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Alt 16.04.2005, 18:54
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Aktivmatch Star Ruby-Modena (beendet)

Hallo zusammen,

und hier das nächste Match des Star Ruby ... dieses Mal gegen den Modena.
Verlor der kleine Novag noch mit 4,5:5,5 gegen den Milano konnte er gegen den Mephisto Oldie Modena einen 7:3 Sieg einfahren.

Partien nachfolgend:

[Event "Star Ruby - Modena"]
[Site "Germany"]
[Date "2005"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Modena,Mephisto"]
[Black "Star Ruby,Novag"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteType "Boardcomputer"]
[BlackType "Boardcomputer"]
[WhiteCountry "Netherland"]
[BlackCountry "USA"]
[TimeControl "30min/Game"]
[ECO "C56"]
[Opening "Two knights defence"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Bc4 Nf6 5. O-O Nxe4 6. Re1 d5 7. Bxd5 Qxd5
8. Nc3 Qa5 9. Nxe4 Be6 10. Neg5 Bb4 11. c3 dxc3 12. Nxe6 fxe6 13. bxc3 Bxc3
14. Rxe6+ Kf8 15. Qb3 Nd8 16. Qa3+ c5 17. Qxa5 Bxa5 18. Re4 Nc6 19. Bb2 Rd8
20. Ng5 Rd2 21. Ne6+ Kf7 22. Bxg7 Rg8 23. Bh6 Rd6 24. Ng5+ Kg6 25. Rh4 Rgd8
26. Rf1 Nd4 27. Nf3 Ne2+ 28. Kh1 Rd1 29. Ne5+ Kf5 30. g4+ Kxe5 31. Kg2 R1d5
32. Bg7+ Kf4 33. Rxh7 Kxg4 34. Bh6 R5d7 35. Rxd7 Rxd7 36. f3+ Kf5 37. h4 b5
38. Kf2 Nc3 39. Rg1 Bd8 40. Rg4 Nxa2 41. Be3 Nb4 42. Rf4+ Ke5 43. Re4+ Kf5
44. Rf4+ Ke6 45. Re4+ Kd5 46. h5 Bf6 47. Kg3 Nd3 0-1

[Event "Star Ruby - Modena"]
[Site "Germany"]
[Date "2005"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Star Ruby,Novag"]
[Black "Modena,Mephisto"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteType "Boardcomputer"]
[BlackType "Boardcomputer"]
[WhiteCountry "USA"]
[BlackCountry "Netherland"]
[TimeControl "30min/Game"]
[ECO "B14"]
[Opening "Caro-Kann: Panov-Botvinnik attack, 5...g6"]

1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 cxd5 4. c4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. Qb3 Bg7 7. cxd5 O-O
8. Be2 Nbd7 9. Bf3 Nb6 10. Nge2 Bg4 11. Bxg4 Nxg4 12. O-O Nf6 13. Nf4 Rc8
14. Re1 Qd7 15. Nb5 Nbxd5 16. Nxd5 Nxd5 17. Nxa7 Ra8 18. Nb5 e6 19. Bd2 Ra6
20. Qd3 Rc8 21. a3 Rb6 22. a4 Ra6 23. b3 h6 24. Rac1 Rac6 25. Kh1 Nb4 26. Qf1
Nd5 27. Qe2 Rc2 28. Rxc2 Rxc2 29. Rc1 Rb2 30. Qd3 Qd8 31. Kg1 Qd7 32. f3 Bf8
33. Kh1 Qd8 34. g3 Bg7 35. Rc4 Qd7 36. Rc1 Qd8 37. Rc4 Qd7 38. Rc5 Bf8 39. Rc1
Bg7 40. Rc4 Nb6 41. Rc2 Rxc2 42. Qxc2 Nd5 43. Kg2 Qe7 44. Qc5 Qd7 45. h4 Bf8
46. Qc4 Bg7 47. g4 Kh8 48. Qc5 Kh7 49. b4 b6 50. Qc4 Qe7 51. Kg3 Bf6 52. h5
Bh4+ 53. Kh2 Bf2 54. Qb3 Qh4+ 55. Kg2 Qg3+ 56. Kf1 Qg1+ 57. Ke2 Bxd4 58. hxg6+
fxg6 59. Nxd4 Qxd4 60. Qd3 Qb2 61. Qc4 Qe5+ 62. Kd3 Qa1 63. Qc6 Qf1+ 64. Kc2
Qxf3 65. Qd7+ Kh8 66. Qxe6 h5 67. gxh5 gxh5 68. Qe5+ Kh7 69. Qe6 Kh8 70. Qe5+
Kh7 71. a5 bxa5 72. bxa5 Kg6 73. a6 Qf5+ 74. Qxf5+ Kxf5 75. Ba5 h4 76. a7 1-0

[Event "Star Ruby - Modena"]
[Site "Germany"]
[Date "2005"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Modena,Mephisto"]
[Black "Star Ruby,Novag"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteType "Boardcomputer"]
[BlackType "Boardcomputer"]
[WhiteCountry "Netherland"]
[BlackCountry "USA"]
[TimeControl "30min/Game"]
[ECO "D25"]
[Opening "QGA, Janowsky-Larsen variation"]

1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. c4 dxc4 4. e3 Bg4 5. Bxc4 e6 6. O-O Nbd7 7. h3 Bh5
8. Nc3 Bd6 9. Bd2 O-O 10. e4 c5 11. e5 Bxf3 12. gxf3 cxd4 13. exd6 Nb6 14. Bb3
dxc3 15. Bxc3 Nfd5 16. Be5 Qg5+ 17. Bg3 Rac8 18. Kh2 Qf5 19. Kg2 Nf4+ 20. Bxf4
Qxf4 21. Qd3 Nd5 22. d7 Qg5+ 23. Kh2 Rc7 24. Qd4 Rxd7 25. Qxa7 Qe5+ 26. Kh1
Qxb2 27. Rab1 Qf6 28. Bxd5 exd5 29. Rxb7 Rxb7 30. Qxb7 Qxf3+ 31. Kg1 Qxh3
32. Qxd5 Qg4+ 33. Kh2 Qh4+ 34. Kg1 Qg4+ 35. Kh2 Qf4+ 36. Kg1 Re8 37. Rd1 g6
38. Rd4 Qf6 39. a4 Re2 40. f3 Ra2 41. f4 Qb6 42. Qd7 Rd2 0-1

[Event "Star Ruby - Modena"]
[Site "Germany"]
[Date "2005"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Star Ruby,Novag"]
[Black "Modena,Mephisto"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteType "Boardcomputer"]
[BlackType "Boardcomputer"]
[WhiteCountry "USA"]
[BlackCountry "Netherland"]
[TimeControl "30min/Game"]
[ECO "C09"]
[Opening "French: Tarrasch, open variation, main line"]

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 c5 4. exd5 exd5 5. Ngf3 Nc6 6. Bb5 Bd6 7. O-O Ne7
8. dxc5 Bxc5 9. Nb3 Bd6 10. Re1 O-O 11. Bd3 Bd7 12. Be3 Nb4 13. Be2 Nf5 14. Bc5
Be6 15. Bxd6 Qxd6 16. c3 Nc6 17. Bd3 Rac8 18. Ng5 h6 19. Qb1 Nce7 20. Nf3 Qb6
21. Nbd4 g6 22. Qc1 Rfd8 23. Bxf5 Nxf5 24. Nxf5 Bxf5 25. Qxh6 Qf6 26. Rad1 Bg4
27. Re3 b5 28. h3 Bxf3 29. Rxf3 Qe6 30. Re3 Qa6 31. Rd4 Qxa2 32. Rh4 1-0

[Event "Star Ruby - Modena"]
[Site "Germany"]
[Date "2005"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Modena,Mephisto"]
[Black "Star Ruby,Novag"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteType "Boardcomputer"]
[BlackType "Boardcomputer"]
[WhiteCountry "Netherland"]
[BlackCountry "USA"]
[TimeControl "30min/Game"]
[ECO "A32"]
[Opening "English: symmetrical variation"]

1. c4 c5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 e6 5. a3 d6 6. Nc3 Be7 7. g3 O-O 8. Bg2
e5 9. Nc2 Nc6 10. Ne3 Bd7 11. Ncd5 Nxd5 12. Nxd5 Rc8 13. Be3 Bg5 14. O-O Bxe3
15. Nxe3 Nd4 16. Qd3 Bc6 17. Bh3 Rc7 18. Nf5 Bd7 19. b3 Qf6 20. Nxd4 Bxh3
21. Nb5 Bxf1 22. Nxc7 e4 23. Qb1 Bxe2 24. Nd5 Qf3 25. Qb2 Re8 26. Re1 Bd3
27. Nb4 a5 28. Nd5 a4 29. Qd2 axb3 30. Re3 b2 31. Nc3 Qf6 32. Qxd3 Qxc3
33. Qxc3 b1=Q+ 34. Re1 Qb6 35. Qb4 Qc6 36. Rd1 Re6 37. Rd5 Qc7 38. Rb5 Re7
39. Rd5 Rd7 40. Kg2 Qc6 41. a4 Rd8 42. a5 f6 43. Qc3 Re8 44. Qd4 Re6 45. h3 Kf7
46. Rb5 Kg6 47. Rb6 Qc8 48. Qd1 Qxc4 49. Qg4+ Kf7 50. Rxb7+ Re7 51. Rxe7+ Kxe7
52. Qxg7+ Ke8 53. Qxf6 Kd7 54. Qf5+ Kd8 55. Qxh7 e3 56. fxe3 Qe2+ 57. Kg1 Qe1+
58. Kh2 Qf2+ 59. Kh1 Qf1+ 60. Kh2 Qf2+ 61. Kh1 Qf1+ 62. Kh2 Qf2+ 1/2-1/2

[Event "Star Ruby - Modena"]
[Site "Germany"]
[Date "2005"]
[Round "6"]
[White "Star Ruby,Novag"]
[Black "Modena,Mephisto"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteType "Boardcomputer"]
[BlackType "Boardcomputer"]
[WhiteCountry "USA"]
[BlackCountry "Netherland"]
[TimeControl "30min/Game"]
[ECO "A01"]
[Opening "Nimzovich-Larsen attack: Indian variation"]

1. b3 Nf6 2. Bb2 d5 3. Bxf6 exf6 4. e3 Bd6 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Nc3 c6 7. Be2 Re8
8. O-O Bg4 9. h3 Bh5 10. a3 Nd7 11. Qc1 f5 12. g3 Nf6 13. d3 a6 14. Nd4 Bg6
15. Bf3 Qd7 16. Nde2 Rad8 17. Nf4 b6 18. Qb2 Kh8 19. Qa2 Be5 20. d4 Bxf4
21. exf4 Ne4 22. Nb1 c5 23. dxc5 bxc5 24. Re1 Re6 25. Be2 Rde8 26. c3 Nf6
27. c4 d4 28. Qb2 d3 29. Nc3 Bh5 30. g4 fxg4 31. f5 Rxe2 32. Nxe2 dxe2 33. Rxe2
Rxe2 34. Qxe2 gxh3 35. Qe5 Qc8 36. Re1 h6 37. Qf4 Bg4 38. Re7 Qxf5 39. Qxf5
Bxf5 40. Rxf7 h5 41. Ra7 Bc2 42. b4 cxb4 43. axb4 Ng4 44. f3 Ne5 45. Kh2 Bf5
46. Rxa6 Nxf3+ 47. Kg3 h2 48. Ra8+ Kh7 49. Ra1 Be4 50. Kg2 g5 51. Ra6 h4
52. Re6 Ba8 53. Re8 Bc6 54. Re7+ Kg8 55. Rc7 Be4 56. Re7 Bf5 57. Ra7 g4 58. Kh1
g3 59. Ra8+ Kf7 60. Ra7+ Kf6 61. Ra6+ Kg5 0-1

[Event "Star Ruby - Modena"]
[Site "Germany"]
[Date "2005"]
[Round "7"]
[White "Modena,Mephisto"]
[Black "Star Ruby,Novag"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteType "Boardcomputer"]
[BlackType "Boardcomputer"]
[WhiteCountry "Netherland"]
[BlackCountry "USA"]
[TimeControl "30min/Game"]
[ECO "E10"]
[Opening "Queen's pawn game"]

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. d4 e6 3. c4 d6 4. Nc3 Be7 5. e4 O-O 6. Bf4 a6 7. Bd3 Bd7 8. O-O
Nc6 9. e5 dxe5 10. dxe5 Nh5 11. Be3 f5 12. Re1 Rb8 13. Rc1 Qe8 14. Be2 f4
15. Bd4 Rd8 16. Ne4 Bc8 17. a3 Qg6 18. Bd3 Nxd4 19. Nf6+ gxf6 20. Bxg6 Nxf3+
21. Qxf3 hxg6 22. Qe4 f5 23. Qf3 Rd2 24. b4 c5 25. bxc5 Bxc5 26. Rf1 Rfd8
27. Qb3 g5 28. Qh3 Ng7 29. a4 Rb2 30. Qh6 Rdd2 31. Qxg5 f3 32. gxf3 Bd7 33. a5
Bxf2+ 34. Rxf2 Rxf2 35. Rd1 Rfc2 36. h3 Be8 37. Rc1 Rd2 38. Qg3 Kf7 39. Rf1
Rdc2 40. Rd1 Ba4 41. Rf1 Rxc4 42. f4 Bc6 43. Qg5 Rg2+ 44. Qxg2 Bxg2 45. Kxg2
Nh5 46. Rb1 Nxf4+ 47. Kf3 Nxh3 48. Rxb7+ Kf8 49. Rb6 Ng5+ 50. Kg2 Rc2+ 51. Kf1
Ke7 52. Rxa6 Ra2 53. Ra7+ Ke8 54. Ra8+ Kd7 55. Ra7+ Kc6 56. a6 Ne4 0-1

[Event "Star Ruby - Modena"]
[Site "Germany"]
[Date "2005"]
[Round "8"]
[White "Star Ruby,Novag"]
[Black "Modena,Mephisto"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteType "Boardcomputer"]
[BlackType "Boardcomputer"]
[WhiteCountry "USA"]
[BlackCountry "Netherland"]
[TimeControl "30min/Game"]
[ECO "B46"]
[Opening "Sicilian: Taimanov variation"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nc6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Be3 Nf6 7. Nxc6 bxc6
8. e5 Nd5 9. Nxd5 exd5 10. Qd4 Bb7 11. Bd3 c5 12. Qg4 d4 13. Bf4 h5 14. Qg3 h4
15. Qh3 g5 16. Bd2 Bg7 17. O-O Bxe5 18. Qf5 Qf6 19. Bxg5 Qxf5 20. Bxf5 Rg8
21. Rfe1 Rxg5 22. Rxe5+ Kf8 23. Rxc5 Rxg2+ 24. Kf1 Rxh2 25. Ke2 Re8+ 26. Kd3
Rxf2 27. Kxd4 h3 28. Bd3 h2 29. Rh5 Re6 30. Rh7 f5 31. Rd1 Kg8 32. Rh4 Kf7
33. Bc4 Rxc2 34. Rh7+ Kf6 35. Bxe6 Kxe6 36. Rh6+ Ke7 37. Ke5 Rxb2 38. Rh7+ Kf8
39. Rdxd7 Rb5+ 40. Kd4 Ke8 41. Rdg7 Kf8 42. Rd7 Ke8 43. Rdg7 Kf8 44. Rd7

[Event "Star Ruby - Modena"]
[Site "Germany"]
[Date "2005"]
[Round "9"]
[White "Modena,Mephisto"]
[Black "Star Ruby,Novag"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteType "Boardcomputer"]
[BlackType "Boardcomputer"]
[WhiteCountry "Netherland"]
[BlackCountry "USA"]
[TimeControl "30min/Game"]
[ECO "B23"]
[Opening "Sicilian: closed"]

1. Nc3 c5 2. e4 e6 3. f4 d5 4. exd5 exd5 5. Bb5+ Nc6 6. Nf3 Be7 7. Ne5 Bd7
8. Nxd7 Qxd7 9. O-O Nf6 10. b3 O-O 11. Bb2 Rfe8 12. Qf3 a6 13. Bxc6 Qxc6
14. Rae1 b6 15. Re5 Rad8 16. Qe2 Qb7 17. Qf3 Qd7 18. Na4 Qc6 19. c4 b5 20. Nc3
bxc4 21. bxc4 Qb6 22. Na4 Qb4 23. Qa3 Qxc4 24. Nb6 Qb5 25. Na4 Ng4 26. Ree1 Bf8
27. Nc3 Qd3 28. Rxe8 Rxe8 29. Nb1 Qxa3 30. Bxa3 c4 31. g3 Re2 32. Bxf8 Kxf8
33. h3 Nf6 34. Rf2 Re6 35. Nc3 Ne4 36. Nxe4 Rxe4 37. f5 Ke7 38. f6+ gxf6
39. Kf1 d4 40. Rf3 h5 41. Kf2 h4 42. gxh4 Rxh4 43. Kg3 Re4 44. Kf2 a5 45. Rf5
Re5 46. Rf4 Rd5 47. Rf3 f5 48. Ke2 Kf6 49. h4 Rb5 50. Kd1 Rb1+ 51. Kc2 Rh1
52. Ra3 f4 53. Rxa5 f3 0-1

[Event "Star Ruby - Modena"]
[Site "Germany"]
[Date "2005"]
[Round "10"]
[White "Star Ruby,Novag"]
[Black "Modena,Mephisto"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteType "Boardcomputer"]
[BlackType "Boardcomputer"]
[WhiteCountry "USA"]
[BlackCountry "Netherland"]
[TimeControl "30min/Game"]
[ECO "C43"]
[Opening "Petrov: modern attack, main line"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. d4 exd4 4. e5 Ne4 5. Qxd4 d5 6. exd6 Nxd6 7. Nc3 Nc6
8. Qf4 g6 9. Bd2 Bg7 10. Bd3 Qe7+ 11. Kf1 Be6 12. Re1 O-O 13. Ng5 Rae8 14. Nxe6
fxe6 15. Qa4 Bd4 16. f3 a5 17. a3 Qh4 18. Be3 Nf5 19. Bxd4 Nfxd4 20. Be4 Qg5
21. Bxc6 Nxc6 22. Qb3 Nd4 23. Ne4 Nxb3 24. Nxg5 Nc5 25. Ne4 Nxe4 26. Rxe4 Kf7
27. Ke2 Ke7 28. Rc4 c6 29. Rd1 Rd8 30. Rh4 h5 31. Rhd4 Rxd4 32. Rxd4 g5 33. Ke3
e5 34. Re4 Kd6 35. h4 gxh4 36. Rxh4 Rg8 37. Kf2 Rg5 38. b3 Ke6 39. c4 b6 40. g3
Kd6 41. Rh1 Kc5 42. Rh4 Kd6 43. b4 Ke6 44. bxa5 bxa5 45. Rh1 Kd6 46. Rh4 Ke6
47. Rh1 Kd6 48. Re1 Kc5 49. Re4 Kb6 50. Kg2 Kc5 51. Rh4 Kd6 52. Rh1 e4 53. fxe4
Ke5 54. Kf3 Kd4 55. a4 Kxc4 56. Rc1+ Kb4 57. Rxc6 Kxa4 58. Rf6 Kb4 59. Ra6 a4
60. Kf4 Ra5 61. Rb6+ Kc4 62. e5 a3 63. g4 a2 64. Rc6+ Kb3 65. Rc1 hxg4 66. e6
Kb2 67. Re1 Ra4+ 68. Kf5 a1=Q 69. Rxa1 Kxa1 70. e7 Ra8 71. Kxg4 Re8 72. Kf5 Rxe7 0-1

viele Grüße

Geändert von ed209 (16.04.2005 um 19:01 Uhr)
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