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Alt 14.02.2024, 15:52
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Chessnut Evo Maia v ChessGeniusPro 2024

As promised here is the first 10 game match between the Millennium ChessGenius Pro2024 and Chessnut Evo’s revised implementation of the Maia9 bot. More information about the Maia project can be found here

In essence, the project has created nine sets of data each one targeted to a particular ELO rating and were created by training the neural networks with 12 million games for each set. The games come from human play at the chosen ELO rating. The idea behind the Maia project is zero is look ahead, and just using the data to pick the “human move” not necessarily the best move at the respective ELO level. The current highest ELO used for training the network is 1900 but as many of you are aware, the Maia does not reach this level of play and perhaps after making some reasonable moves will frequently blunder pieces and lose the game like a complete beginner and not the expected play from a human player at this level. The expectation might be that a neural network trained with 12 million human games between players rated at 1900 that the neural network would match this level in play, but trained with such data is one thing, playing at the same level is something else. 12 million games sound a large number, but dealing with the game such as chess with such a vast number of permutations and combinations then this figure is not so impressive and obviously leaves large gaps of knowledge in positions. For it to identify and avoid blundering pieces without looking ahead would surely require a magnitude higher level of data? Therefore, why not just implement a selectable ply search that takes just a few seconds? This is what Chessnut have implemented after receiving feedback from its customers such as myself. This feature as many will be aware has been implemented as a slider control allowing ply depths from 0 to 6. So we can have it play as it did before, blundering pieces or set a maximum depth of search. Setting a few ply search still results in near instant response but now Chessnut Evo’s Maia no longer blunders, in fact it plays rather well. It could be argued that it’s no longer following the concept of the Maia project with searching enabled, but I’m happy for the option to be added and have suggested to Chessnut that we have a greater range of ply settings for experimentation.

I decided to use the MCGP2024’s classic book for this match. I’m not sure what book was used for the ELO rating on the Wiki ELO page? I also opted for the Active time control on the MCGP2024. The Maia bot on the Evo does not use the clock for its thinking and just searches to the specified depth, thus for most moves the response is almost immediate or at most just a few seconds. I chose the classic book because with this the ChessGenius machines seems to perform better against other machines. However, here we are dealing with a neuronal engine so it may be a little different especially as Maia plays a little more human-like. The Maia does not have a book opening option, it just makes its moves from the data it was trained with, so in essence, knows the book openings from this and now aided by some searching to avoid pitfalls. I’ve mentioned this in a previous post but the Maia bot will always play 1. P-K4 when playing white, which is disappointing if we want more variety. That being said, it’s doing this because of the 12 million human games it was trained with, so not that unusual.

After that preamble onto the games:

Game 1/10

[Event "Active, Classic Book"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Maia1900 6 ply"]
[Black "MCGP2024"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C67"]

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6 4.O-O Nxe4 5.Re1 Nd6 6.Bxc6 dxc6 {out of book} 7.Nxe5 Be7 8.d4 Be6 9.c3 O-O 10.Nd2 Nf5 11.Ne4 Qd5 12.Nd3 Qb5 13.Nec5 Bc8 14.a4 Qc4 15.b3 Qxc3 16.Bb2 Qa5 17.b4 Qb6 18.g4 Bd6 19.gxf5 Bxf5 20.Qf3 Bxd3 21.Qxd3 Rfd8 22.Qc3 Bf8 23.Re3 a5 24.bxa5 Rxa5 25.Rg3 Raa8 26.d5 Kh8 27.Rxg7 Qxb2 28.Qxb2 Bxg7 29.Qa2 b6 30.Ne4 cxd5 31.Ng5 Kg8 32.Rd1 h6 33.Nf3 Ra5 34.Nd4 Bxd4 35.Rxd4 Rc5 36.Rg4+ Kf8 37.Qa3 Rd6 38.Qg3 Ke7 39.Qh4+ Kf8 40.h3 Rc1+ 41.Kg2 Re1 42.Qg3 Ree6 43.Rg8+ Ke7 44.Qh4+ Rf6 45.Qb4 c5 46.Qb5 Rg6+ 47.Rxg6 Rxg6+ 48.Kf1 Rd6 49.a5 bxa5 50.Qxc5 d4 51.Qxa5 d3 52.Qd2 Kd7 53.Kg2 h5 54.Kf3 Ke6 55.Ke4 f6 56.f4 f5+ 57.Ke3 Ke7 58.Kf2 Ke6 59.Kg3 Rd7 60.Kh4 Kf6 61.Kg3 Ke6 62.Kh4 Kf6 63.Qb2+ Ke7 64.Qd2 Kf6 1/2-1/2

Although ending in a draw, Maia played very well in this game holding a better position for most of it. For example in the following position black had just moved 16…Qa5:

Black’s Queen has been pushed back to the side and Maia now moved 17.b4! Enclosing Black’s Queen. The position is very good for White with the Bishop on b2 commanding a good diagonal especially after the move d5 that comes later. The Maia bot (Lc0 engine with Maia weights file) is playing very well with good piece positioning and attacking style. However, despite having a Queen and 3 pawns against Rook and 5 pawns in the endgame, it only managed 3-fold repetition. Maybe with more depth of search it would have found a way to win?

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Alt 15.02.2024, 10:16
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Mephisto Lyon
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Re: Chessnut Evo Maia v ChessGeniusPro 2024

Game 2/10

Here is the second game of my match between the MCGP2024 and Chessnut Evo Maia1900 with 6 ply look ahead.

[Event "Active,Classic Book"]
[Round "2"]
[White "MCGP2024"]
[Black "Maia1900 6 ply"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C24"]

1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Nf6 3.d3 c6 4.Nf3 d5 5.Bb3 dxe4 6.Ng5 {Out of book} 6...Be6 7.Bxe6 fxe6 8.dxe4 Qxd1+ 9.Kxd1 Ke7 10.Ke2 h6 11.Nf3 Nbd7 12.Nbd2 g5 13.Nc4 Nxe4 14.h4 Bg7 15.hxg5 hxg5 16.Bxg5+ Nxg5 17.Nxg5 Nc5 18.b4 Na4 19.Ne4 Nb6 20.Na5 Nd5 21.a3 Nf4+ 22.Kf3 Raf8 23.Rxh8 Bxh8 24.Rh1 Nd5+ 25.Ke2 Nf4+ 26.Kf1 Bg7 27.Nxb7 Nd5 28.Rh7 Kf7 29.Ng5+ Kg6 30.Rxg7+ Kxg7 31.Nxe6+ Kf7 32.Nxf8 Kxf8 33.c4 Nc3 34.Na5 Nb1 35.c5 Nxa3 36.Nxc6 Nb5 37.Nxe5 Ke7 38.g4 Ke6 39.f4 Nd4 40.Kg2 Nc2 41.b5 Nd4 42.b6 axb6 43.cxb6 Kd6 44.g5 Ne6 45.Kf3 Nc5 46.g6 Ne6 47.b7 Kc7 48.f5 Ng5+ 49.Ke3 Kxb7 50.g7 Kc7 51.g8=Q Kd6 52.Kd4 Nf3+ 53.Nxf3 Kc6 54.Qc8+ Kb5 55.Qb7+ Ka4 56.Kc4 Ka3 57.Qb3# 1-0

Here the Bishop’s Opening, Berlin Defence was played until the MCGP2024 went out of book on move 6.Ng5

From here the MCGP2024 slowly but surely outplayed the Maia bot. There were no obvious bad moves from the Maia bot, just more accurate play by the MCGP2024.

Current score 1 ½ - ½ to theMCGPro2024
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Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Ray für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Mephisto_Risc (15.02.2024), mickihamster (15.02.2024), Tibono (15.02.2024)
Alt 15.02.2024, 12:17
Benutzerbild von Ray
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Mephisto Lyon
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Re: Chessnut Evo Maia v ChessGeniusPro 2024

Game 3/10

The Maia bot shows what it can do in the shortest game of the match!

[Event "Active,Classic Book"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Maia1900 6 ply"]
[Black "MCGP2024"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B12"]

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.g4 Be4 5.f3 Bg6 6.h4 h5 7.g5 Nd7 {Out of book} 8.e6 fxe6 9.Bd3 Bf5 10.Ne2 Qa5+ 11.c3 Bxd3 12.Qxd3 e5 13.Qg6+ Kd8 14.dxe5 Nxe5 15.Qf5 Nd7 16.Nf4 e5 17.Ne6+ Ke7 18.Be3 Qb5 19.b4 g6 20.Qxg6 Qc4 21.Bc5+ Nxc5 22.Nxc5 d4 23.Qf5 Qd5 24.c4 Qd6 25.Nd2 Ke8 26.Nde4 Qe7 27.O-O d3 28.Rad1 Rh7 29.Rxd3 Rf7 30.Qg6 1-0

Here is the position after Black had just moved 6…h5

Here white replied 7.g5 which takes the MCGP2024 out of book. A better move may have been 7.Nh3 with the option of moving it to g5 or 7.Ne2 developing a piece.
In the played position neither side has developed pieces except for Black’s Bishop on g6. However, White’s advanced pawns especially the one on e5 needs some attention such as opposing it with 7…e6 Alas Black decided to develop his Knight with 7…Nd7 and Maia seized the opportunity by advancing the King’s Pawn 8.e6! From this point onwards Maia dominates the game.

Here is the position after White had just moved 12.Qxd3

Both sides have undeveloped pieces but at least White is able to develop them. Black’s King-side Knight, Bishop are stuck and even the Rook has little mobility. White’s black bishop and Knight on e2 are poised ready to swing into action and the Queen on d3 is going to cause some grief sooner rather than later. Black really needs to get the King to safety by castling Queen-side but alas moves 12…e5

Play continue 13.Qg6+ kd8 the only option 14.pxp Nxe5 15.Qf5 attacking the Knight and Bishop 15…Nd7 needed to protect the Bishop 16.Nf4 another piece joins the onslaught 16…e5 17.Ne6+ and a double attack 17…Ke7 Black’s position is not looking good at all!

18.Be3 threatening to move to c5 so Black should move 18…b4 18…Qb5 19.b4 preparing for the Bishop on c5 19…g6 The MCGP2024 cannot see a way out. A better move would have been 19…d4 and play might have continued with 20.Na3 threatening the Queen 20…Qa6 21.Bxd4 g6 complicating things for White and giving Black some chances.

From here Maia stormed into the enemy camp and the MCGP2024 was helpless so resigned.

An impressive game perhaps showing how the knowledge embedded within a set of numbers in the weights file coupled with some look ahead can produce good play.

Current score 1 ½ - 1 ½
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Mephisto_Risc (15.02.2024), mickihamster (15.02.2024), Tibono (16.02.2024)
Alt 16.02.2024, 14:27
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Mephisto Lyon
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Re: Chessnut Evo Maia v ChessGeniusPro 2024

Slight delay in writing up the next game but it's coming!
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Alt 17.02.2024, 11:42
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Mephisto Lyon
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Re: Chessnut Evo Maia v ChessGeniusPro 2024

Game 4/10

[Event "Active,Classic Book"]
[Round "4"]
[White "MCGP2024"]
[Black "Maia1900 6 ply"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "E69"]

1.Nf3 g6 2.g3 Bg7 3.Bg2 Nf6 4.O-O O-O 5.c4 d6 6.d4 Nbd7 7.Nc3 {Out of book} 7...e5 8.e4 c6 9.h3 Re8 10.Re1 Qb6 11.b3 exd4 12.Na4 Qc7 13.Nxd4 Nc5 14.Nc3 Nfd7 15.b4 Ne6 16.Nxe6 Rxe6 17.Qb3 a5 18.Rb1 axb4 19.Qxb4 Qa5 20.Bd2 Qxb4 21.Rxb4 Nc5 22.Rbb1 Ra3 23.Nd1 Rxa2 24.Bc3 Bxc3 25.Nxc3 Rc2 26.Rec1 Rxc1+ 27.Rxc1 Kf8 28.Rd1 Ke7 29.h4 Rf6 30.f4 Be6 31.Bf1 Bg4 32.Rb1 Re6 33.Kf2 f5 34.exf5 Bxf5 35.Rb6 Kd7 36.Rb2 Kc7 37.Rd2 h5 38.Rd1 Bg4 39.Rd2 Bf5 40.Rd1 Ne4+ 41.Nxe4 Bxe4 42.Re1 Bf5 43.Re3 Rxe3 44.Kxe3 Kb6 45.Kd4 Ka5 46.Kc3 Kb6 47.Kd4 Ka5 48.Kc3 Kb6 49.Kd4 1/2-1/2

The King’s Indian, Fianchetto, Classical main line was played and the MCGP2024 was out of book on move 7.

The game was all level at move 16 with the following position and White to move:

Here the MCGP2024 needed to protect the attacked knight on c3 and played 17.Qb3. Maybe the idea is to advance the c4 pawn opening up the diagonal to the enemy King but it does hamper the Queen. A better developing move might have been 17.Bb2.

It is from this point that Black made less than ideal moves until the following position after the MCGP2024 had just moved 48. Kc3

Here the Maia bot was a pawn ahead and in a better position but made the poor move 48…Kb5?
This gave White the option of drawing by 3-fold repetition which it wisely did. A better move for Black would have been 48…b5 with chances of advancing his queen-side pawns. The Maia bot is obviously lacking some knowledge here and missed its chance.

Overall an interesting game and we must remember that the Maia bot is limited to 6 ply search unlike the MCGPro2024 that was often looking much further ahead. That being said, Maia does have all the knowledge from 12 million games, although these were from 1900 rated players.

Current score all level at 2 – 2
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Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Ray für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Mephisto_Risc (17.02.2024), mickihamster (17.02.2024), Tibono (17.02.2024)
Alt 17.02.2024, 17:49
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Re: Chessnut Evo Maia v ChessGeniusPro 2024

Game 5/10

[Event "Active,Classic Book"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Maia1900 6 ply"]
[Black "MCGP2024"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B12"]

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.g4 Be4 5.f3 Bg6 6.h4 h5 7.g5 Nd7{Out of book} 8.e6 fxe6 9.Bd3 Bf5 10.Ne2 Qa5+ 11.c3 Bxd3 12.Qxd3 e5 13.Qg6+ Kd8 14.dxe5 Nxe5 15.Qf5 Nd7 16.Nf4 e5 17.Ne6+ Ke7 18.b4 Qb6 19.Nc5 Nxc5 20.bxc5 Qc7 21.Ba3 Re8 22.Nd2 Qd7 23.Qd3 Kd8 24.O-O-O Qf7 25.c4 d4 26.Ne4 Qf4+ 27.Kb1 Re7 28.Nd6 Rf7 29.Nxf7+ Qxf7 30.Rhe1 Qe7 31.f4 Kc7 32.Rxe5 Qd7 33.Qxd4 Qxd4 34.Rxd4 Ne7 35.f5 g6 36.f6 Nf5 37.Rf4 Kd8 38.Rexf5 gxf5 39.Rxf5 Rg8 40.Re5 Kd7 41.Kc2 Rg6 42.Kd3 Rg8 43.Ke4 a6 44.Kf5 b5 45.cxb5 axb5 46.g6 1-0

The Caro-Kann, Advance variation was played until move 7 when Maia played a dubious move. Here is the position after Black moved 6…h5

Here White really should have developed some pieces such as 7.Ne2 but instead moved 7. g5?!
We now have a repeat of game 3 and Black played the same move as before 7…Nd7 but needed to oppose White’s King Pawn to prevent it moving to e6.

Maia did indeed move 8.e6! Now in the same way as game 3 crushed the MCGPro2024 which resigned. It will be interesting to see what may happen in the next match when I set the MCGPro2024 to the modern (HIARCS) book.

Current score 3 – 2 to the Maia bot.
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Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Ray für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Mapi (17.02.2024), Mephisto_Risc (18.02.2024), Tibono (17.02.2024)
Alt 18.02.2024, 10:58
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Re: Chessnut Evo Maia v ChessGeniusPro 2024

Game 6/10

The MCGPro2024 gets revenge. I will tell you now the match does not end in a draw, but will keep you wondering as to which machine won!

[Event "Active,Classic Book"]
[Round "6"]
[White "MCGP2024"]
[Black "Maia1900 6 ply"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "D00"]

1.d4 d5 2.Bg5 c5 3.dxc5 {Out of book} Qa5+ 4.Nc3 Nc6 5.Qxd5 Be6 6.Qe4 Nf6 7.Bxf6 exf6 8.e3 Bxc5 9.Bb5 O-O 10.O-O-O Bb4 11.Nge2 Rfe8 12.a3 Bxa3 13.Bxc6 bxc6 14.bxa3 Qxa3+ 15.Kd2 Rad8+ 16.Ke1 Qc5 17.Qa4 Bf5 18.Rd2 h6 19.Kd1 Rb8 20.Kc1 Rb4 21.Qa1 Reb8 22.Rhd1 Qb6 23.Rd6 Rb2 24.Nd4 Bg6 25.Qa4 Rb4 26.Nxc6 Rxa4 27.Ne7+ Kh7 28.Rxb6 Ra1+ 29.Rb1 Rbxb1+ 30.Nxb1 Bxc2 31.Kxc2 Ra2+ 32.Kb3 Rxf2 33.Rd2 Rf1 34.Nc3 Re1 35.Ra2 Rxe3 36.Rxa7 Re1 37.Nf5 Kg6 38.Nh4+ Kh5 39.Nf3 Re3 40.Rxf7 g5 41.Rxf6 g4 42.Rf5+ Kg6 43.Nh4+ Kg7 44.Rf4 h5 45.Nf5+ Kg6 46.Nxe3 Kg5 47.Rf5+ Kg6 48.Ne4 h4 49.Rg5+ Kh6 50.Nxg4+ Kh7 51.Nef6+ Kh8 52.Rg8# 1-0

I have seen before how the Maia bot does not always follow usual opening moves, occasionally throwing in little surprises. In this game, the Queen’s Bishop Attack (Levitsky Attack) was played but on the second move Maia played 2…c5 instead of the preferred h6. But we also know that the MCGP2024’s classic book also has unusual lines. Perhaps this is Maia’s attempt to gain an early advantage by throwing the MCGP off its tracks? Well, obviously this tactic did not work in this game as we can see from the result.

Play followed 3.dxc5 and then Maia played 3…Qa5+?!

I think the Maia bot has an attacking style of play, but in this opening the played moved is a little premature. Better maybe would have been 3…h6 to ward off White’s aggressive Bishop.

In the following position Black had just moved 9…O-O giving the following position:

Despite the Maia making a questionable opening move with its Queen earlier, there is a possible Queen-side attack forming with the two Bishops, Knight and Queen; I’ve noticed that Maia can be very good in forming attacks, although as we shall see in this game it does not always work out.

White’s Knight on c3 is pinned but the MCGP2024 played 10.O-O-O moving its King to the Queen side which I felt was a little dangerous. Maybe better would have been 10.Ne2 supporting the pinned Knight on c3 and allowing for King-side castling. On the plus side, White now has a Rook on the open d file.
Play continued 10…Bb4 Deep HIARCS thinks 10.Ne5 would have been better but it was looking 20 ply ahead! 11. Nge2 Rfe8 maybe 11…f5 would have made more of a statement. 12.a3 and now the MCGP2024 is fighting off the attack and gaining an advantage. 12…Bxa3?! The Maia is aiming for some form of sacrificial glory:

Play continued 13. Bxc6 bxc6 14.bxa3 Qxa3+ and now Black is down a useful Bishop has double pawns on the f file and White can easily move away from danger.

The MCGP2024 continued to outplay Maia until the final checkmate, well done to the MCGPro2024!

Current score 3 – 3
A close match so far, but who will win in the end?
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Mephisto_Risc (18.02.2024), mickihamster (18.02.2024), Tibono (18.02.2024)
Alt 18.02.2024, 12:48
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Mephisto Lyon
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Re: Chessnut Evo Maia v ChessGeniusPro 2024

Game 7/10

The MCGP2024 shows Maia what it can do!

[Event "Active,Classic Book"]
[Round "7"]
[White "Maia1900 6 ply"]
[Black "MCGP2024"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C70"]

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Bc5 5.c3 Nf6 {Out of book} 6.O-O b5 7.Bc2 d6 8.h3 Bb6 9.d4 O-O 10.Bg5 Bb7 11.Re1 h6 12.Bh4 Re8 13.a4 exd4 14.cxd4 Nb4 15.Nc3 Nxc2 16.Qxc2 bxa4 17.Rxa4 g5 18.Nxg5 hxg5 19.Bxg5 Re6 20.e5 Qe8 21.Bxf6 Rxf6 22.exf6 Qxe1+ 23.Kh2 Bxd4 24.Rxd4 Qe5+ 25.f4 Qxd4 26.Qf5 Kf8 27.Qg5 Qc4 28.Qg7+ Ke8 29.Qg8+ Kd7 30.Qg4+ Qe6 31.Qg5 Re8 32.h4 Qb3 33.h5 Qxb2 34.Qg3 Rh8 35.Qg4+ Ke8 36.Nd5 Qd2 37.Nxc7+ Kd8 38.Ne6+ fxe6 39.f7 Rxh5+ 40.Qh3 Qxg2# 0-1

The Ruy Lopez, Classical Defence deferred was played until move 5 when the MCGP2024 played out of book. The Maia bot of course does not have a book opening as such, all its moves come from the neuronal weights file.

All was level at move 19 albeit with some previous inaccuracies, ending up in this position:

It’s Maia to play with the White pieces and here it played 20. e5? At first glance this may look ok until Black replies 20…Qe8. Now if White’s e5 pawn is moved, Black takes control of the e file with plenty of attacking options with its double Bishops in the opposite corner to the enemy King. A case maybe of the Maia looking for short-term gains and not seeing the dangers ahead!
Play continued 20…Qe8 of course. 21. Bxf6? Another bad move from Maia. After 21…Rxf6 e5xf6? Maia is lost! The e file is now open and the MCGP2024’s Queen is coming!
From here the Maia continued to make bad moves and the MCGP2024 punished it as a result. Well done MCGP2024.

Current score 4 – 3 to the MCGP2024
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Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Ray für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Mapi (18.02.2024), Mephisto_Risc (18.02.2024), mickihamster (18.02.2024)
Alt 19.02.2024, 10:18
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Ray Ray ist offline
Mephisto Lyon
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Re: Chessnut Evo Maia v ChessGeniusPro 2024

Game 8/10

The MCGP2024 outsmarts the Maia with the Ruy Lopez!

[Event "Active,Classic Book"]
[Round "8"]
[White "MCGP2024"]
[Black "Maia1900 6 ply"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C63"]

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5 4.Nc3 Nf6 5.Qe2 Bc5 6.exf5 {Out of book} O-O 7.Qc4+ d5 8.Qxc5 Bxf5 9.Bxc6 bxc6 10.Qxc6 d4 11.Qc4+ Kh8 12.Ne2 Be4 13.Nxe5 Bxg2 14.Rg1 Bd5 15.Qxd4 Qe7 16.d3 c5 17.Qe3 Rae8 18.Qg5 Qb7 19.Bf4 Bf3 20.Nxf3 h6 21.Qg6 Re7 22.Bd6 Rfe8 23.Bxe7 Rxe7 24.Qf5 Qxb2 25.Kd2 Qb4+ 26.Nc3 c4 27.Ne5 cxd3 28.Ng6+ Kg8 29.Nxe7+ Kh8 30.Ng6+ Kg8 31.Qc8+ Kf7 32.Ne5+ Ke7 33.Rxg7+ Kd6 34.Nf7+ Ke7 35.Ng5+ Kd6 36.Qc7# 1-0

The Maia bot may not blunder pieces in an obvious way now that it has some look-ahead ability but sometimes still makes bad moves. Take the following position from the game:

The MCGP2024 was now out of book and had just taken the f5 pawn with 6.exf5. Black now needs to support the King Pawn that is currently only protected by the Knight on c6 that is itself under attack by White’s Bishop. I don’t know if Maia’s next move can be considered a more human move, I think not at this level of play! Here it somehow decides that castling would be good 6…O-O? It doesn’t require much look ahead to see that Black will lose its Bishop on c5. 7. Qc4+ The MCGP2024 seizes the gift! 7…d5 8. Qxc5 Bxf5 and now Maia is a Bishop down. So soon into the game and Maia is in a bad way.

Play continued 9. Bxc6 bxc6 10. Qxc6 and now Black has lost a Pawn.

A few moves later in the following position:

White had just moved 12. Ne2 and now Black’s Pawn on e5 can be captured with the Knight without worrying about it being pinned by Black's Rook. 12…Be4? Is Maia playing suicide chess!? Better would have been 12…Qd6. Play continued 13. Nxe5 Bxg2 14. Rg1 and White is in a good position with a strong King-side attack mounting:

From here the MCGP2024 cruised to victory in the second shortest game of the match.

The Maia bot has no clue how to play the Ruy Lopez, maybe this indicates the games it was trained with were not good examples or possibly more likely a magnitude higher number of games is required to handle complicated openings. That being said, considering its limited depth of search compared to the MCGPro that was always looking at least 1 extra ply ahead, and 4 or 5 extra in the end games, the Maia has not done too badly and as we have seen, has managed to outplay the MCGP in the least number of moves in this match.

Current score 5 – 3 to the MCGPro2024
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Mapi (19.02.2024), Mephisto_Risc (19.02.2024), Tibono (19.02.2024)
Alt 19.02.2024, 15:41
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Re: Chessnut Evo Maia v ChessGeniusPro 2024

Game 9/10

The Maia tests the MCGP2024 with the Ruy Lopez. What will the result be this time?

[Event "Active,Classic Book"]
[Round "9"]
[White "Maia1900 6 ply"]
[Black "MCGP2024"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C72"]

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 d6 5.O-O Bg4 6.c3 Qf6 {Out of book} 7.d4 Bxf3 8.Qxf3 Qxf3 9.gxf3 exd4 10.cxd4 b5 11.d5 Nd4 12.Bd1 Be7 13.Be3 Bf6 14.Nc3 Ne7 15.f4 c5 16.dxc6 Ndxc6 17.Bb3 Bxc3 18.bxc3 f5 19.Rad1 fxe4 20.Rxd6 Rd8 21.Rfd1 Rf8 22.Rxd8+ Nxd8 23.Rd4 Nb7 24.Rxe4 Nd6 25.Re6 Kd7 26.Bc5 Nec8 27.Be3 Ne7 28.Kg2 Ng6 29.Kg3 a5 30.Bc5 Nf5+ 31.Kg4 Nh6+ 32.Kg3 Nf5+ 33.Kg4 Nh6+ 34.Kg3 Nf5+ 1/2-1/2

It seems the MCGP2024 manages much better than the Maia playing as black against the Ruy Lopez. Instead of losing badly manages a draw.

In the following position Maia had just moved 11. d5 and the position is level:

Here, the MCGP2024 played 11…Nd4 better would have been 11…bxa4 12. dxc6 Ne7 and White would have been a pawn down. Also, White having two bishops may prove more useful. However, play continued with White having a small advantage but all was level again at move 30…Nf5+

After a few more moves the game ended with 3-fold repetition.

Current score 5 ½ – 3 ½ to the MCGP2024
Whatever the result of the next game Maia has lost the match!
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Bryan Whitby (19.02.2024), Tibono (19.02.2024)

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