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Alt 28.12.2012, 16:51
Benutzerbild von yl_84
yl_84 yl_84 ist offline
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Blinzeln Universal Netzteil

Just in case, it can be useful to know that an universal netzteil may be used with your chess computer. I have one (ansmann aps 300) which is perfectly working with :
- Mephisto exclusive MM II
- Sensory Chess Challenger
- Krypton Orion plus
- and probably lot of others
This is valid for France (Frankreich) but may be true also for whole Europe in 220V 50Hz.
Most of the time the plus is inside the connector. In addition then ansmann is never heating (the original Mephito MM II was heating).
Hope it helps

Geändert von yl_84 (28.12.2012 um 17:34 Uhr) Grund: precision added
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Alt 29.12.2012, 00:40
Benutzerbild von udo
udo udo ist offline
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AW: Universal Netzteil

APS 300

Habe ich auch.

Geändert von udo (29.12.2012 um 00:43 Uhr)
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