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Alt 27.09.2015, 21:36
Benutzerbild von StefanT
StefanT StefanT ist offline
Chess Machine
Registriert seit: 28.07.2010
Ort: Belgien
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AW: Belgian Closed Tournament

Fritz 1 (2062) - Mephisto Explorer (1948)
Nachdem der ME eine position erreicht mit ein freibauer (27...b4), und in einem späteren Endspiel also Gewisse Chancen hat, spielte er das Endspiel falsch ab 61....Lf7. Fritz 1 erreichte ab 61sten Zug fast jede Zug 12 halbzüge auf turniernivo. Der ME verlor sogar sein Laufer und freibauer (ohne mehrbauer) gegen Springer Endspiell . Wie das passieren konnte können Sie im nachspiel sehen. Was ich beobachte was das die Stellungsevaluation bei Fritz 1 und ME einander nicht weitentfert wären für die meiste Züge (nicht eben ein zehnte der wert eines bauers). Es zeigt sich genau an das beide Bruder/Schwester programme von einander sind.

Der ME erreicht zwischen 1300 und 1800 nps. Wieviel nps Fritz 1 auf ein intel 386/25 Mhz (oder im dosbox 7000 cyclen) erreicht suche ich mir noch aus.

[Event "Runde 9"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2015.27.09"]
[Round "9"]
[White "Fritz 1, 7000 cyclen"]
[Black "Mephisto, Explorer"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B15"]
[WhiteElo "2062"]
[BlackElo "1948"]
[PlyCount "157"]

1. e4 c6 2. Nf3 d5 3. Nc3 e6 {ME Out of book} 4. d4 {Fritz 1 Out of Book} Bb4
5. Bd3 dxe4 6. Bxe4 Nf6 7. Bd3 Nd5 8. Bd2 Nxc3 9. bxc3 Bd6 10. O-O O-O 11. Ng5
h6 12. Ne4 Bc7 13. Re1 Qh4 14. h3 b6 15. Qf3 Bb7 16. Rad1 Rd8 $2 (16... Nd7 {
[%eval 20,12]}) 17. Be3 ({-0.06 Spike 1.2 Turin:} 17. Ng3 {[%eval 132,12]})
17... Nd7 18. a3 Rab8 19. Nd2 Qe7 20. Be4 Rbc8 21. c4 Bd6 22. a4 Nf6 23. Qe2 $6
({-0.89 Spike 1.2 Turin:} 23. Bd3 {[%eval -36,12]}) 23... Nxe4 $15 24. Nxe4 Bc7
25. c5 b5 26. c4 Rb8 27. Nd2 $6 ({-0.76 Spike 1.2 Turin:} 27. Nd6 {[%eval 0,12]
}) 27... b4 28. Nb3 a5 ({-0.31 Spike 1.2 Turin:} 28... Ba6 {[%eval -95,12]})
29. Qg4 $17 Kh8 $2 30. Bc1 Rd7 31. Bb2 $6 ({-0.74 Spike 1.2 Turin:} 31. Bf4 {
[%eval 25,12]}) 31... Qf8 $15 32. Qf3 $6 ({-0.83 Spike 1.2 Turin:} 32. d5 $1 {
[%eval -2,12]}) 32... Rbd8 33. Rb1 Qg8 34. Kh1 Qh7 35. Re4 Qg6 36. Rf1 Rb8 ({
-0.69 Spike 1.2 Turin:} 36... e5 {[%eval -125,12]} 37. Rfe1 Ba6 38. d5 f5 39.
Rxe5 Bxe5 40. Rxe5 Bxc4 41. d6 $17) 37. Re2 Ba6 38. Rc1 Rbd8 39. Re3 Bb7 40.
Re2 $6 Qg5 ({-0.86 Spike 1.2 Turin:} 40... e5 $1 {[%eval -156,12]} 41. Qe3 (41.
dxe5 $2 Rd3 42. Re3 Rxe3 43. fxe3 Rd3 44. Nd4 Bxe5 $19) 41... f5 42. Rce1 e4
$19) 41. Rce1 Ba6 42. Rc2 Qg6 43. Ree2 ({-2.00 Spike 1.2 Turin:} 43. Qe4 {
[%eval -135,12]}) 43... e5 44. Rc1 exd4 45. Re4 f5 46. Rxd4 Qe6 ({
-1.33 Spike 1.2 Turin:} 46... Rxd4 {[%eval -200,12]}) 47. g3 Bb7 48. Ba1 Bc8
49. Rxd7 Bxd7 50. Nd4 Qf6 ({-0.61 Spike 1.2 Turin:} 50... Qe4 {[%eval -146,12]}
) 51. Nb3 ({-1.57 Spike 1.2 Turin:} 51. Re1 {[%eval -61,12]}) 51... Qe7 52. Qh5
Kh7 53. Qf3 Qe4 54. Qxe4 fxe4 55. Kg2 Re8 56. Nd4 e3 57. Re1 exf2 58. Rxe8 Bxe8
59. Kxf2 Be5 60. Nb3 Bxa1 61. Nxa1 Bf7 ({-0.58 Spike 1.2 Turin:} 61... Bg6 {
[%eval -119,12]}) 62. Nb3 Bg6 63. Nd4 Bf5 64. g4 Bd3 65. Ke3 Bf1 ({
1.28 Spike 1.2 Turin:} 65... Bg6 {[%eval -5,12]}) 66. Nxc6 Bxh3 67. Ne5 h5 68.
gxh5 Bf5 69. Kd4 g5 ({4.82 Spike 1.2 Turin:} 69... Kg8 {[%eval 187,12]}) 70.
hxg6+ Kg7 71. c6 Bc8 72. c7 Be6 73. c5 Kf6 74. Nc6 Kxg6 75. c8=Q Bxc8 76. Ne7+
Kf7 77. Nxc8 Ke6 78. Nb6 b3 79. Kc3 1-0

PlayerRtngScoreMMT432ExTatTiSuF1Perf Chg
MM V, Mephisto19827.0 / 12XX=1100=11=10=1984
Turbostar 432 KSO, SciSys18075.5 / 12=0XX0==11101001914
Explorer, Mephisto19485.0 / 12011=XX==010=001857
Turbo Advanced Trainer, Saitek19485.5 / 111==0==XX=0=1=1910
Stefan, T18504.5 / 11000010=1XX1101856
Super Mondial B, Mephisto18913.5 / 11=0101==000XX01776
Fritz 120628.0 / 91=1111=11XX2218

Geändert von StefanT (03.10.2015 um 12:40 Uhr)
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Mapi (27.09.2015)
Alt 19.12.2015, 13:07
Benutzerbild von StefanT
StefanT StefanT ist offline
Chess Machine
Registriert seit: 28.07.2010
Ort: Belgien
Beiträge: 354
Abgegebene Danke: 163
Erhielt 51 Danke für 39 Beiträge
Aktivitäten Langlebigkeit
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0/3 ssssss354
AW: Belgian Closed Tournament

Fritz 1 "7000 cyclen" - Stefan 1 - 0

Reti Opening

Nach den Zug 24.h3 ? musste Fritz 1 eigentlich , auf langristig taktische gründe schon verloren stehen ,aber ich konnte den Richtigen Weg nicht finden. Sehe mal die position ganz am anfang meine Figur Opfer 24 ... Se3 !! und ganz am ende wie fast alle Passive weisse Figuren immer mehr der König zum Verfügung stehen. Dies sollte aber nicht mit die Richtige Züge den fall gewesen sein aber so war es leider einmal gelaufen.

Eine für mich ganz persönlich schöne Partie. Ich glaube manche Menschliche spieler werdet sich aus dieser taktische (und psychologische) Situation kaum noch retten, aber ein Schachprogram fühlt keine emotionen , rechnet genauer und spürt jede defensive möglichkeit 6 bis 8 halbzuge voraus.

[Event "Belgian Closed Tournament"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2015.??.02"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Fritz 1, 7000 cyclen"]
[Black "Stefan"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A04"]
[WhiteElo "2060"]
[BlackElo "1830"]
[PlyCount "81"]
[EventDate "2015.??.??"]

1. Nf3 c5 2. g3 Nc6 3. Bg2 Nf6 4. Nc3 (4. c4 d5 5. cxd5 Nxd5 6. Nc3 Nc7 7. O-O
e5 $11 {The so called Rubinstein Defense I studied in facing a Reti/English
opponent soon and the reason for forcing it.}) (4. O-O e5 5. d3 d5 6. Nbd2 Be7 7. e4 O-O $15) 4... d5 5. d4
Bf5 6. Nh4 $5 {Diagram [#] A surprising move that puzzled me for a while. I
wanted a good square for the bishop but apart from some temporary ones there
are none. So I opted to exploit the weakness in his centre. to cover up for
the bishop under attack.} cxd4 {A bit logical the Knight sacrifices itself for
an extra pawn and then intends to collect the bishop on f5.} 7. Nxd5 (7. Nxf5
dxc3 8. bxc3 e6 $15 {And black is already better.}) 7... Bd7 $5 {I was a bit
proud of this move. Keeping the bishop , supporting the Knight on c6 over de
long g2-b7 diagonal. Seems Be6 was even better.} 8. Nxf6+ exf6 9. O-O Bc5 {
And black succesfully completed his opening moves despite the isolated pawn on
d4, the pawn is also limiting white in its room of manoeuvre.} 10. Re1 O-O 11.
a3 {Attemp to push back the Bc5, the principal defender of the pushed pawn.} a5
12. Nf3 Re8 13. b3 Bf5 14. Bb2 Qb6 {All these moves were also in the plans of
my chessengines. So far so good on both sides !} 15. Qd2 {The move is
appropriate due to the ... d3 16 exd3 and the impossibility to capture on f2
via Lxf2+ due to Qxf2} Rad8 16. Rac1 $15 Be4 17. Red1 Bd5 {This bishop
manoeuvre doesn't bring much as the capture on d5, if ever, breaks the rook
connection and kind of pins the d-pawn after an eventual e3 or c3} (17... Qa7
18. Ne1 Bxg2 19. Nxg2 a4 $1 $15) 18. Ne1 $5 {An interesting move. Should I
capture or let white capture with a pinned pawn due to an undefended Rook on
d5 ? Alternatively suppose I'd capture on g2, how will white capture back ?
Whites aim is obvious, Nd3 & Nxc5 making it hard on black to keep adequate
grip on the d4 pawn.} Bxg2 19. Kxg2 {
With the d3 still in mind, it would be nice if the Night would be on g4.} (19.
Nxg2 Ne5 20. Ne1 {To recapture after with Nxd3 after the move d3 !} (20. Nf4 $4
d3 $19) 20... a4 21. Nd3 Be7 $15) 19... Ne5 20. Nd3 Qc6+ {Just a check to free
space for the bishop to retreat on b6 instead of the alternative to go to e7
and keep d4 well protected.} 21. Kg1 Bb6 22. Nf4 {
A bit relentless, I thought in the eye of black going to play Ng4} Ng4 23. Nd3
(23. Rf1 a4 24. h3 Ne5 25. Nd3 Qc8 26. Kg2 $15) 23... Qd5 {With the idea Qh5}
24. h3 $6 {A small error from Fritz 1 side} (24. Qf4 Qh5 25. h4 Ne5 26. Nxe5
fxe5 $11) 24... Ne3 $3 {I see that The Chess Engine actually rated my
sacrifice move with 2,07. Fritz 1 reaching 8 to 9 ply didn't see it coming.}
25. fxe3 (25. Nf4 $2 Qg5 $19) 25... Rxe3 {Naturaly I saw many threats, many
failing defenses but more noteably a defensless King. So Kasparov surely would
finish something like this off. Me ? Well see... despite me knowing that
computers always will throw up defenses you sometimes didn't come up with !} 26.
Qe1 (26. Nf4 $2 Qg5 $19 {
g3 is lost & two heavy pieces will destroy whites position} 27. Qe1 Rxg3+ 28.
Kh2 Bc7 29. Qxg3 Bxf4 30. Rd3 Bxg3+ $19) (26. Kh2 $2 Qe4 {Threatens Rxe2} 27.
Nf2 (27. Re1 $4 Bc7 {
Playing the Rook leaves g3 defensless as the Queen can't play to e1} 28. Rg1
Rxe2+) 27... Rxe2 28. Qf4 Qxf4 29. gxf4 Rxf2+ $19) 26... Bc7 27. Nf4 Qg5 {
According to my engine I was up for 3,72, can you imagine. It really felt as
if I was in a winning position. Three major pieces on a king with only a
Knight and a Queen from a distance.} 28. Ng2 {
What a marveleous move from Fritz 1 to stay in the game.} (28. Qf2 Bxf4 29.
Qxf4 Rxg3+ 30. Kf2 Qxf4+ 31. Ke1 Rg1#) (28. Rd3 Bxf4 $19) 28... Rxg3 29. Qf2
Rxh3 {I still played the best move over the board and was 3, 85 up !} 30. Rd3 {
Here comes another defender at play, he is gradually annoying me....} Bh2+ 31.
Kf1 {Diagram [#]} (31. Kh1 $4 Bg3+ {and the Queen is lost}) 31... Rxd3 $4 {
Now at most only a level game is possible.... Why didn't I play the intended
Bg3 and keep all pieces on the board... I wish I knew. The series of best
moves required to get the job done, obviously couldn't last till finish or I
would have been over 2100 ELO also} (31... Bg3 32. Qg1 Qf5+ 33. Rf3 Qh5 $1 $19 {
This very last move was the one I missed in my calculations.}) 32. exd3 $4 {
Diagram [#] Also Fritz began to have some uncertainty in his play.} (32. cxd3
$15 Bg3 33. Qf3 h5) 32... Rd5 $2 (32... Bg3 $1 {Cuts the King more of and the
eventual coming of the rook to e1 as well. Rd5 is sooner or later necessary
however the 8th rank is not secured. Therefore white is not to counter on the
e-file. I underestimated this concept ! This is something I need to learn,
disallow the opponent to become active when under attack, sometimes this is
not about tactics either. Due to the tempo on the Qf2, this forces white as
well. Compared to the moves in the game Re1 is not possible !!!} 33. Qf3 Rd5 {
Rf5 is life threatening} 34. Re1 Bxe1 {
Restores the material balance but is not the best.} 35. Kxe1 h5 $19) 33. Re1 {
Threatens mate and wants to add up to the defense playing Re4} h5 {
g6 was quieter, as the game moves will reveal.} 34. Bc1 {Another pieces that
will aid in the defense of the "REMEMBER INITIAL" defenseless King. Its clear
that the win is faiding away...} Qg4 35. Re8+ Kh7 36. Re4 Qh3 $4 {
A rather unfortunate mistake. Here a blunder check was actually required.} (
36... Qd1+ 37. Ne1 {
The move to stay in the game, chances are according to my Engine about level. =
} (37. Re1 Qg4 38. Re4 Qd1+ {Succession of moves or draw}) (37. Qe1 Rf5+ 38.
Rf4 Qxe1+ 39. Kxe1 Bxf4 40. Nxf4 h4 $19)) 37. Rh4 {
outch h5 , Qh3 and Bh2 under attack , this surely limits the options} Qg3 38.
Qe2 {Not the best, though it launches a double attack on h5.} (38. Qxg3 Bxg3
39. Re4 Rf5+ 40. Kg1 Bf2+ 41. Kh1 g5 $15) (38. Bf4 Qxf2+ 39. Kxf2 Bxf4 40. Nxf4
Re5 41. Rxh5+ $18) 38... Rf5+ $16 39. Bf4 Qxh4 $4 {
I thought it was winning immediately but is was based on a wrong assumption} (
39... g6 40. Qf2 Qxf2+ 41. Kxf2 Bxf4 42. Rxf4 Rc5 43. Ne1 Kg7 $16 {
With still some "hope" left}) 40. Nxh4 Rxf4+ {Of course the Knight under
attack is going to put itself in between the check. How such a good
constructed game, brialliant sacrifice ends up like this ? I missed the final
kill in in this game (once again).} 41. Nf3 {I gave up on this ...} 1-0

Geändert von StefanT (02.09.2019 um 22:14 Uhr)
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