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Alt 13.11.2021, 09:50
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AW: Modifikation eines Centaur

Hi Dirk

Do I need to disconnect the battery if I just want to change the SD card to play against the CT800.

Last night I just changed the SD cards and when I rebooted the Centaur, all that
happened was the led board lights just kept revolving.

I tried to just pull the battery connection apart from the circuit board but it wouldn't move and I didn't want to force it in case I broke anything.

Alt 13.11.2021, 16:16
Benutzerbild von dsommerfeld
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AW: Modifikation eines Centaur

Hi Brayn,

there is something with your SD card. Disconnect the battery is always a good idea.
If you have the old version of Centaur, the LEDs will switch off and there is nothing on the display.
If you have a newer Version, you get a beep and later a menu.
Today I'm working to fix a bug with pawn promotion with UCI engines.
I uploaded a new image yesterday, I will always test it again, but there are arround 50 installations that runs from the scretch.

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Bryan Whitby (13.11.2021)
Alt 13.11.2021, 21:12
Benutzerbild von Bryan Whitby
Bryan Whitby Bryan Whitby ist offline
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Re: AW: Modifikation eines Centaur

Hi Dirk

The SD card I used today was new after last nights failure plus I used a different image maker but it still wouldn't work after unplugging (I managed to undo it finally) and inserting the new image card.

I did however buy a new Pi Zerro WH for this project earlier this week so I tried that. I had to removed the inner pins and bent the outer to 90° and with the new SD card it worked fine👍

An added bonus which I didn't know about was that you can change the ELO rating level when playing against CT800.

Thank you very much for all your hard work, a CT800 chess computer is a excellent addition to my chess computer collection.

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dsommerfeld (13.11.2021)
Alt 13.11.2021, 22:26
Benutzerbild von dsommerfeld
dsommerfeld dsommerfeld ist offline
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AW: Modifikation eines Centaur

Hi Bryan,

there is a new update available:

This one fixed pawn promotion in ct800 and also other bugs.

you can install it over web. http://IPADRESS:8080/update

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Bryan Whitby (13.11.2021)
Alt 14.11.2021, 09:40
Benutzerbild von Bryan Whitby
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Re: Modifikation eines Centaur

Hi Dirk

Could I ask a couple of questions?

Why do you have to go back into the original Centaur interface to shutdown?

Would there be any chance in the future of an sound, bleep option when the engine makes its move?

Alt 14.11.2021, 13:15
Benutzerbild von dsommerfeld
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AW: Modifikation eines Centaur

Hi Bryan...

The sound switch on and off is one of my todo list.

The reason to shutdown over the centaur is easy... There is a board built in the centaur, this one handles recharging the battery and other things... The centaur goes not down if your charge it, Linux is always running.. if you unplug the power you see one A8 blinking, that the moment the centaur shut's down 100%. In this state you can control battery charging and much more. It makes sense to shutdown this over this procedure.


Geändert von dsommerfeld (14.11.2021 um 21:39 Uhr)
Alt 14.11.2021, 17:09
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AW: Modifikation eines Centaur

please download and install the update again... the engine move will be announced with a beep.

Best Dirk
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Bryan Whitby (14.11.2021)
Alt 14.11.2021, 17:25
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AW: Modifikation eines Centaur

Hallo Dirk,

mal eine "schachliche" Frage: Unterstützt eigentlich der Centaur das Schleifen?
Alt 14.11.2021, 19:38
Benutzerbild von dsommerfeld
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AW: Modifikation eines Centaur


Der Centaur unterstützt schleifen, mein Mod dagegen (noch) nicht
Zur Zeit muss man sauber hoch nehmen und auch beim Schlagen zwei Figuren aufnehmen und eine setzen.

LG Dirk

Geändert von dsommerfeld (14.11.2021 um 21:40 Uhr)
Alt 16.11.2021, 18:06
Benutzerbild von Rasmus
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AW: Modifikation eines Centaur

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This one fixed pawn promotion in ct800 and also other bugs.
War das ein Bug in der Engine?
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