
Zurück Community > Computerschach / Computer Chess: > Mess Emu & andere Emulationen / Mess Emu and other Emulations

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Alt 05.11.2023, 17:16
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Mychess Mychess ist offline
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Can you recognize the programmer and therefore the chess computer ...


Can you recognize the programmer and therefore the chess computer with just a very few lines of code?
You can try to find the same initial position construction scheme among well-known 6502 programmers.
Please note that one of these programs will be soon emulated.

first code : 
F000 : 9F E6                    sts     X00E6           
F002 : 71 BF 14                 aim     #$BFX0014       
F005 : 1A                       slp
F006 : 23 22 24 25 21 24 22 23                          
F00E : 40 21 40 21 40 00 00
F04E : CE F0 06                 ldx     #$F006      
F051                    LF051:                      
F051 : 3A                       abx                 
F052 : A6 00                    ldaa    $00,x       
F054 : CE 00 80                 ldx     #$0080      
F057 : 3A                       abx                 
F058 : A7 00                    staa    $00,x       
F05A : 88 30                    eora    #$30        
F05C : A7 38                    staa    $38,x       
F05E : 86 20                    ldaa    #$20        
F060 : A7 08                    staa    $08,x       
F062 : 44                       lsra                
F063 : A7 30                    staa    $30,x       
F065 : 5A                       decb                
F066 : 2A E6                    bpl     LF04E       
F068 : 8E 00 FF                 lds     #$00FF      

second code : 
F000 : 01 10 FF F0 11 0F EF F1  
F008 : 0E 21 1F 12 F2 DF E1 EE  
F072 : 40 20 30 50 60 30 20 40  
FCAC               LFCAC:
FCAC : 8D F0               bsr     LFC9E
FCAE : C6 07               ldab    #$07          
FCB0               LFCB0:
FCB0 : 86 F0               ldaa    #$F0          
FCB2 : 18                  xgdx
FCB3 : A6 72               ldaa    $72,x         
FCB5 : 18                  xgdx
FCB6 : 4F                  clra                  
FCB7 : 18                  xgdx                  
FCB8 : A7 88               staa    $88,x         
FCBA : 8A 80               oraa    #$80          
FCBC : A7 F8               staa    $F8,x         
FCBE : 62 10 98            oim     #$10,$98,x    
FCC1 : 62 90 E8            oim     #$90,$E8,x    
FCC4 : 18                  xgdx
FCC5 : 5A                  decb                  
FCC6 : 2A E8               bpl     LFCB0         
FCC8 : 97 40               staa    X0040
FCCA : CC 8C FC            ldd     #$8CFC        
FCCD : DD 72               std     X0072

third code :
F000 :  db      $00, $00, $09, $05  
F004 :  db      $03, $03, $01,      
F007 :  db      $0F, $F1, $11, $EF, 
F00B :  db      $06, $FA, $0A, $F6, 
F00F :  db      $09, $F7, $07, $F9, 
F013 :  db      $F8, $01, $08, $FF, 
F017 :  db      $01, $F8, $10, $F9, 
F01B :  db      $06, $0A, $08, $04, 
        db      $02, $08, $0A, $06, 

        ldx     #$F022  
        ldaa    $00,x          
        ldx     #$0000         
        staa    $80,x          
        oim     #$0C,$81,x     
        oim     #$0D,$86,x     
        staa    $87,x          
        subb    #$08           
        bpl     LF69A          
good luck !

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Alt 06.11.2023, 02:44
CC 7 CC 7 ist offline
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AW: Can you recognize the programmer and therefore the chess computer ...

 Zitat von Mychess Beitrag anzeigen

Can you recognize the programmer and therefore the chess computer with just a very few lines of code?
No, I can't.

 Zitat von Mychess Beitrag anzeigen
Please note that one of these programs will be soon emulated.
Well, how about Kaare Danielsen ?

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kamoj (06.12.2023)
Alt 06.11.2023, 21:58
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Mychess Mychess ist offline
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Re: AW: Can you recognize the programmer and therefore the chess computer ...

 Zitat von CC 7 Beitrag anzeigen
No, I can't.

Well, how about Kaare Danielsen ?

One of these programs was written by Kaare Danielsen : But which one?
More importantly, what arguments did you use to determine it?

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Alt 06.12.2023, 11:17
bataais bataais ist offline
Mephisto Berlin Pro
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AW: Can you recognize the programmer and therefore the chess computer ...


the 3rd is by Danielsen, Explorer / Companion 2 code, working the table backwards.
Piece ordering K to p:
White even: 02 04 06 08 0A 0C
Black odd: 03 05 07 09 0B 0D
Orientation in ram 0080: A1-A8 -> 00B8: H1-H8
I always considered board representation and initial position construction very programmer specific.
Nice examples. For the other one's I would have to take more time, I'm a bit rusty with chess code at the moment.

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kamoj (06.12.2023), Mychess (06.12.2023)
Alt 06.12.2023, 11:28
Benutzerbild von Mychess
Mychess Mychess ist offline
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Re: AW: Can you recognize the programmer and therefore the chess computer ...

 Zitat von bataais Beitrag anzeigen

Nice examples. For the other one's I would have to take more time, I'm a bit rusty with chess code at the moment.
Hello Bataais,

However, only one line can give you an immediate solution : it must be obvious to you.


PS what you think about that : 04 0C 0D 15 25 28
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Alt 06.12.2023, 11:37
bataais bataais ist offline
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AW: Can you recognize the programmer and therefore the chess computer ...

Ah, the 1st one looks like Kittinger
23 22 24 25 21 24 22 23
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
13 12 14 15 11 14 12 13
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kamoj (06.12.2023)
Alt 06.12.2023, 11:53
Benutzerbild von Mychess
Mychess Mychess ist offline
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Re: AW: Can you recognize the programmer and therefore the chess computer ...

 Zitat von bataais Beitrag anzeigen
Ah, the 1st one looks like Kittinger
23 22 24 25 21 24 22 23
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
13 12 14 15 11 14 12 13
Is the last one from DK, KD, another ? ;-)

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kamoj (06.12.2023)
Alt 06.12.2023, 12:42
bataais bataais ist offline
Mephisto Berlin Pro
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AW: Can you recognize the programmer and therefore the chess computer ...

The 2nd code looks more similar to Danielsen's, with the two
FCBE : 62 10 98            oim     #$10,$98,x    
FCC1 : 62 90 E8            oim     #$90,$E8,x
compared to Companion II's
        oim     #$0C,$81,x     
        oim     #$0D,$86,x
but the board representation is totally different. So not yet sure who programmed it. Maybe Frans Morsch

I think these 3 code snippets are all HD6301,
Constellation Junior, Yeno 301XL, and Companion II.

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Folgende 2 Benutzer sagen Danke zu bataais für den nützlichen Beitrag:
kamoj (06.12.2023), Mychess (06.12.2023)
Alt 06.12.2023, 13:40
Benutzerbild von Mychess
Mychess Mychess ist offline
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Daumen hoch Re: AW: Can you recognize the programmer and therefore the chess computer ...

 Zitat von bataais Beitrag anzeigen
The 2nd code looks more similar to Danielsen's, with the two
FCBE : 62 10 98            oim     #$10,$98,x    
FCC1 : 62 90 E8            oim     #$90,$E8,x
compared to Companion II's
        oim     #$0C,$81,x     
        oim     #$0D,$86,x
but the board representation is totally different. So not yet sure who programmed it. Maybe Frans Morsch

I think these 3 code snippets are all HD6301,
Constellation Junior, Yeno 301XL, and Companion II.

I knew that with you it wouldn't last long : you have find everything !
So your prize :04 0C 0D 15 25 28 are the values of pieces (1 pawn is 4 quaters) in Yeno 301XL (do you already know that ?).

End of the riddle.

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kamoj (07.12.2023)
Alt 06.12.2023, 13:50
bataais bataais ist offline
Mephisto Berlin Pro
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AW: Can you recognize the programmer and therefore the chess computer ...

Thanks Olivier,
that was fun.

So your prize :04 0C 0D 15 25 28 are the values of pieces (1 pawn is 4 quaters) in Yeno 301XL (do you already know that ?).
I didn't know that, I don't have the rom dumps yet (to peek inside the disassemblies).

Best regards,
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kamoj (07.12.2023)

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