Re: Novag Constellation Expert with Printer required
Hello Tibono,
You are not alone ;-) White : King D2 Black : King D5 Rook D6 Level 4 1 D2-E3 D5-E5 - 4,57 4,05 I RESIGN 00:02:02 00:01:28 2 E3-F3 D6-D3 - 4,68 4,28 3 F3-G4 D3-C3 - 4,61 4,32 4 G4-G5 C3-G3 - 4,71 4,70 5 G5-H4 E5-F4 - 4,83 4,82 6 H4-H5 G3-G5 - 4,59 4,86 7 H5-H6 F4-F5 - 4,82 4,80 8 H6-H7 G5-G6 - 4,64 97,00 9 H7-H8 F5-F6 - 4,67 98,00 10 H8-H7 F6-F7 - 4,55 99,00 11 H7-H8 G6-H6 -99,00 0,00 CHECK MATE Cordially. |
AW: Novag Constellation Expert with Printer required
Thanks a lot Mychess.
I worked hard (a dozen hours ), but achieved spotting the RAM location and encoding for the score. The score is located at &h0222 and &h0223 of the maincpu memory. &h0223 is the heavy byte of the score word. The heavy bit of the heavy byte acts as the sign (1=positive score, 0=negative score). The score is always the computer's one. To convert the hex word into a decimal value: - add &h8000 to the hex score which is concat RAM(&h0223);RAM(&h0222) (you can get the same result with Xor'ing the score and &h8000) - convert the above result into decimal - divide this decimal value by 256, you got it! examples from Mychess' data move 2. ... D6-D3 RAM(&h0222)=48, RAM(&h0223)=84 score is &h8448 + &h8000 = &h0448 = 1096 1096 / 256 = 4,28 move 4. G4-G5 RAM(&h0222)=4A, RAM(&h0223)=7B score is &h7B4A + &h8000 = &hFB4A = -1206 -1206 / 256 = -4,71 Beware the score is computed continuously, this means you need to use the latest value displayed just before the move is announced, as this triggers a new computation (the pondering phase starts). Worth pointing out: the printed value (using the printer, I mean) is truncated after the second decimal (not rounded). The formula can easily be entered in a worksheet in order to provide the decimal score from the two bytes input. Specific values are used to announce "mate in" (based on distance to mate, in half-moves) 8. ... G5-G6 score is &hF800 (printed as 97) = mate in 3 9. ... F5-F6 score is &hFA00 (printed as 98) = mate in 2 10. ... F6-F7 score is &hFC00 (printed as 99) = mate in 1 11. ... G6-H6++ score is &h0001 (printed as checkmate) Now I can run the Khmelnitsky test! A guide on how to get the RAM values: - run MessExtra.exe from the MessExtra sub-directory (don't use CB-Emu.exe from the parent directory) - from the GUI, open the Properties menu for the Novag Constellation Expert device - on the Debug tab, enable Activate Integrated Debugger - run the device as usual, an additional "Debug" window should appear - use the Debug menu to run the emulation (or F5 from the Debug window) - use the Debug menu to open a new memory window (or Ctrl-M from the Debug window). You may either let the default drop-down memory area (named Rockwell R65C02 ':maincpu' program space memory) or select memory/:maincpu/0/00000000-0000ffff. The data we are interested in is present in both options, at the very same offset. - input 222 in the top/left blank area, and hit enter. This will shift the display to the RAM address we want to observe. You can reduce the window size, as only a couple of bytes are useful on display. Have fun! MfG, Eric |
Re: Novag Constellation Expert with Printer required
Hello Tibono,
Me too ... (ie I also worked hard). However, I simulated a printer always ready, and use the evaluation printer option. Then I put a viewpoint @b62 Code:
wp b62:maincpu,1,r,b@(b5f)!=0,{printf "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x", b@(b53),b@(b54),b@(b55),b@(b56),b@(b57),b@(b58),b@(b59),b@(b5a),b@(b5b),b@(b5c),b@(b5d),b@(b5e),b@(b5f),b@(b60), b@(b61),b@(b62);g} And after a filter (uniq), I have from the console: 00 00 00 26 19 1A 23 16 00 00 13 1C 12 14 1B 00 08 08 27 08 0A 27 08 08 00 08 08 27 08 08 27 08 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 15 0D 04 16 0D 00 00 00 04 00 0C 28 0E 09 00 00 00 0C 28 0A 0D 00 00 0A 00 16 0B 04 17 0B 00 00 15 0E 04 15 0B 00 00 00 04 00 0C 28 0E 11 00 00 00 0C 28 0A 10 00 00 0B 00 17 0B 04 18 0C 00 00 15 0B 04 14 0B 00 00 00 04 00 0C 28 0E 09 00 00 00 0C 28 0E 08 00 00 0C 00 18 0C 04 18 0D 00 00 14 0B 04 18 0B 00 00 00 04 00 0C 28 0F 09 00 00 00 0C 28 0F 0D 00 00 0D 00 18 0D 04 19 0C 00 00 16 0D 04 17 0C 00 00 00 04 00 0C 28 10 0B 00 00 00 0C 28 10 0A 00 00 0E 00 19 0C 04 19 0D 00 00 17 0C 04 17 0D 00 00 00 04 00 0C 28 0D 11 00 00 00 0C 28 10 0E 00 00 0F 00 19 0D 04 19 0E 00 00 18 0B 04 18 0E 00 00 00 04 11 0E 28 08 08 00 00 11 0E 28 08 08 00 00 10 00 19 0E 04 19 0F 00 00 17 0D 04 17 0E 00 00 00 04 11 0E 28 08 08 00 00 11 0F 28 08 08 00 00 11 00 19 0F 04 19 10 00 00 18 0E 04 19 0E 00 00 00 04 00 0C 28 0E 0C 00 00 11 10 28 08 08 00 09 08 00 19 10 04 18 10 00 00 19 0E 04 19 0D 00 00 00 04 00 0C 28 0C 0A 00 00 11 11 28 08 08 00 09 09 00 18 10 04 17 10 00 00 19 0D 04 19 10 00 00 00 04 11 11 28 08 08 00 00 00 08 28 08 08 00 00 00 00 14 19 16 14 1B 00 00 1D 12 23 16 00 00 08 08 27 09 0A 27 0B 0F 00 08 08 27 09 08 27 0C Hum, not clear ? Then the decoder in action : 00 00 00 26 19 1A 23 16 00 00 13 1C 12 14 1B 00 WHITE BLACK 08 08 27 08 0A 27 08 08 00 08 08 27 08 08 27 08 00:02:00 00:02:00 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 15 0D 04 16 0D 00 1 D5-E5 00 00 04 00 0C 28 0E 09 00 00 00 0C 28 0A 0D 00 - 4,61 4,25 00 0A 00 16 0B 04 17 0B 00 00 15 0E 04 15 0B 00 2 E3-F3 D6-D3 00 00 04 00 0C 28 0E 11 00 00 00 0C 28 0A 10 00 - 4,69 4,28 00 0B 00 17 0B 04 18 0C 00 00 15 0B 04 14 0B 00 3 F3-G4 D3-C3 00 00 04 00 0C 28 0E 09 00 00 00 0C 28 0E 08 00 - 4,61 4,60 00 0C 00 18 0C 04 18 0D 00 00 14 0B 04 18 0B 00 4 G4-G5 C3-G3 00 00 04 00 0C 28 0F 09 00 00 00 0C 28 0F 0D 00 - 4,71 4,75 00 0D 00 18 0D 04 19 0C 00 00 16 0D 04 17 0C 00 5 G5-H4 E5-F4 00 00 04 00 0C 28 10 0B 00 00 00 0C 28 10 0A 00 - 4,83 4,82 00 0E 00 19 0C 04 19 0D 00 00 17 0C 04 17 0D 00 6 H4-H5 F4-F5 00 00 04 00 0C 28 0D 11 00 00 00 0C 28 10 0E 00 - 4,59 4,86 00 0F 00 19 0D 04 19 0E 00 00 18 0B 04 18 0E 00 7 H5-H6 G3-G6 00 00 04 11 0E 28 08 08 00 00 11 0E 28 08 08 00 -96,00 96,00 00 10 00 19 0E 04 19 0F 00 00 17 0D 04 17 0E 00 8 H6-H7 F5-F6 00 00 04 11 0E 28 08 08 00 00 11 0F 28 08 08 00 -96,00 97,00 00 11 00 19 0F 04 19 10 00 00 18 0E 04 19 0E 00 9 H7-H8 G6-H6 00 00 04 00 0C 28 0E 0C 00 00 11 10 28 08 08 00 - 4,64 98,00 09 08 00 19 10 04 18 10 00 00 19 0E 04 19 0D 00 10 H8-G8 H6-H5 00 00 04 00 0C 28 0C 0A 00 00 11 11 28 08 08 00 - 4,42 99,00 09 09 00 18 10 04 17 10 00 00 19 0D 04 19 10 00 11 G8-F8 H5-H8 00 00 04 11 11 28 08 08 00 00 00 08 28 08 08 00 -99,00 0,00 00 00 00 14 19 16 14 1B 00 00 1D 12 23 16 00 00 CHECK MATE 08 08 27 09 0A 27 0B 0F 00 08 08 27 09 08 27 0C 00:12:37 00:12:37 And also : DCCE : 00 00 00 14 19 16 14 1B 00 00 1D 12 23 16 00 00 CHECK MATE DCDE : 00 00 0D 08 00 1D 08 25 16 00 1C 1A 1D 1A 23 00 50 M0VE LIMIT DCEE : 00 0B 21 15 00 21 16 1F 23 1A 23 1A 08 1E 00 00 3RD REPTITI0N DCFE : 00 1A 1E 22 24 17 00 1D 12 23 16 21 1A 12 1C 00 INSUF MATERIAL DD0E : 00 00 00 00 1A 00 21 16 22 1A 18 1E 00 00 00 00 I RESIGN DD1E : 00 00 00 26 19 1A 23 16 00 00 13 1C 12 14 1B 00 WHITE BLACK DD2E : 00 00 00 05 06 00 15 21 12 26 00 05 06 00 00 00 1/2 DRAW 1/2 DD3E : 00 00 00 00 00 00 26 19 1A 23 16 00 00 00 00 00 WHITE DD4E : 00 00 00 00 00 00 13 1C 12 14 1B 00 00 00 00 00 BLACK DD5E : 00 00 00 22 23 12 1C 16 00 1D 12 23 16 00 00 00 STALE MATE Geändert von Mychess (15.05.2023 um 00:33 Uhr) Grund: mistake |
AW: Novag Constellation Expert with Printer required
By the way, the same trick applies to the Super Constellation, the score location being slightly different: &h022F and &h0230.
Grüße, Eric |
Re: Novag Constellation Expert with Printer required
So a Khmelnitsky test for the super Constellation too ? Cordially. |
Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu Mychess für den nützlichen Beitrag: | ||
kamoj (17.05.2023) |
AW: Re: Novag Constellation Expert with Printer required
Maybe so, yes, as I am aware the Super Conny is a beloved one for many. I currently reached 40% of the test for the Expert, then I will need to build graphs and update my web page with the result. The Super Conny should be next.
Franz' work is a real asset to make the test more easy, fast and reliable using MessChess and the auto-setup from test positions (I got them all in a pgn file, ready to use). And of course the debug mode can also be used the same way with MessChess, as with MessExtra. Cheers, Eric |
AW: Novag Constellation Expert with Printer required
the KT test is now completed for the Constellation Expert You can find it in this page. Ready for the Super Constellation now... please stay tuned. MfG Eric |
AW: Novag Constellation Expert with Printer required
after 20% progress in the test for the Super Constellation, as Ivan the Terrible would voice it: 'I think, I am onto something...' First, a highlight about the hex score encoding method: the heavy weight byte relates to pawn-units whilst the light byte relates to the decimal fraction of the score. Code:
e.g.: &h8100-&h8000=&h0100 which is 256 in dec. base. Divided by 256 provides 1 pawn-unit as the score. The figure "1" can be read directly on the right of the "8". A 5 pawn-units score (one rook advantage) is &h8500. Negative scores are just symetrical, -1 pawn-unit is &h7F00. The light byte part of the score can range from &h00 to &hFF, thus 0 to 255, which is <1 once divided by 256, therefore it stores the decimal part of the score. With the Expert, the score evolves in a very usual way, along with the computing time and depth reached: the light byte changes more frequently than the heavy byte. To apply a change to the heavy byte, the search needs to identify a change in the material balance, or to consider a large impact from positional change(s). Many variations within the search tree only provide small adjustments to the score, thru positional evaluation. With the Super Constellation, the behavior follows another way: after a few seconds the score gets steady (due to the selection of the best move so far) and from then, the light byte value does not change any more. Along with the computing time and depth, the heavy byte may change (an in-depth capture being discovered), but the light weight byte is not any more changed by any positional concern. As far as I could check, it only may change along with a change in the material score, which I assume is a change in the root best move so far. To my understanding, this reveals a PSH strictly applied either at root or at low depth in the search tree, providing a positional score per root move, followed by a material trading evaluation only for the rest of the tree search. On another hand, the Constellation Expert is deemed to benefit from an improved positional play, and the fact is its score can be positionally refined much deeper within the search tree. This is just all my understanding, but anyone can experiment in this field using the debug mode of the emulator; feel welcome to share your own outcomes! Kind regards/MfG Eric |
Re: Novag Constellation Expert with Printer required
Hello Tibono,
I think that the score is the sum of 2 parts : material points = (@223h) with 77AB : 01 1E 03 05 03 09 , the king has a value of 30 pawns. positionnal points = (@222h) And so 256 positionnal points = one material point = 1 pawn = 1 : Code:
8B21 : EE 22 02 inc X0222 8B24 : D0 03 bne L8B29 8B26 : EE 23 02 inc X0223 8B29 L8B29: Cordially. |
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