Game 10 of 10
Here is the final game in this very one-sided match. I double checked the settings to be sure I’d not put CG under any handicap.
In this game they played the Sicilian, and another win for TheKing!
[Event "30/30 Rest 30 mins"]
[Round "10"]
[White "ChessGenius Android on Galaxy Tab A8"]
[Black "TheKing Normal"]
[Result "0-1"]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.c3 Nf6 4.Be2 g6 5.O-O Nbd7 6.Qc2 Qc7 7.d3 Bg7 8.Bg5 h6 9.Bf4 e5 10.Bd2 d5 11.c4 d4 12.Na3 a6 13.Rab1 O-O 14.b3 b6 15.Qb2 a5 16.Ne1 Ba6 17.f4 Qc6 18.f5 Rfe8 19.fxg6 fxg6 20.Nec2 Nf8 21.Qc1 h5 22.Qe1 Re6 23.Qg3 Ne8 24.Rf3 Nd6 25.Rbf1 Nh7 26.Nb1 Qd7 27.a3 b5 28.Qh3 a4 29.cxb5 Bxb5 30.bxa4 Bxa4 31.Na1 c4 32.dxc4 Nxe4 33.Qh4 Nc5 34.Rh3 d3 35.Bg4 Qd4+ 36.Be3 Qxg4 37.Bxc5 Qxh4 38.Rxh4 e4 39.Nb3 Bxb3 40.Nd2 Bxc4 41.Rxe4 Rxe4 42.Nxe4 Bh6 43.Rd1 d2 44.Rxd2 Re8 45.Rd6 Rxe4 46.Rxg6+ Bg7 47.Bf2 Nf6 48.Rg5 Ng4 49.h3 Nxf2 50.Kxf2 Re5 51.Rxe5 Bxe5 52.g4 h4 53.Kg2 Bb5 54.Kf3 Bf1 55.a4 Bxh3 56.Ke4 Bg3 57.Kf3 Bf1 58.a5 Be1 59.a6 h3 60.a7 Bg2+ 61.Ke2 Bh4 62.Kd3 h2 63.Kc2 h1=Q 64.g5 Be4+ 65.Kc3 Qa1+ 66.Kb3 Qb1+ 67.Ka3 Bxg5 68.a8=Q+ Bxa8 69.Ka4 Bc6+ 70.Ka3 Bc1# 0-1
Up until move 26 CG playing with the white pieces had a very slight advantage but this soon disappeared.
In the following position TheKing had just moved 27…b5 and all is even:
Here CG replied 28.Qh3?! Is he trying to tempt Black’s Knight to move to g5? More likely to pin Black’s Rook on e6. The better move here would have been 28.a4 to block the advance of Black’s pawn. In response, Black does indeed move his Pawn here 28…a4 forcing pawn exchanges and weakening White’s Queen side defenses.
From move 35 onward TheKing sailed home to victory making the final score an impressive 9 – 1.
We know TheKing is good but with the hardware being heavily in favour of CG, even more so. I’m just wondering if Chess Genius for Android has lost something from earlier versions running on dedicated machines, or even from the version that beat Kasparov? Maybe the time control was not so good for CG? With this result that puts Chess Genius around 375 ELO lower than TheKing at this time control!
I have Shredder Chess for Android, maybe I should try a match between that and TheKing? I suspect in this case Shredder would win.
Hope you enjoyed that match even though it was one-sided!