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Alt 27.04.2024, 20:27
Agep Agep ist offline
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AW: Re: eBoards in Arena, Fritz, LucasChess, Shredder

Hi, Graham,

Thanks for the update, but the new version 4.0 doesn't work on DGT Pegasus. It says 'Bluetooth access failed'. The previous version 3.3 works perfectly.

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Alt 27.04.2024, 22:03
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GONeill GONeill ist offline
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Re: AW: Re: eBoards in Arena, Fritz, LucasChess, Shredder

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Hi, Graham,

Thanks for the update, but the new version 4.0 doesn't work on DGT Pegasus. It says 'Bluetooth access failed'. The previous version 3.3 works perfectly.

Hi Agep,

That's odd as I didn't make any changes to the connection code, and it works OK for me here. Can you let me know what OS your are using and what GUI?

Does anybody else out there have a Pegasus who can test it for me too?

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Alt 28.04.2024, 00:45
Agep Agep ist offline
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AW: Re: AW: Re: eBoards in Arena, Fritz, LucasChess, Shredder

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Hi Agep,

That's odd as I didn't make any changes to the connection code, and it works OK for me here.
Hi Graham,

Thank you for the info. I tried reinstalling the Bluetooth drivers and Microsoft Visual C++. I don't know what it was, but it started working.
Thank you very much for your efforts.

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