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Alt 17.07.2023, 15:46
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AW: Re: New Chessnut Evo

Hi Ray

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It's spiked my interest, not so much with the SF engine because it seems everything uses this engine. What is of interest is the AI that learns styles of play. I can see how feeding it a database of my games that I could end up playing against an AI form of myself. This could be entertaining.

Take a look at

Maybe this is something for you.

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Alt 17.07.2023, 18:27
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Re: AW: Re: New Chessnut Evo

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Hi Ray

Take a look at

Maybe this is something for you.

Thank you Lars, that is interesting. I shall certainly take a look. However, I may still consider the Evo as it's quite an intriguing device, but only after they answer some questions I've sent them.

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Alt 19.07.2023, 10:08
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Lächeln Re: New Chessnut Evo

Hi all, I weakened and pledged for a Chessnut Evo. It seems an intriguing device and think it will fit well with my small collection. I still very much like my Millennium board and TheKing/Genius element, especially TheKing, and that won't change, but the Evo will be my first venture into neuronal chess on a dedicated machine. I will surely make a post once receiving the board with my opinions of it, but so far from YouTube videos of the pre-release model, it seems to be a very nice machine with some good features. I was a little put off by it having Stockfish15 engine, not that I dislike Stockfish, but as said before, it seems that every new chess computer is Stockfish-based. However, it's very likely that other engines will become available for download or via apps. Also, it does have the Maia engine which I find of interest and LC0 which is used to create custom engines, so couldn't resist.
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Alt 20.07.2023, 15:28
Alejandro Alejandro ist offline
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AW: Re: New Chessnut Evo


I believe you won‘t regret buying the Chessnut Evo. I own a Chessnut Air and a Pro and I am quite happy with the SW/HW combination so far. Also ordered an Evo. And I am sure that over time more and more engines will get implemented as long as they are open source and people voice demand for them.
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Alt 21.07.2023, 09:29
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Re: AW: Re: New Chessnut Evo

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I believe you won‘t regret buying the Chessnut Evo. I own a Chessnut Air and a Pro and I am quite happy with the SW/HW combination so far. Also ordered an Evo. And I am sure that over time more and more engines will get implemented as long as they are open source and people voice demand for them.
Thank you. I notice from YouTube videos that there are a few other neuronal engines that can be downloaded already, so quite excited about this machine. It will be fun and interesting playing against the MAIA engine and comparing with my other dedicated machines.
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Alt 21.07.2023, 15:30
Plextor Plextor ist offline
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AW: Re: AW: New Chessnut Evo

 Zitat von GONeill Beitrag anzeigen
Yes, the board will have a BluetoothLE connection from the PC but not a USB connection.
Hi Graham @GONeill,

is this a confirmed information from Chessnut, that the Evo supports Bluetooth? I haven't been able to find any reference to this anywhere, neither in the official specs nor in the answers to related questions in the Facebook group or in the Kickstarter forum. Only Wifi support is specified there.


Auf Deutsch:

Hallo Graham,

sind das gesicherte Infos von Chessnut, dass der Evo auch Bluetooth unterstützt? Ich konnte bisher nirgends einen Hinweis dafür finden, weder in den offiziellen Spezifikationen noch in den Antworten auf entsprechende Fragen in der Facebook-Gruppe oder im Kickstarter-Forum. Nur eine Wifi-Unterstützung wird dort angegeben.

Geändert von Plextor (21.07.2023 um 15:51 Uhr) Grund: Edit
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Alt 21.07.2023, 18:18
Alejandro Alejandro ist offline
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AW: New Chessnut Evo

Heute hat ein Update zum Evo gegeben. Hier ein Auszug aus der Veröffentlichung auf Kickstarter. Sieht so aus wie eine Partieanalysefunktion wie bei

New Feature Update🌟
♟️In the world of chess, learning, analyzing, and improvement have always been the core focuses, pursued by every chess enthusiast. However, the path to self-improvement is unique for each person. Some enjoy studying openings, others prefer puzzles, and some find value in learning from master games. A popular method used by many is analyzing their own past games, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and then honing their skills through targeted training - an effective way to enhance one's abilities.

👨*💻Utilizing the foundation of ChessMind technology, Chessnut introduces a groundbreaking addition - the Chessnut Assessor! This remarkable tool enables users to import their past chess games and receive an in-depth evaluation of their chess proficiency. Through a comprehensive report, Chessnut Assessor assists in the analysis of strengths and weaknesses across the opening, middlegame, and endgame phases. Moreover, it pinpoints crucial FEN positions that had a significant impact on the games, facilitating a review of pivotal moments. As an added benefit, Chessnut Assessor tailors personalized training recommendations to further bolster improvement. We firmly believe that this feature will greatly augment users' chess capabilities.

The specific implementation and process are as follows:

1️⃣Utilize the ChessMind system to train a personalized chess AI engine using your historical gameplays.

2️⃣Select your desired target to defeat, whether it's a specific opponent or a certain ELO rating level.

3️⃣Submit the data to Chessnut's backend service, where our system will conduct hundreds of simulations and generate a report for you. This report will provide insights into the comparison between your playing style and the set target, helping you understand your strengths and weaknesses.

In the report, users can access the following data to gain a more intuitive understanding of their abilities:

✅Overall Win Rate

✅Win Rate as White

✅Win Rate as Black

✅Opening Game Score

✅Middle Game Score

✅Endgame Score

✅Ability to Win the Game after Gaining an Advantage

✅Ability to Stage a Comeback in Adverse Conditions
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Alt 22.07.2023, 02:19
Benutzerbild von GONeill
GONeill GONeill ist offline
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Re: AW: Re: AW: New Chessnut Evo

 Zitat von Plextor Beitrag anzeigen
Hi Graham @GONeill,

is this a confirmed information from Chessnut, that the Evo supports Bluetooth? I haven't been able to find any reference to this anywhere, neither in the official specs nor in the answers to related questions in the Facebook group or in the Kickstarter forum. Only Wifi support is specified there.


Auf Deutsch:

Hallo Graham,

sind das gesicherte Infos von Chessnut, dass der Evo auch Bluetooth unterstützt? Ich konnte bisher nirgends einen Hinweis dafür finden, weder in den offiziellen Spezifikationen noch in den Antworten auf entsprechende Fragen in der Facebook-Gruppe oder im Kickstarter-Forum. Nur eine Wifi-Unterstützung wird dort angegeben.
Hi Dieter, you are correct that they haven't listed it in their specifications but that is the information Chessnut have given me.

For technical reasons they can't provide a USB HID interface (maybe because their screen already uses HID internally to talk to the board) but they will provide a Bluetooth connection and, "maybe in the future" a socket connection for local wifi. (This is for programs to access the device using wifi rather than the device linking into your wifi for internet access, which already exists). They have also told me the protocol will be the same as the Air/Pro except for the control of the LED colours, so that will be BLE rather than classic BT.

Although they don't list BLE, they do list my driver as being compatible and since my driver only runs on Windows and Linux that means there will have to be an interface to a PC.

But the last stretch goal on their Kickstarter is "ChessBase integration". I'm hoping that means ChessBase for Android rather than the work they will need to do to open up BLE for my driver to use ChessBase on a PC. I'm pretty sure it does....

Regards, Graham
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Alt 22.07.2023, 10:11
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applechess applechess ist offline
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AW: New Chessnut Evo

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Hallo Dirk
Hätte jetzt Gelegenheit, ein gebrauchtes Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Intel Core i7-1065G7, 16 GB, 256GB) mit Tastatur und Stift zu einem guten Preis zu erwerben. Das könnte meine Schachstation auf dem Gartensitzplatz werden in Verbindung mit BearChess. Doch zögere ich. So habe ich versuchsweise das iPad Air 2022 10,9" 64 GB M1 Chip mit Magic Key Board meiner Frau neben mein Certabo-Brett gestellt. Und da das Surface Pro 7 noch grösser ist, habe ich gefühlsmässig den Eindruck, dass es keinen Unterschied macht, ob ich meinen Notebook oder ein Surface 7 Pro Tablet auf den Sitzplatz "schleppe" und aufstelle und an das Certabo-Brett anschliesse. Einen spürbaren Komfortgewinn sehe ich da nicht. Das wäre wohl mit dem Asus ROG Ally ganz anders. Aller Unkenrufe zum Trotz, ist dies nach meinem Empfinden jedoch ein Windows unterstütztes Spielgerät und kein Windows-Computer. Der Chessnut EVO scheint mir indessen genau die Schachmaschine, die ich mir wünsche. Mal schauen, was das Ding dann kostet. Somit ist Zuwarten angesagt.
Habe mich nun nach längerem Zögern für das Microsoft Surface Pro 7
Tablet entschieden. Bin damit ausserordentlich zufrieden, habe ich doch
nun eine platzsparende Lösung und trotzdem alle Annehmlichkeiten von
Windows, wo es schachlich keine Einschränkungen gibt.
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Alt 22.07.2023, 10:49
Plextor Plextor ist offline
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AW: Re: AW: Re: AW: New Chessnut Evo

 Zitat von GONeill Beitrag anzeigen
you are correct that they haven't listed it in their specifications but that is the information Chessnut have given me.
Graham, thank you very much for your detailed explanations. Then let's hope, Chessnut really integrated BLE like they told you.

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