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Alt 05.02.2012, 14:31
Stevehow Stevehow ist offline
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Saitek Mephisto Master Chess Opinions


Just wondering if anyone has one of these units, that might like to share their thoughts on the unit.

Is this a good "All round" unit, one which will keep you challenged and also help improve ones game.

I am thinking of getting one.

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Alt 06.02.2012, 01:23
Benutzerbild von ricard60
ricard60 ricard60 ist offline
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Re: Saitek Mephisto Master Chess Opinions

Hi Stevehow,

This machine is about 2200 fide elo so if you are not a fide master you will get good games from it. I believe it is the chepeast machine you can get for so high elo, you can use it with batteries also. In this forum you can see a lot of games of it and the clone that is the milano pro.
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Alt 06.02.2012, 18:29
Viceroy Viceroy ist offline
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AW: Saitek Mephisto Master Chess Opinions

In my opinion the Master Chess is good value for money. It´s playing strength is satisfactory and to my best knowledge it is bug free.
If you don´t mind the relatively small board, the pressure sensures and the fact that it is very plasticy all around, the Master Chess is definitely a good choice.


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