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Alt 08.02.2023, 14:01
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Und 2 weitere: Gruenfeld und Odin.
Thanks to hap and Berger for these 2 new modules!

Question to hap:
When the Gruenfeld module reaches the end of its book lines, it shows 'END OF BOOK ... MID GAME' and you must switch to any other GGM module.
Is it possible to automatically load such a GGM module (e.g. 'morphy') in the chess plugin?

I've searched through the MAME sources and found a function 'load_software', but I'm not sure, if (and how) this could be used in the plugin for this purpose!? Maybe it requires some prefixes (e.g. similar to machine: outputs():get_value(...) for other functions like get_value())?

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Alt 08.02.2023, 17:46
Hartmut Hartmut ist offline
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Auf jeden Fall wird es möglicherweise einige Routinen benötigen, wenn man das automatisieren will. Man muss das Gerät vor dem Modultausch ja erst auf MEM stellen und nach dem Modultausch wieder in den ON-Modus versetzen. Könnte etwas schwierig werden, wenn man das für z.B. Arena oder Winboard automatisieren will...
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Alt 08.02.2023, 17:53
hap hap ist offline
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

What Hartmut mentions is not the hard part, button/switch presses can be automatized. But what is more annoying is that MAME expects a full restart when loading a cartridge. I don't know if it's doable to automatically switch to Morphy.

It's also the reason Chessmaster Diamond PM10/PM11 don't work correctly on MAME (maybe you found a way to work around that in CB-EMu)
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Alt 08.02.2023, 18:55
Beeco76 Beeco76 ist offline
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AW: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Actually there is a similar issue with Chafitz Modular Game System as well:

The Grünfeld/Grünfeld-S module is supposed for openings, Morphy/Sandy/Steinitz/Steinitz-4 for middle game and Capablanca/Capablanca-S for end game.

According to the change of the modules is performed like this:

1. Press RANK key
2. Switch from ON to MEM
3. Change module
4. Switch back from MEM to ON

Best regards
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Alt 08.02.2023, 19:09
fhub fhub ist offline
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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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What Hartmut mentions is not the hard part, button/switch presses can be automatized. But what is more annoying is that MAME expects a full restart when loading a cartridge. I don't know if it's doable to automatically switch to Morphy.
Yes, the MEM switch is no problem, but with your 'full restart' you seem to be right.
I've now tried to load Morphy manually (via the Tab menu) in MessChess, but not even this works, because also the plugin is restarted again and this resets everything.
I guess the only (very complicated) way would be to save the current position, quit the GGM+Gruenfeld program completely, load GGM+Morphy and the load the saved position again - not really practicable.
It's also the reason Chessmaster Diamond PM10/PM11 don't work correctly on MAME (maybe you found a way to work around that in CB-EMu)
Yes, for the PM10/PM11 modules I've used the following method in CB-Emu:
These are additional (only data!) modules using a special RAM area. When ChessMaster DM is started, the contents of both modules are copied to 2 different free RAM areas, and when the user switches on any of these modules, its RAM area is simply copied to the special area that the ChessMaster DM expects.

A clever trick, but I doubt this would work for the GGM modules, because these are program+data modules, and of course you can't replace the program area while the program is running.

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Alt 08.02.2023, 19:24
Beeco76 Beeco76 ist offline
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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Yes, for the PM10/PM11 modules I've used the following method in CB-Emu:
These are additional (only data!) modules using a special RAM area. When ChessMaster DM is started, the contents of both modules are copied to 2 different free RAM areas, and when the user switches on any of these modules, its RAM area is simply copied to the special area that the ChessMaster DM expects.

A clever trick, but I doubt this would work for the GGM modules, because these are program+data modules, and of course you can't replace the program area while the program is running.
GGM displays something like "END OF BOOK" or "MID GAME" when the Capablanca module has to be changed.

The transition from mid game to end game is displayed AFAIK with some dots in the segment display.

Question regarding emulation is: Can Mame/CB-Emu catch these program states and replace the emulated modules in memory?

If yes, another emulated MGS system called "Master Chess Trio - Gruenfeld/Morphy/Capablanca" could be a possible solution. In this option changes of the module could be performed, when the display shows the right conditions.

Best regards

Addition: I see this was the topic of a previous post. So sorry for double-posting it.

Geändert von Beeco76 (08.02.2023 um 19:28 Uhr) Grund: Ergänzung / Addition
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Alt 08.02.2023, 20:08
hap hap ist offline
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Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

Yes, manually switching modules should already work fine with emulation. The MEM switch is simply a power-off switch with the on-board battery keeping RAM alive.

Is "Master Chess Trio" an actual combined thing? More likely it's the base computer + 3 separate modules. Nothing new to emulate there.
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Alt 08.02.2023, 23:31
Beeco76 Beeco76 ist offline
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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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Yes, manually switching modules should already work fine with emulation. The MEM switch is simply a power-off switch with the on-board battery keeping RAM alive.
Hi hap,

Thank you for your information.

I wasn't aware that Mame can switch modules without restarting.

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Is "Master Chess Trio" an actual combined thing? More likely it's the base computer + 3 separate modules. Nothing new to emulate there.
AFAIK it's not a new computer. I think of it more as a kind of bundle.

Now that I learned about the possibility for a module change, the only reason to put it in CB-Emu would be to avoid manual changing of modules.

Then again switching modules was also an experience every GGM afficionado had in those days. So that's emulated as well.

Best regards
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Alt 09.02.2023, 11:43
Jens H Jens H ist offline
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AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

damit ich hier nicht allzu viele doofe Fragen stelle, habe ich ganz brav begonnen, diesen Thread zu lesen. Kein Scherz. Ich bin auf seite 165 angekommen. Hab also noch ein paar Seiten vor mir. :-)
Um CB-Emu auch mobil verwenden zu können, habe ich mir ein Windows 10 Handy bestellt, ein refurbished HP Elite x3, das ich nur für CB-Emu verwende, auch mit dem Millennium E-One Board. Frage dazu: Auf Seite 129 habe ich gelesen, dass es empfehlenswert ist, TouchMousePointer zu installieren. Das ist ja nun schon einige Jahre her. Gilt das noch immer oder wurde das "man-muss-immer-2mal-klicken-Problem" für Touchpads mittlerweile gelöst?
Ich nehme an, nein. Denn wenn ich mich mit meinem iPad via Remote Desktop auf den PC verbinde, um zu spielen, habe ich ein ähnliches Problem. Ich kann Züge nur über externe GUIs (Winboard, Arena) eingeben, aber nicht über die von CB-Emu und MessExtra angebotenen Boards. Auch die Tasten auf den Boards funktionieren nicht via Remote Desktop. Ich muss gefühlte 100 mal klicken, damit ein Klick registriert wird. Der Mouseover-Effekt, bei dem die Tasten heller werden, klappt auch nicht.
Gibt es dafür eine Lösung?
Danke Euch,
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Alt 09.02.2023, 13:43
hap hap ist offline
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Re: AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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I wasn't aware that Mame can switch modules without restarting.
MAME restarts itself when inserting a new cartridge. It's not a problem here if you play normal (so, human vs chesscomputer, no UCI script).
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Beeco76 (10.02.2023), ruschach (11.02.2023)

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