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Alt 01.01.2013, 13:40
Benutzerbild von IvenGO
IvenGO IvenGO ist offline
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Beitrag Berlin 16-bit downgrading

Hello dear experts!

The idea is to put Portorose or Lyon 28-pin eproms inside Berlin 68000 device.
Im still thinking about to do this when I will buy a necessary stuff, but maybe someone tried it before and can say would this trick work or not? In theory it might be possible because the hardware is the same; also London upgrade exists for both dedicated and modular systems...

Thanks in advance!
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Alt 01.01.2013, 16:36
Benutzerbild von Robert
Robert Robert ist offline
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AW: Berlin 16-bit downgrading


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The idea is to put Portorose or Lyon 28-pin eproms inside Berlin 68000 device.
Im still thinking about to do this when I will buy a necessary stuff, but maybe someone tried it before and can say would this trick work or not?
I havn't tried it, but i'm sure, this won't work as Portorose/Lyon use magnetic sensors, but the Berlin has pressure sensors...
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Alt 02.01.2013, 06:01
Benutzerbild von IvenGO
IvenGO IvenGO ist offline
Fidelity Elite Avantgarde Version 10
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Re: Berlin 16-bit downgrading

Hi, thanks for reply! So You mean that software versions must be different to use magnet- or pressive- sensor boards anyway? I thought its just a matter of board's hardware how it sends the signals from maked moves to chess program... sad...
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