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Alt 29.05.2005, 21:37
Mogoe Mogoe ist offline
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Saitek Analyst Module ?

Hello everyone,

Sorry for writing in english: I cant write german but read I sure can, so please respond in german. My problem is finding out what type of Analyst module I have. Here's some pictures:

Also, can I plug something into that empty slot there, som memory? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Sorry, cant find out to post pics anyother way!

Geändert von Mogoe (29.05.2005 um 21:41 Uhr)
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Alt 29.05.2005, 22:07
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AW: Saitek Analyst Module ?


Welche Version du hast, kann ich nicht genau sagen. Zu viele Bezeichnungen existieren für die unterschiedlichen Versionen. Ich würde aber auf eine C oder D-Version tippen. Allerdings unterscheiden sich die Versionen nicht großartig.

In den dritten Sockel kann das ENDGAME ROM eingesetzt werden. Weiterhin findest du auf den Seiten von Thorsten Czub die Experimental Versionen D+ und D++ zum Download.

Thorsten hat sich die Mühe gemacht und diese Versionen zu testen bzw. zu kommentieren. Allerdings sollte dein Modul über entsprechend Power (MHz) verfügen.

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Alt 29.05.2005, 22:19
Mogoe Mogoe ist offline
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AW: Saitek Analyst Module ?

Thank you for your speedy reply! I see that its not easy finding out about those versions - mine isnt listed on Thorsten Czubs hp. I will think about trying to burn that upgrade in. Or maybe I shouldnt, Im not a technical person, really....thanks again
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Alt 30.05.2005, 11:05
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mclane mclane ist offline
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AW: Saitek Analyst Module ?

 Zitat von Mogoe
Thank you for your speedy reply! I see that its not easy finding out about those versions - mine isnt listed on Thorsten Czubs hp. I will think about trying to burn that upgrade in. Or maybe I shouldnt, Im not a technical person, really....thanks again
hi -

ask technicians in your near area.
all you need is an UV-burner (to erase your old eproms)
and do burn the new version with an eprommer.

before you erase the data you write down the specification and the slot
location on a paper.
then you SAVE the content of the eprom on HDD.

ask technicians in your near area (computer or electro shops)
they should know how to do and will maybe help you.
its not a big problem if somebody has the eprom machine and the UV eraser.
Die ganze Welt des Computerschachs
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Alt 30.05.2005, 17:51
Mogoe Mogoe ist offline
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AW: Saitek Analyst Module ?

 Zitat von mclane
hi -

ask technicians in your near area.
all you need is an UV-burner (to erase your old eproms)
and do burn the new version with an eprommer.

before you erase the data you write down the specification and the slot
location on a paper.
then you SAVE the content of the eprom on HDD.

ask technicians in your near area (computer or electro shops)
they should know how to do and will maybe help you.
its not a big problem if somebody has the eprom machine and the UV eraser.
As I understand your article, its not a problem to update from, say, a C-program (if mine is one). 6 MHz is not too low for the D++? Thanks for helping me out!
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