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Alt 20.02.2020, 08:33
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LocutusOfPenguin LocutusOfPenguin ist offline
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AW: Regium - New Amazing Robotic Chess Board

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Nur als Update und ohne Wertung aus einem exklusiven Interview: For you, exclusively, we can anticipate that it will be less than 1,000 dollars and that the first backers to buy it will have great discounts of up to 50%.

Nun denn, vielleicht gibt es ja noch eine Yucca Palme und ein Pfund Kaffee dazu, wenn man früh genug einsteigt ...

Und gibt es auch Hintergrund-Infos zu diesem "exclusiven Interview"?
Wer hat mit wem gesprochen, über was, wann, wer ist "you"...usw.

Also ich finde diese 1k € (wie hier viele vermuten) schon sehr hoch! Dafür würde ich es max. im Laden kaufen. Ich hätte einen anderen Preis aufgerufen - traue mich aber jetzt nicht mehr - der ist nämlich viel kundenfreundlicher.

Und ich finde es sollte nicht 1Pfund Kaffee dazu geben, sondern ein Paket Beruhigungspillen damit man das Auf-und-Ab das mit dem Projekt wohl kommen wird, übersteht
Alt 20.02.2020, 08:37
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AW: Regium - New Amazing Robotic Chess Board

Das Interview wurde gestern bei veröffentlicht.
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Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu Mythbuster für den nützlichen Beitrag:
LocutusOfPenguin (20.02.2020)
Alt 20.02.2020, 08:49
Benutzerbild von LocutusOfPenguin
LocutusOfPenguin LocutusOfPenguin ist offline
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AW: Regium - New Amazing Robotic Chess Board

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Das Interview wurde gestern bei veröffentlicht.
Muchas gracias. Pero por favor, ayúdame. ¿Dónde dice eso? Con mi mal español sólo encuentro un texto general, nada con precios.

Deutsche Übersetzung:
Wo steht das denn? Ich finde nur Allgemeines - keine Preise.

Das erste Wort was ich in Spanisch gelernt habe ist übrigens "Bier" - hätte wohl "Schach" nehmen sollen.
Alt 20.02.2020, 08:53
Benutzerbild von Mythbuster
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AW: Regium - New Amazing Robotic Chess Board

Um das vollständige Interview lesen zu können, musst Du Dich da anmelden ... auch die wissen, wie sie zu Klicks kommen ... jeder möchte an dem Wunderbrett profitieren ...
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Alt 20.02.2020, 08:57
Benutzerbild von LocutusOfPenguin
LocutusOfPenguin LocutusOfPenguin ist offline
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AW: Regium - New Amazing Robotic Chess Board

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Um das vollständige Interview lesen zu können, musst Du Dich da anmelden ... auch die wissen, wie sie zu Klicks kommen ... jeder möchte an dem Wunderbrett profitieren ...
Danke, alles klar...Nur dafür reicht mein Spanisch nicht.
Alt 20.02.2020, 11:32
BHGP BHGP ist offline
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AW: Regium - New Amazing Robotic Chess Board

Ich habe gerade versucht, mich zu registrieren, klappt aber nicht. Irgendwas was mit Sicherheitstoken.

Ich dachte das Interview ist Audio, insofern kann man leider nicht auf die Herkunft des Mannes schließen (Südamerika).

Geändert von BHGP (20.02.2020 um 12:49 Uhr)
Alt 20.02.2020, 12:44
rollinghills rollinghills ist offline
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AW: Regium - New Amazing Robotic Chess Board

Die scheinen Sponsor bei Chess24 zu sein. Das ist eher untypisch für eine Briefkasten Firma, die nur Geld einsammeln will.

Nicht dass jemand glaubt, ich würde denen nach dem Mund reden wollen. Ich finde es nur ganz spannend zu schauen, was daraus wird...
Alt 21.02.2020, 08:44
Benutzerbild von berger
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Re: Regium - New Amazing Robotic Chess Board


Chess Computer Coleccionistas (ChessCC) is composed of a Forum (former MECA) and a website. The Forum is totally open. The website is partially public, but it requires registration in order to access all the content. This is the decision of its webmasters (xalons and mAix), to motivate users to participate, add their collections to the database, write articles (there are several contributors), etc. I'm a ChessCC Forum moderator.

ChessCC has no connection to Regium. As their CEO is from Madrid, we thought we'd do an interview with them. They agreed to receive the questions via e-mail, and answered us promptly. Our questions are not about the technical aspects, but about the more personal, human part of the project. Obviously we could have asked better questions if the interview had been in person, as was our intention. Perhaps in the future...

The interview...

These questions are answered by Angel Delgado, CTO of the project:

How did the idea come up?

Since I was a child I have been interested in robotics and artificial intelligence, probably influenced by the science fiction movies I saw in my childhood. I was particularly fascinated by automatic chess boards, but today there is no board that satisfies me, none that comes close to the experience of when you are playing against a real opponent. For that reason I decided to make Regium.

How was the working group created?

I am the CEO of a technology company, in my company I have very competent people to deal with this project, we have done other quite complex automation projects. I proposed it to the people best qualified to carry it out and for them it was a challenge they could not refuse. The whole team is very motivated and excited about this project.

How did you meet?

As I said, we have been working together for years on high-tech projects.

Are you chess players?

We like it very much as a hobby, but we are not great players at all, in fact, for certain professional aspects of chess we have had to take advice from chess experts.

What is your relationship to chess computers?

If you are referring to physical chess boards, as I said, I have always particularly liked them and I have several "automated " models in my collection. Currently some of the companies that make these models have contacted us looking for some kind of collaboration. We receive proposals of all kinds, also of very well known chess apps.

What do you think about the current moment to release a project like this?

After so many years of waiting, now is a great moment. Especially because the current state of technology and connectivity allows you to do wonderful things like this.

Where did you develop the prototype?

The hardware is mainly in the United States, the software is also centralized there, but part of the development is divided among other countries.

You comment that it will work with practically all online chess platforms: is that a fact or do you still have to work on it with agreements, protocols, etc?

It's not a 100% fact but it's a very plausible goal. We have very advanced conversations with Chess24 and, less advanced with other platforms. Also very advanced with apps that currently connect DGT boards to Lichess and other platforms. So we are confident that finally, one way or another, our e-Board can be used on all platforms, or at least on the most important ones.

Where do you plan to manufacture the product?

All the design will be done between the United States and Europe. The chessmen will be made in a village in India where they are the best manufacturers in the world, about 85% of the chess pieces in the world come from there. The board is made in Spain, and the interior of the board, what would be the hardware, we still have to evaluate it, we will decide after the crowdfunding. Everything will be assembled in the United States.

Is it possible that you anticipate the prices with which the REGIUM boards will go on sale?

That's the million dollar question these days, everybody asks us that. The answer we are giving is that you should subscribe on our website to receive the newsletter where we will soon announce the prices. For you, exclusively, we can tell you in advance that it will be less than 1,000 dollars and that the first backers to buy it will have great discounts of up to 50%.

Note: Translation of the original text in Spanish. The translation may not be entirely accurate. I apologize in that case.

Gerardo (aka Berger)
Folgende 5 Benutzer sagen Danke zu berger für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Bryan Whitby (21.02.2020), Drahti (21.02.2020), LocutusOfPenguin (21.02.2020), Nisse (21.02.2020), Tibono (22.02.2020)
Alt 21.02.2020, 09:56
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LocutusOfPenguin LocutusOfPenguin ist offline
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AW: Regium - New Amazing Robotic Chess Board

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Join the chess revolution.

REGIUM is the world's most advanced automatic chess e-board. Now, REGIUM is the presenting partner of the Speed Chess Championship Final between Hikaru Nakamura and Wesley So, taking place this Friday, February 21 at 9 a.m. Pacific Time on
Alt 21.02.2020, 10:03
Benutzerbild von Mythbuster
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Gerade erhalten (von

Join the chess revolution.

REGIUM is the world's most advanced automatic chess e-board. Now, REGIUM is the presenting partner of the Speed Chess Championship Final between Hikaru Nakamura and Wesley So, taking place this Friday, February 21 at 9 a.m. Pacific Time on
Wird da das Brett nun tatsächlich mal öffentlich gezeigt und eingesetzt oder ist das wie beim Banter Blitz Cup, wo auch nur deren Banner zu sehen war?

Womit wir bei einem interessanten Punkt sind: Die Leute wollen Geld über Kickstarter von privaten Usern und sind in der Lage, Turniere zu sponsern (siehe deren Twitteraccount), was immer damit genau gemeint ist?

Was man denen lassen muss: Werbung können sie ... aber schade, dass es dann bis jetzt noch immer keine öffentliche Vorführung gegeben hat ...
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BHGP (21.02.2020), Theo (21.02.2020)
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