However, you also need a powerbank. But that's still a lot less in terms of material and weight than a tablet or a computer. Before ordering I will gladly wait for the first videos about this device.
Kind regards
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Alt 31.03.2022, 22:24
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AW: Certabo Nano


I will provide a video and report when I received the NANO

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Folgende 4 Benutzer sagen Danke zu lars für den nützlichen Beitrag:
applechess (01.04.2022), Bryan Whitby (31.03.2022), gkalab (01.04.2022), RetroComp (31.03.2022)
Alt 01.04.2022, 08:16
Benutzerbild von applechess
applechess applechess ist offline
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AW: Certabo Nano

 Zitat von lars Beitrag anzeigen

I will provide a video and report when I received the NANO

Hi Lars
Fine but ... wouldn't that actually be Certabo's job to provide such videos for their products?
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Alt 01.04.2022, 08:18
Benutzerbild von LocutusOfPenguin
LocutusOfPenguin LocutusOfPenguin ist offline
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AW: Certabo Nano

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Certabo Nano is also the natural extension of the chessboard, very easy to use. It has no touch and no buttons and all the settings can be very simply made with a queen and kings. You want to set a parameter? just put a spare queen in a specific square and that's it. You want to start a new game, just remove the kings from the board.
Hi Bryan,

how does that work EXACTLY? Do pieces need to be in start pos to change something? Prob. the pieces are standing on squares which I need otherwise?!?

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Bryan Whitby (01.04.2022)
Alt 01.04.2022, 09:57
Benutzerbild von Bryan Whitby
Bryan Whitby Bryan Whitby ist offline
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AW: Certabo Nano

As I haven't got the Nano (display too small for my old eyes), this is what Pietro to told me when he was describing it to me. I will also ask him today to provide a video of it in action. Plus Pietro when telling me about it a while ago that it worked like the Novag Citrine.

Nano commands.

To start a new game.
Place all the pieces in their initial position then place the spare queen on a3 then remove it and then make your first move.

To set up a position.
Set up the pieces and then finally the two kings then it will start automatically.

It also has a training mode. You lift a piece will run variational analysis giving you CP evaluation of position.
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applechess (01.04.2022)
Alt 01.04.2022, 10:32
Benutzerbild von lars
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AW: Certabo Nano


 Zitat von applechess Beitrag anzeigen
Hi Lars
Fine but ... wouldn't that actually be Certabo's job to provide such videos for their products?
of course and I am sure Pietro will do this but I, will do it from point of view of users.

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Folgende 2 Benutzer sagen Danke zu lars für den nützlichen Beitrag:
applechess (01.04.2022), Bryan Whitby (01.04.2022)
Alt 01.04.2022, 11:25
Benutzerbild von dsommerfeld
dsommerfeld dsommerfeld ist offline
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AW: Certabo Nano

Die Initialisierung der Figuren macht man genau einmal. Danach werden die RFID Codes auf dem Nano gespeichert und er erkennt die Figuren. Damit kannst Du auch Positionen setzen , die erkannt werden wir bei anderen Figurenerkennungen. Somit kann man Stellungen analysieren. Zumindest im Rahmen der Möglichkeiten des Displays

You do the initialization of the figures exactly once. After that, the RFID codes are stored on the Nano and it recognizes the figures later. You can also set positions that are recognized like other figure recognitions. So you can analyze positions. At least within the possibilities of the display.


PS. Ich mache ein Video davon, wenn er ankommt.
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Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu dsommerfeld für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Bryan Whitby (01.04.2022)
Alt 01.04.2022, 13:39
Benutzerbild von LocutusOfPenguin
LocutusOfPenguin LocutusOfPenguin ist offline
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AW: Certabo Nano

Das hatte ich nicht gemeint (Kalibrierung). Sondern wenn es keine Tasten gibt, und ich das per Figuren machen soll, klingt das so ähnlich wie bei pico chess.

Aber da geht das nur in der Grundstellung und A3-H6 (also freie Felder). Wenn also zB Feature X = wDd4 sein sollte (Beispiel), kann es doch sein das da schon eine Figur steht, und dann?

Wenn es nur wie bei pico ist, kann ich nur in der Grundstelllung irgendwas verändern, das wäre ja auch nicht optimal ;-)

Daher verstehe ich das System nicht.
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Alt 01.04.2022, 13:54
Benutzerbild von dsommerfeld
dsommerfeld dsommerfeld ist offline
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AW: Certabo Nano

Nein, Du stellst die Figuren auf das Board und lässt die Könige weg. Sobald beide Könige auf dem Brett sind, startet die Stellung. Normales Spiel über die Grundstellung wie bei picochess. Stellungssaufbau über die Könige.

Grundeinstellungen machst Du wie bei pico aus der Grundstellung.. Das macht certabo auch mit der normalen Software so als eine Art Fernbedienung.

Geändert von dsommerfeld (01.04.2022 um 14:01 Uhr)
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