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Alt 28.11.2023, 20:53
Tibono Tibono ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.05.2018
Ort: Frankreich
Alter: 62
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Abgegebene Danke: 2.819
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1/3 ssssss531
AW: The 64-cup

Good evening,

next match is Saitek Turbo King II vs Tiger Grenadier.

In the first game, the Grenadier with Black pieces gets a strong lead after 30 moves or so, thanks to a mighty attack on the d file, with three big guns aligned (Queen plus two Rooks).

Then the Turbo King restores an equal score, also playing as Black, but I must admit this game has been very deceptive from the Kaplan program, unable to decently wrap-up a much simple endgame: advanced Pawn+King vs King. The Pawn is out of reach from the Grenadier, but instead of pushing it to promotion, the Turbo King shuffles its own King aimlessly . Only under the threat of a position repetition will it condescend to move the Pawn a step forward: very frustrating . I noticed the winning score it displayed (using the info function) was better with the Pawn still to be promoted, than after the actual promotion. This is an explanation, not an excuse for an obvious flaw. At last the point is scored, triggering another couple of games.

Third game the Turbo King plays White and rules all game long, the Grenadier suffuring from an initial lack of development, then from a bad Pawns structure. Nice and clear win this time, from the Kaplan program.

Fourth game is kept uncertain for 50 moves or so, then the Turbo King plays smartly in the endgame, and prevails.

Overall score is 3 to 1 for the Turbo King; the Grenadier leaves the competition for good.

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.11.28"]
[Round "Cons_quarter"]
[White "Saitek Turbo King II (lv a4)"]
[Black "Tiger Grenadier (tibono setting lv 15s avg)"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1888"]
[BlackElo "1855"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "B81"]
[PlyCount "160"]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6 6.g4 Nc6 7.g5 {Out of book} 7...Nd7 8.Bg2 Be7 {Out of book} 9.Be3 O-O 10.O-O Na5 11.Nf3 Nc4 12.Qd3 Nxe3 13.Qxe3 b6 14.Rfd1 Bb7 15.a4 Qc7 16.Qd4 e5 17.Qb4 a5 18.Qb3 Qc5 19.Nd5 Rae8 20.Bh3 Nb8 21.Bf5 g6 22.Bg4 Bc6 23.c3 Bd8 24.Rac1 Na6 25.Rb1 Nc7 26.Nxc7 Bxc7 27.Nd2 d5 28.Bf3 Rd8 29.Bg2 Rd6 30.Ra1 Rfd8 31.exd5 Bxd5 32.Bxd5 Qxd5 33.Qc2 Qd3 $1 34.Qxd3 Rxd3 35.Kf1 Rxd2 36.Rxd2 Rxd2 37.Rb1 e4 38.h4 Be5 39.Ke1 e3 40.fxe3 Rh2 41.Kd1 Rxh4 42.Ke2 Rg4 43.Rd1 Rxg5 44.Kf3 Rg3+ 45.Kf2 Rg4 46.Rd5 f6 47.Rd8+ Kg7 48.Rd7+ Kh6 49.Rb7 Rxa4 50.Rxb6 Re4 51.Kf3 f5 52.Rb5 a4 53.Rd5 a3 54.bxa3 Bxc3 55.Rd3 Bg7 56.Rd2 Bf8 57.Ra2 g5 58.a4 Bc5 59.Rc2 g4+ 60.Kg2 Bxe3 61.Ra2 f4 62.a5 Rd4 63.a6 Rd1 64.a7 f3+ 65.Kg3 Rg1+ 66.Kh2 f2 67.Rxf2 g3+ 68.Kxg1 gxf2+ 69.Kg2 Bxa7 70.Kf1 Kh5 71.Ke2 Kh4 72.Kf1 Kg3 73.Ke2 h5 74.Kf1 h4 75.Ke2 h3 76.Kf1 h2 {Grenadier announces mate in 5} 77.Ke2 h1=Q 78.Kd2 Qc6 79.Ke2 Qc3 80.Kd1 f1=Q# 0-1

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.11.28"]
[Round "Cons_quarter"]
[White "Tiger Grenadier (tibono setting lv 15s avg)"]
[Black "Saitek Turbo King II (lv a4)"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1855"]
[BlackElo "1888"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "A34"]
[PlyCount "204"]

1.Nf3 c5 2.c4 {Out of book} 2...Nf6 3.Nc3 {Back in book} 3...e6 4.e4 Nc6 5.Be2 d5 {Out of book} 6.exd5 {Out of book} 6...exd5 7.cxd5 Nxd5 8.O-O Be7 9.Qb3 Nb6 10.Qb5 a6 11.Qd3 O-O 12.Qe4 Be6 13.d3 Re8 14.Be3 Bf6 $1 15.Bxc5 Bd7 16.Bxb6 Qxb6 17.Qd5 Be6 18.Na4 Qxb2 $1 19.Qe4 Qa3 20.Nb6 Bxa2 21.Nxa8 Rxe4 22.dxe4 Bxa1 23.Rxa1 Qb2 24.Re1 Qb4 25.Bf1 Nd4 26.Rd1 Nxf3+ 27.gxf3 Kf8 28.Rd7 Be6 29.Rd8+ Ke7 30.Rb8 a5 31.Nc7 Qb3 32.Nxe6 Kxe6 33.Bh3+ Kd6 34.Bf5 g6 35.Bc8 b6 36.Kg2 Kc5 37.h3 Qb5 38.Bb7 Kb4 39.Bd5 f5 40.h4 a4 41.Rb7 h5 42.Rg7 Qe8 43.Rg8 Qe5 44.Rxg6 fxe4 45.fxe4 b5 46.Rg5 Qe8 47.e5 a3 48.Kg3 Kc3 49.f4 b4 50.Rg8 Qd7 51.Ba2 Qd3+ 52.Kh2 Qd2+ 53.Rg2 Qxf4+ 54.Rg3+ Kb2 55.Bg8 Qxh4+ 56.Kg2 Qe4+ 57.Kf2 Qxe5 58.Rg2 Qc3 59.Kf1+ Kb1 60.Rf2 b3 61.Bxb3 Qxb3 62.Rd2 Qc4+ 63.Kg2 Qg4+ 64.Kf2 Qf4+ 65.Ke2 Qh2+ 66.Kd3 Qd6+ 67.Ke3 Qxd2+ 68.Kxd2 Kb2 69.Ke3 h4 70.Kf3 Ka1 $6 71.Kg4 h3 72.Kxh3 Kb2 73.Kh4 Ka1 $2 {What a procrastinator!} 74.Kh3 Ka2 75.Kh4 Kb2 76.Kh3 Ka1 77.Kh2 Ka2 78.Kg3 Kb3 79.Kf4 Kb2 80.Kg3 Kc2 81.Kf4 Kc1 82.Ke3 Kb1 83.Kd4 Kb2 84.Ke4 Kc3 85.Ke3 Kc4 86.Kf2 Kb3 87.Ke3 Ka2 88.Kd4 Kb2 89.Ke4 {Grenadier score gets back to zero, as position already happened - smell of potential repetition. But the Turbo King is aware, so, at last, moves its Pawn towards promotion.} 89...a2 90.Kf3 Kc1 91.Ke4 a1=Q 92.Kd5 Kd2 93.Kc6 Qe5 94.Kb7 Qd6 95.Ka7 Qc6 96.Kb8 Kc3 97.Ka7 Kb4 98.Kb8 Kb5 99.Ka7 Ka5 100.Kb8 Qd7 {Turbo King announces mate in 3} 101.Ka8 Ka6 102.Kb8 Qb7# 0-1

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.11.28"]
[Round "Cons_quarter"]
[White "Saitek Turbo King II (lv a4)"]
[Black "Tiger Grenadier (tibono setting lv 15s avg)"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1888"]
[BlackElo "1855"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "B18"]
[PlyCount "127"]

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Bf5 5.Bd3 Qxd4 {Out of book} 6.Nf3 Qd5 7.Nc3 {Out of book} 7...Qe6+ 8.Be3 Bxd3 9.cxd3 Nh6 10.O-O Ng4 11.Bd4 Nf6 12.Qa4 Qg4 13.Qb3 b5 14.a4 Nbd7 15.axb5 c5 16.Nd5 Nxd5 17.Qxd5 Rd8 18.Bc3 Rg8 19.Qc6 g5 20.Ne5 Qe6 21.Qxe6 fxe6 22.Nc6 Ra8 23.Rfe1 Kf7 24.Nxa7 Bg7 25.Bxg7 Rxg7 26.Kf1 e5 27.Nc6 Rxa1 28.Rxa1 Ke6 29.Ra7 Nb6 30.Ra6 Nc8 31.b6 Nxb6 32.Rxb6 Kd5 33.b4 e6 34.b5 Rf7 35.Nd8 Re7 36.Rb7 Rxb7 37.Nxb7 c4 38.dxc4+ Kxc4 39.Nd6+ Kc5 40.Ne4+ Kxb5 41.Nxg5 h6 42.Nf7 Kc4 43.Nxh6 Kc5 44.h4 Kd4 45.g4 e4 46.Ke2 e3 47.fxe3+ Ke4 48.g5 Kd5 49.g6 Kd6 50.g7 e5 51.g8=Q e4 52.Qe8 Kd5 53.h5 Kc5 54.Qxe4 Kb6 55.Qc4 Kb7 56.Qc5 Ka8 57.Qb5 Ka7 58.e4 Ka8 59.e5 Ka7 60.e6 Ka8 61.Kd3 Ka7 62.e7 {Turbo King announces mate in 3} 62...Ka8 63.e8=Q+ Ka7 64.Qeb8# 1-0

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.11.28"]
[Round "Cons_quarter"]
[White "Tiger Grenadier (tibono setting lv 15s avg)"]
[Black "Saitek Turbo King II (lv a4)"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1855"]
[BlackElo "1888"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "A13"]
[PlyCount "162"]

1.c4 e6 2.e3 {Out of book} 2...Bb4 {Out of book} 3.a3 Be7 4.Qg4 d5 5.Qxg7 Bf6 6.Qg3 Bh4 7.Qf4 Bg5 8.Qf3 Nc6 9.Qh5 h6 10.Nc3 d4 11.h4 Be7 12.Ne4 Nf6 13.Nxf6+ Bxf6 14.Be2 d3 15.Bf1 e5 16.Rb1 Be6 17.b3 Qd7 18.Qf3 Bg7 19.Qg3 Rg8 20.Bb2 f5 21.Nf3 e4 22.Bxg7 exf3 23.Qg6+ Qf7 24.Qxf7+ Bxf7 25.gxf3 Rxg7 26.Bxd3 Be6 27.Bc2 O-O-O 28.d4 Na5 29.d5 Bd7 30.Bd3 Rdg8 $6 {b-Pawn push was required to enable an exit for the Knight} 31.b4 Rg1+ 32.Ke2 Rxh1 33.Rxh1 Nb3 34.Rb1 Ba4 35.Bxf5+ Kd8 36.c5 b6 37.Bd3 Re8 38.cxb6 axb6 39.Be4 Rg8 40.Kd3 Rg2 41.Kc3 Rxf2 42.Rxb3 Bxb3 43.Kxb3 Re2 44.Kc4 Rxe3 45.a4 Re2 46.Kb5 Rh2 47.a5 bxa5 48.bxa5 Rxh4 49.a6 Rh2 50.f4 Rb2+ 51.Kc5 h5 52.f5 Ra2 53.Bd3 $6 {Kb5 was much better} 53...Kc8 54.Bc4 Rf2 55.Bd3 h4 56.Kc6 Rb2 $1 {enables moving the Rook behind the passed Pawn with tempo} 57.Bf1 Rb6+ 58.Kc5 Rh6 59.Bc4 h3 60.a7 Kb7 61.a8=R Kxa8 62.d6 cxd6+ 63.Kb5 Kb7 64.Bd5+ Kc7 65.Kc4 Rh5 66.Kd3 Rxf5 67.Bh1 Rf1 68.Be4 h2 69.Ke2 h1=Q 70.Bxh1 Rxh1 71.Ke3 d5 72.Kd4 Kd6 73.Kd3 Ke5 74.Ke2 Ke4 75.Kf2 d4 76.Ke2 Rh2+ 77.Kd1 Ke3 78.Kc1 {Grenadier acknowledges -mate in 4} 78...d3 {Turbo King announces mate in 4} 79.Kb1 Rc2 80.Ka1 d2 81.Kb1 d1=Q# 0-1

Mit Zitat antworten
Folgende 4 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Tibono für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Mapi (28.11.2023), Mephisto_Risc (29.11.2023), paulwise3 (29.11.2023), Roberto (29.11.2023)
Alt 29.11.2023, 17:53
Tibono Tibono ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.05.2018
Ort: Frankreich
Alter: 62
Beiträge: 531
Abgegebene Danke: 2.819
Erhielt 1.250 Danke für 421 Beiträge
Aktivitäten Langlebigkeit
6/20 7/20
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1/3 ssssss531
AW: The 64-cup

Good evening to all,

next match is Mephisto Maestro Travel (the small handheld) vs CXG Super Enterprise. Theoretical odds are 1/3 to 2/3, in favor of the K. Danielsen 16K program (recently emulated, a big thank to all contributors - but here I use my physical device).

In the first game as Black, once out of book, the CXG gets a clear edge during fifteen moves or so before commiting a small mistake that enabled a potential drawn game for the Maestro Travel. The Maestro then follows a path to a draw for half a dozen moves but fails on ist turn, letting the Super Enterprise score the first point.

The second game is easier and shorter for the CXG playing White; on move #15 the Maestro Travel goes a wrong way letting the CXG dominate, yet only with a small advance. The CXG ends the match thru 3-fold repetition, with 1.5 to 0.5 points.

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.11.29"]
[Round "Cons_quarter"]
[White "Mephisto Maestro Travel (lv 15s)"]
[Black "CXG Super Enterprise (lv A5+H2)"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1561"]
[BlackElo "1684"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "C12"]
[PlyCount "104"]

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Bb4 5.e5 h6 6.Bd2 Bxc3 7.bxc3 Ne4 8.Qg4 {Out of book} 8...g6 9.Bc1 c5 {Out of book} 10.Bd3 Qa5 11.Bb2 Nxc3 12.Kf1 cxd4 13.Ne2 Nc6 14.Qg3 Nxe2 15.Bxe2 Qa4 16.Bd3 Nb4 17.Bxd4 Nxc2 18.Bxc2 Qxd4 19.Re1 Qc4+ 20.Bd3 Qxa2 21.Bb5+ Bd7 22.Bxd7+ Kxd7 23.Re3 Rhc8 24.Qf3 Qa6+ 25.Rd3 Rc1+ 26.Ke2 Rxh1 $6 {Rc2+ was stronger} ( 26...Rc2+ 27.Kd1 Rxf2 28.Qxf2 Qxd3+ 29.Ke1 Qc3+ 30.Kf1 Qxe5 ) 27.Qxf7+ Kc6 28.Qxe6+ Kc7 29.Qe7+ Kb6 30.Qd6+ Ka5 31.Qxd5+ Qb5 32.h3 $6 {draw by 3-fold rep. was still possible} ( 32.Qa2+ Kb6 33.Qe6+ Ka5 34.Qa2+ ) 32...Qxd5 33.Rxd5+ b5 34.Rd7 Rh2 35.Kf3 b4 36.Kg3 Rh1 37.Rd5+ Ka4 38.Rd6 b3 39.Ra6+ Kb5 40.Ra3 Kb4 41.Rxb3+ Kxb3 42.Kg4 Re1 43.f4 a5 44.Kg3 a4 45.e6 a3 46.Kf2 a2 47.Kxe1 a1=Q+ 48.Ke2 Qa6+ 49.Kf2 Qd3 50.Kg1 Qg3 51.Kf1 Ra2 {Super Enterprise announces mate in 1} 52.h4 Qf2# 0-1

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.11.29"]
[Round "Cons_quarter"]
[White "CXG Super Enterprise (lv A5+H2)"]
[Black "Mephisto Maestro Travel (lv 15s)"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "1684"]
[BlackElo "1561"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "B10"]
[PlyCount "79"]

1.e4 c6 2.Nc3 g6 {Out of book} 3.d4 {Out of book} 3...d5 4.Bf4 Nf6 5.f3 Bg7 6.Nge2 Qb6 7.b3 O-O 8.a3 Nbd7 9.b4 a5 10.Na4 Qa7 11.e5 axb4 12.exf6 Bxf6 13.axb4 b5 14.Bh6 Rd8 15.Nb6 Bh4+ $6 ( 15...Qxa1 16.Nxa8 Qxa8 {and Black is better} ) 16.g3 Bxg3+ 17.hxg3 Qxa1 18.Nxa8 Qxa8 19.Bh3 Qa4 20.Qb1 Nb6 21.Bxc8 Rxc8 22.O-O Ra8 23.Re1 Nc4 24.c3 Ra7 25.Nf4 Na3 26.Qd1 Qxd1 27.Rxd1 Nc2 28.Rc1 Ra2 29.Nd3 f6 30.Ne1 Na3 31.Bf4 e6 32.Nd3 Nc4 33.Re1 g5 34.Bc7 Nd2 35.Rxe6 Nxf3+ 36.Kf1 Nh2+ 37.Ke1 Nf3+ 38.Kf1 Nh2+ 39.Ke1 Nf3+ 40.Kf1 1/2-1/2

Mit Zitat antworten
Folgende 4 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Tibono für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Mephisto_Risc (29.11.2023), paulwise3 (30.11.2023), Robert (30.11.2023), Roberto (01.12.2023)
Alt 30.11.2023, 08:53
Tibono Tibono ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.05.2018
Ort: Frankreich
Alter: 62
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Abgegebene Danke: 2.819
Erhielt 1.250 Danke für 421 Beiträge
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6/20 7/20
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1/3 ssssss531
AW: The 64-cup

Good morning,

to complete the quarter-final matches, the unexpected weakest participant in the Consolation tournament now has to face the strongest: Mephisto II vs Fidelity Designer Mach III. With more than 600 CElo discrepancy, the outcome was quite predictable: 2-0 for the Spracklen program. Utter domination in each game...

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.11.30"]
[Round "Cons_quarter"]
[White "Mephisto II (lv A3)"]
[Black "Fidelity Designer Mach III Master 2265 (lv A3)"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1466"]
[BlackElo "2044"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "D87"]
[PlyCount "108"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.cxd5 Nxd5 5.e4 Nxc3 6.bxc3 Bg7 7.Bc4 O-O 8.Ne2 c5 9.O-O {Out of book} 9...Nc6 10.Be3 cxd4 11.Nxd4 Na5 {Out of book} 12.Qd3 Nxc4 13.Qxc4 Bd7 14.Qd5 e5 15.Nb5 Bc6 16.Qc4 a6 17.Na7 Be8 18.Bc5 Qb8 19.f4 Rxa7 20.Bxf8 Bb5 21.Qc5 Bxf8 22.Qxe5 Qxe5 23.fxe5 Bxf1 24.Rxf1 b5 25.Rd1 Rc7 26.Rd3 Rc5 27.e6 fxe6 28.Kf2 Rc7 29.Kg3 Bg7 30.Kf4 Rxc3 31.Rxc3 Bxc3 32.e5 Kg7 33.Ke4 Kh6 34.g4 Kg5 35.h3 Kh4 36.Kf4 Kxh3 37.a3 Bb2 38.g5 Kg2 39.Ke4 Bxa3 40.Kf4 Bc1+ 41.Ke4 Bxg5 42.Kd4 Be7 43.Ke4 h5 44.Kd3 h4 45.Ke3 h3 46.Kd3 Kf3 47.Kc3 h2 48.Kd3 g5 49.Kd2 g4 50.Kc3 g3 51.Kd4 h1=Q 52.Kc3 {Mach III announces mate in 3} 52...Qc1+ 53.Kb3 Ba3 54.Ka2 Qb2# 0-1

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.11.30"]
[Round "Cons_quarter"]
[White "Fidelity Designer Mach III Master 2265 (lv A3)"]
[Black "Mephisto II (lv A3)"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2044"]
[BlackElo "1466"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "C07"]
[PlyCount "95"]

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 Qxd5 5.Ngf3 cxd4 6.Bc4 Qd6 7.O-O Nf6 8.Nb3 Be7 9.Re1 {Out of book} 9...Nc6 {Out of book} 10.Nbxd4 O-O 11.Nxc6 Qxc6 12.Ne5 Qb6 13.c3 Rd8 14.Qc2 Bd7 15.Bf4 Bc6 16.Nxc6 bxc6 17.Rad1 Nd5 18.Bg3 a5 19.Bd3 g6 20.Qe2 a4 21.Be4 a3 22.c4 axb2 23.cxd5 cxd5 24.Bb1 Bd6 25.Bxd6 Rxd6 26.Qe5 Rb8 27.Rd3 Qc5 28.Rc3 f6 29.Qxf6 Qa7 30.Qe5 Rdb6 31.Rc7 Qxc7 32.Qxc7 R8b7 33.Qc8+ Kg7 34.Rxe6 d4 35.Rxb6 Rxb6 36.Qc7+ Kf6 37.Qxb6+ Ke5 38.a4 Kd5 39.Ba2+ Ke4 40.Qc6+ Kd3 41.Bb1+ Kd2 42.Qc2+ Ke1 43.Qe4+ Kd2 {Mach III announces mate in 5} 44.Qxd4+ Ke2 45.Bd3+ Kd2 46.Be4+ Kc1 47.Qc3+ Kd1 48.Bf3# 1-0

Mit Zitat antworten
Folgende 5 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Tibono für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Egbert (30.11.2023), Mapi (30.11.2023), Mephisto_Risc (30.11.2023), paulwise3 (01.12.2023), Roberto (01.12.2023)
Alt 01.12.2023, 15:39
Tibono Tibono ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.05.2018
Ort: Frankreich
Alter: 62
Beiträge: 531
Abgegebene Danke: 2.819
Erhielt 1.250 Danke für 421 Beiträge
Aktivitäten Langlebigkeit
6/20 7/20
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1/3 ssssss531
AW: The 64-cup

Good afternoon,

semifinal of the consolation cup starts with Mephisto Rebell 5 vs Saitek Turbo King II.

In the first game as White, the Rebell 5 gets its Queen out a bit early and unprudently, and fails to secure an exit path for it. The Queen will escape the Turbo King attack, but at the cost of a Knight for a Pawn. The game lasts but the Rebell can't recover, 0-1 for the Turbo King.

The next game is rather surprising: the Turbo King sets a trap from its openings library; the Rebell was already out of its book since several moves and can't resist the poisoned offer. The line is included in the Turbo King's book with still three moves available. Yet, the overall gain from this combination is only one point from a material standpoint, thus the Rebell keeps good chances, and later applies pressure leveraging a passed Pawn, and prevails. Score is now 1-1, both wins as Black player.

Here we go for two additional games, and again the Turbo King manages to win as Black, thanks to better handling of Pawns. In the final game as White, it also manages to get threatening passed Pawns, and wins. Final score: 3-1 for the Kaplan/Barnes program, and an invitation card for the final match.

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.11.30"]
[Round "Cons_semi"]
[White "Mephisto Rebell 5 (lv 2)"]
[Black "Saitek Turbo King II (lv a4)"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1816"]
[BlackElo "1888"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "A34"]
[PlyCount "130"]

1.c4 c5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.e4 {Out of book} 3...d6 {Out of book} 4.Be2 Nc6 5.Nf3 Bg4 6.O-O e6 7.Qa4 Be7 8.h3 Bxf3 9.Bxf3 O-O 10.Re1 Nd4 11.Bd1 a6 12.Bb3 $6 {Be2 would have opened a retreat path to d1 for the nearly trapped Queen} 12...b5 13.Qa3 b4 14.Qa4 bxc3 15.bxc3 Nxb3 16.axb3 Qb6 17.d3 Rfb8 18.Ra3 Rb7 19.Bf4 Nh5 20.Be3 Qc7 21.Rea1 Nf6 22.R3a2 Rab8 23.Rb2 Rb6 24.Bf4 Nh5 25.Bd2 Qb7 26.b4 Nf6 27.Rba2 cxb4 28.cxb4 e5 29.Bc3 Rc6 30.Qb3 Rbc8 31.b5 axb5 32.Ra7 Qb6 33.Rxe7 bxc4 34.Qxb6 Rxb6 35.Rc7 Rbb8 36.Rxc8+ Rxc8 37.dxc4 Nxe4 38.Be1 Kf8 39.f3 Nf6 40.Bb4 Ke7 41.Ra7+ Nd7 42.Ra6 Nc5 43.Ra3 Ke6 44.Kf2 Rb8 45.Bd2 $6 {BxN was safer} 45...Rb2 46.Ke3 Rc2 47.Rc3 Ra2 48.g3 h6 49.Ke2 e4 50.h4 Ke5 51.h5 Kd4 52.Kd1 Nd3 53.Rc2 Rxc2 54.Kxc2 exf3 55.Kd1 Kxc4 56.Be3 d5 57.Ba7 d4 58.Bb8 Nf2+ 59.Ke1 Ng4 60.Bd6 Kd3 61.Bc7 Nf6 62.Be5 Nxh5 63.g4 Nf6 64.Bxf6 gxf6 65.Kf2 Ke4 {Rebell 5 resigns} 0-1

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.11.30"]
[Round "Cons_semi"]
[White "Saitek Turbo King II (lv a4)"]
[Black "Mephisto Rebell 5 (lv 2)"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1888"]
[BlackElo "1816"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "C85"]
[PlyCount "144"]

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.O-O Be7 6.Bxc6 dxc6 {Out of book} 7.Qe1 Be6 8.b3 Bg4 9.Nxe5 Qd4 10.Nc4 Qxa1 $6 {Rebell 5 falls in the opening trap hidden in the Turbo King's book} 11.Bb2 Qxa2 12.Nc3 Qxb2 13.Nxb2 O-O-O 14.e5 {Out of book} 14...Nd5 15.Nxd5 Rxd5 16.Qe4 h5 17.h3 Be6 18.d4 Rhd8 19.c3 Rb5 20.b4 a5 21.Ra1 axb4 22.c4 Rb6 23.Ra8+ Kd7 24.Ra7 Kc8 25.f3 h4 26.Ra8+ Kd7 27.Ra7 Kc8 28.Ra4 g5 29.Ra8+ Kd7 30.Ra7 Kc8 31.Ra4 Kb8 32.Ra1 c5 33.d5 Bc8 34.Na4 Ra6 35.Qh7 Bd7 36.Qxf7 Bf8 37.e6 Rxa4 38.Re1 Bc8 39.e7 Bxe7 40.Qxe7 Rd6 41.Qxg5 b3 42.Qc1 Rg6 43.Qb1 Rb6 44.Re4 b2 45.Re1 Ra1 46.Qxa1 bxa1=N 47.Rxa1 Rb4 48.Rc1 b6 49.Kf2 Ba6 50.g4 hxg3+ 51.Kxg3 Rxc4 52.Rd1 Rd4 53.Rxd4 cxd4 54.Kf4 Bc4 55.d6 c5 56.h4 Kc8 57.h5 Kd7 58.h6 Bd3 59.Kg4 c4 60.f4 Kxd6 61.f5 Ke5 62.Kf3 Bxf5 63.Ke2 c3 64.Ke1 d3 65.h7 Bxh7 66.Kd1 Kd4 67.Kc1 Be4 68.Kb1 d2+ {Rebell 5 announces mate in 5} 69.Ka2 d1=Q 70.Ka3 Qc1+ 71.Kb4 Qb2+ 72.Ka4 Bc2# 0-1

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.12.01"]
[Round "Cons_semi"]
[White "Mephisto Rebell 5 (lv 2)"]
[Black "Saitek Turbo King II (lv a4)"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1816"]
[BlackElo "1888"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "B40"]
[PlyCount "142"]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Bg5 {Out of book} 5...Qa5+ {Out of book} 6.Bd2 Qb6 7.Be3 Bc5 8.Qd3 Qxb2 9.Nb3 Bxe3 10.Qxe3 d5 11.Bb5+ Bd7 12.Qc5 Nc6 13.exd5 Qe5+ 14.Be2 Nxd5 15.N1d2 Rd8 16.Nc4 Qc3+ 17.Kd1 Rb8 18.Nd6+ Kf8 19.Nxb7+ Kg8 20.Ba6 Bc8 21.Qxc3 Nxc3+ 22.Kd2 Ne4+ 23.Ke3 Nxf2 24.Kxf2 Bxb7 25.Bxb7 Rxb7 26.Rhd1 h6 27.Rd6 Ne7 28.c4 Kh7 29.Rad1 Rc8 30.Rd7 Rcc7 31.Rxc7 Rxc7 32.c5 Nd5 33.Kf3 Kg6 34.Rc1 f5 35.Re1 Kf6 36.Rd1 Nc3 37.Rd2 Ke5 38.Rc2 Ne4 39.Rc1 Kd5 40.Rd1+ Kc4 41.Rc1+ Kb4 42.c6 e5 43.Rc2 Kb5 44.g4 g6 45.Ke3 Rxc6 46.a4+ Kb6 47.a5+ Kc7 48.Rxc6+ Kxc6 49.gxf5 gxf5 50.Ke2 Kb5 51.h4 Kb4 52.Na1 Kxa5 53.Nc2 Nd6 54.Ne1 Nc4 55.Kf3 Ka4 56.Ng2 a5 57.h5 Nd2+ 58.Ke2 Nb3 59.Nh4 Nd4+ 60.Kd2 f4 61.Kd3 f3 62.Ke3 e4 63.Kf2 Kb3 64.Ke3 a4 65.Kxd4 f2 66.Kxe4 a3 67.Nf3 a2 68.Nd2+ Kc2 69.Nf1 a1=Q 70.Ng3 Qg1 71.Kf4 Qg2 {Rebell 5 resigns} 0-1

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.12.01"]
[Round "Cons_semi"]
[White "Saitek Turbo King II (lv a4)"]
[Black "Mephisto Rebell 5 (lv 2)"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1888"]
[BlackElo "1816"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "B18"]
[PlyCount "131"]

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Bf5 5.Bd3 Qxd4 6.Nf3 Qd5 {Out of book} 7.Nc3 {Out of book} 7...Qe6+ 8.Be3 Bxd3 9.cxd3 {same position already happened (after a couple of moves in different order) playing the Tiger Grenadier, third game of the quarter-final. The Grenadier played Nh6.} 9...Nf6 10.O-O b6 11.Qa4 b5 12.Qa5 h6 13.a4 bxa4 14.Bxa7 Qd7 15.Qxa4 e6 16.Ne5 Qb7 17.Nc4 Nbd7 18.d4 Be7 19.b3 Nd5 20.Nxd5 exd5 21.Ne3 O-O 22.Nf5 Bb4 23.Qa6 Qc7 24.Rfc1 Rfc8 25.Ra4 Bf8 26.Raa1 $6 {Rca1 was better, in order to release the Queen from supporting the a7 Bishop} 26...g6 27.Ne3 Bd6 28.Nxd5 Bxh2+ 29.Kh1 Qd6 30.Rxc6 Rxc6 31.Qxc6 Qxc6 32.Ne7+ Kg7 33.Nxc6 Bd6 34.d5 Re8 35.Be3 Re4 36.Ra7 Nf6 37.Ra5 Rh4+ 38.Kg1 Rh5 39.Bd4 Bh2+ 40.Kf1 Bc7 41.Ra7 Rh1+ 42.Ke2 Bb6 43.Bxb6 Rh4 44.d6 Re4+ 45.Kf1 Re6 46.Rxf7+ Kxf7 47.Nd8+ Ke8 48.Nxe6 Ne4 49.Nf8 Nxd6 50.Nxg6 Kf7 51.Ne5+ Ke6 52.Nc4 Ne4 53.Ke2 Nc3+ 54.Kf3 h5 55.Kf4 Nd5+ 56.Kg5 Nf6 57.Be3 Kf7 58.Bd4 Nd5 59.g3 Ne7 60.Bc5 Ke6 61.Bxe7 Kxe7 62.f4 Kf7 63.f5 Kf8 64.f6 Ke8 65.b4 h4 66.gxh4 {Rebell 5 resigns} 1-0

Mit Zitat antworten
Folgende 4 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Tibono für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Egbert (01.12.2023), Mapi (01.12.2023), paulwise3 (01.12.2023), Roberto (01.12.2023)
Alt 02.12.2023, 10:24
Tibono Tibono ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.05.2018
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AW: The 64-cup

Good morning all, wish you a happy weekend!

Second semifinal match is CXG Super Enterprise vs Fidelity Designer Mach III Master 2265. Theoretical odds are 89 % in favor of the Spracklen program, leveraging a rather fast 68000 16-biter at 16Mhz, versus a rather modest 6301Y running at 2Mhz.

The first game with the Danielsen's 16K program playing as White turns into a one-way fight starting from move #24, when the Super Entreprise badly neglects its own King safety.

The revenge game is surprisingly a draw , both devices agreeing a 3-fold position repetition as soon as move #19. Maybe the Mach III was aware a draw was enough to enter the final? Well, we all know it cannot be so, therefore it is a bit deceptive from the Designer Mach III. On another hand, it is an achievement from the Super Enterprise: it will gain some CElo points in my private ranking...

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.12.02"]
[Round "Cons_semi"]
[White "CXG Super Enterprise (lv A5+H2)"]
[Black "Fidelity Designer Mach III Master 2265 (lv A3)"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1684"]
[BlackElo "2044"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "E35"]
[PlyCount "94"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Qc2 d5 5.cxd5 exd5 6.Bg5 h6 7.Bf4 {Out of book} 7...O-O {Out of book} 8.Nf3 Na6 9.e3 Nh5 10.Bxa6 Nxf4 11.exf4 bxa6 12.O-O Qd6 13.Qb3 Be6 14.f5 Bxf5 15.Nxd5 Rab8 16.Nxb4 Rxb4 17.Qc3 Rfb8 18.Rfc1 Rxb2 19.Qxc7 Qxc7 20.Rxc7 Rxa2 21.Rcc1 Rxa1 22.Rxa1 Rb2 23.Ne1 Be6 24.Ra4 $2 {Fatal error. The Rook was committed to the first row defense. Opening an exit for the King in the corridor was urgent.} 24...Rb1 25.Kf1 Bd7 26.Ra5 Bb5+ 27.Rxb5 axb5 28.Ke2 Rb2+ 29.Ke3 a5 30.d5 a4 31.d6 Kf8 32.Nd3 a3 33.d7 Ke7 34.d8=R Kxd8 35.Nc1 Rc2 36.Nb3 Rc3+ 37.Kd2 Rxb3 38.Kc2 Rb4 39.Kc3 Rb1 40.Kd4 a2 41.Ke4 b4 42.f4 b3 43.f5 a1=Q 44.f6 Re1+ 45.Kd5 {Mach III announces mate in 3} 45...Qc3 46.g3 Re5+ 47.Kd6 Qc5# 0-1

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.12.02"]
[Round "Cons_semi"]
[White "Fidelity Designer Mach III Master 2265 (lv A3)"]
[Black "CXG Super Enterprise (lv A5+H2)"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2044"]
[BlackElo "1684"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "C06"]
[PlyCount "38"]

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Bd3 c5 6.c3 Nc6 7.Ne2 cxd4 8.cxd4 Qb6 9.Nf3 f6 10.exf6 Nxf6 {Out of book} 11.O-O Bd6 12.Nc3 O-O 13.Be3 Qxb2 14.Nb5 {Out of book} 14...Ne4 15.a4 Bf4 16.Rb1 Qa2 17.Ra1 Qb2 18.Rb1 Qa2 19.Ra1 Qb2 1/2-1/2

Mit Zitat antworten
Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Tibono für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Egbert (02.12.2023), Mapi (02.12.2023), Roberto (02.12.2023)
Alt 03.12.2023, 08:23
Tibono Tibono ist offline
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AW: The 64-cup

Good morning,

Now the Consolation cup final match is ready to be played: Saitek Turbo King II vs Fidelity Designer Mach III Master 2265. Theoretical odds are 71 to 29 in favor of the Spracklen program.

To my opinion, the first game with the Designer Mach III playing the dark side is the "game of the cup"! What an attacker the Mach III can be! It gets out of the opening phase with the Bishops pair, whilst the Turbo King will play with a pair of Knights. Moreover, check the position after move #22: all Mach III long range guns (Queen, both Rooks and both Bishops) are firing at White's position!
The Turbo King curls up for defense, but cannot stand such a wild pressure for long. The final mate sequence is worth seeing: the Designer Mach III sacrifices its two Bishops in a row, to get the ennemy King stark naked in the middle of nowhere!

The revenge game is not that enthusiasming. It has been globally balanced, with a long boring endgame with one Pawn advantage for the Turbo King. I forced myself to keep on the game playing; according to my analysis engine there were some opportunities for the Turbo King to break through, but both devices were unable to spot these, and the game ends in a deserved draw. 1.5 to 0.5 is therefore the final score, close to the theoretically expected one.

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.12.02"]
[Round "Cons_final"]
[White "Saitek Turbo King II (lv a4)"]
[Black "Fidelity Designer Mach III Master 2265 (lv A3)"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1888"]
[BlackElo "2044"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "C85"]
[PlyCount "84"]

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.O-O Be7 6.Bxc6 dxc6 7.Qe1 Nd7 8.d4 {Out of book} 8...exd4 9.Nxd4 Nc5 10.c3 Nd3 {Out of book} 11.Qe3 Nxc1 12.Qxc1 O-O 13.Rd1 Bg4 14.Nf3 Bg5 15.Qc2 Qe7 16.Nbd2 Rad8 17.h3 Bh5 18.Re1 Bf4 19.Rf1 Qf6 20.g3 Bh6 21.g4 Bg6 22.Rfd1 Rfe8 {all Black long range guns are firing at White's position!} 23.Re1 Bf4 24.Rad1 c5 25.Qb3 Qc6 26.c4 Rd6 27.a3 b6 28.Re2 $6 {this Knight is under pressure, twice attacked, and supports the e4 Pawn as well. That's why the Rook moves to provide additional support, but this is miscalculated. Removing this Knight to f1 was safer, at the cost of the e4 Pawn.} 28...Qd7 $1 {Now a third attacker threatens the poor Knight, and the position crumbles.} 29.e5 Rd3 30.Qc2 Qc6 31.Qc1 Rxf3 32.h4 Qe6 33.Kf1 Bd3 34.Qa1 Qxe5 35.Nxf3 Bxe2+ 36.Kg2 Bxf3+ 37.Kh3 {Mach III announces mate in 6} 37...Bxg4+ 38.Kxg4 Qe2+ 39.Kf5 g6+ 40.Kxf4 Qxf2+ 41.Kg4 Re4+ 42.Kg5 Qxh4# 0-1

[Event "The 64-cup"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2023.12.02"]
[Round "Cons_final"]
[White "Fidelity Designer Mach III Master 2265 (lv A3)"]
[Black "Saitek Turbo King II (lv a4)"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2044"]
[BlackElo "1888"]
[EventDate "2023.09.26"]
[ECO "B48"]
[PlyCount "170"]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6 5.Nc3 Qc7 6.Be3 a6 7.Bd3 Nf6 8.O-O Ne5 9.h3 Bc5 10.Qe2 d6 11.f4 Ng6 12.Nb3 Bxe3+ {Out of book} 13.Qxe3 O-O 14.Rae1 Bd7 15.e5 {Out of book} 15...dxe5 16.fxe5 Nd5 17.Nxd5 exd5 18.Nc5 Rfe8 19.Qf2 Be6 20.Bxg6 hxg6 21.Nxe6 Rxe6 22.Re3 Rae8 23.Rc3 Qd7 24.Rf3 R8e7 25.Qd4 Qc7 26.Qxd5 Rxe5 27.Qd3 Qb6+ 28.Kh2 Qxb2 29.Rxf7 Rxf7 30.Qd8+ Kh7 31.Rxf7 Re2 32.Qh4+ Kg8 33.Qf4 Kh7 34.Rf8 Qb5 35.Qb8 Qe5+ 36.Qxe5 Rxe5 37.c4 Re2 38.a3 Ra2 39.Rb8 Rb2 40.a4 Rc2 41.Rxb7 Rxc4 42.a5 Rc5 43.g4 Rxa5 44.Ra7 Ra2+ 45.Kg3 g5 46.Kf3 Kg6 47.Ke4 Ra4+ 48.Kd5 Ra3 49.Ke5 Ra5+ 50.Ke6 Ra2 51.Kd5 Kf6 52.Rb7 Ra5+ 53.Kd4 Ra4+ 54.Kd5 Ra5+ 55.Kd4 Ra3 56.Rb6+ Ke7 57.Ke5 Kf7 58.Rb7+ Kg6 59.Ra7 Ra1 60.Kd5 Kf6 61.Rb7 Rd1+ 62.Kc4 Rh1 63.Rb3 Ke5 64.Ra3 Kf4 65.Kc5 Rh2 66.Kb6 g6 67.Kxa6 Rg2 68.Kb5 Rg3 69.Ra4+ Kf3 70.Kc5 Rxh3 71.Kd5 Rh4 72.Ke5 Kg3 73.Kf6 Rxg4 74.Ra1 Kh3 75.Rh1+ Kg2 76.Rh6 Kf3 77.Kxg6 Rg2 78.Rh3+ Kf4 79.Rb3 g4 80.Rb4+ Kf3 81.Kf5 g3 82.Rb3+ Ke2 83.Kg4 Kf2 84.Rf3+ Ke1 85.Rxg3 Re2 1/2-1/2

The Fidelity Designer Mach III Master 2265 wins the Consolation cup!
Mit Zitat antworten
Folgende 4 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Tibono für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Egbert (03.12.2023), Mapi (03.12.2023), paulwise3 (04.12.2023), Robert (04.12.2023)
Alt 03.12.2023, 09:57
Tibono Tibono ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.05.2018
Ort: Frankreich
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AW: The 64-cup

To conclude the 64-cup, main insights are:

- 250 games, played over 68 days (average 3.7 games per day)
- 109 White wins, 30 draws, 111 Black wins
- most played opening: Queen's gambit, 39 games

Podium (main cup):

DGT Centaur
Millenium The King Performance
Vonset / Femuey L6-v2

Consolation cup:
Fidelity Designer Mach III Master 2265

Remarkably high performances(*):
program  	        CELO	  %     opp.	Perf.	Gap
Vonset / Femuey L6-v2	2496	62,5	2608	2697	201
CXG Super Enterprise	1684	66,7	1712	1833	149
Conchess Escorter	1420	41,7	1603	1545	125
Systema Challenge	1802	75,0	1730	1921	119
Saitek Turbo King II	1888	65,0	1877	1985	 97
Tandy 2150	        1759	62,5	1764	1853	 94

Particularly deceptive performances(*):
program  	        CELO	  %     opp.	Perf.	Gap
Tiger Grenadier	        1855	25,0	1945	1754	-101
Mephisto CC 32Mhz	2138	50,0	2033	2033	-105
Fidelity Des. Mach III	2044	62,5	1833	1921	-123
DGT Centaur	        2919	83,3	2506	2786	-133
Novag Const. Expert	1916	25,0	1960	1769	-147
(*) only devices with at least 3 significant rounds (thus 6 games or more) are considered.
Significant means the opponent CElo is within +/- 400 points range (unless exceptional result).

Mit Zitat antworten
Folgende 3 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Tibono für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Egbert (03.12.2023), paulwise3 (04.12.2023), Robert (04.12.2023)

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