Alt 24.05.2005, 11:49
Benutzerbild von Björn
Björn Björn ist offline
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Deep Sjeng

Dear Ruud,

I´m still thinking to buy the new Modul. I give attention to what is new and I follow the games of Resurrection with a big interest.

Of course you have a lot to do in oder to adapt all the news and the improvements. But nevertheless I would like to ask you what´s about Deep Sjeng?

Is it still a topic to have this software in the new modul?
Can you update me about that matter?

Thank you very much and congratulations to your Resurrection!

Regards Björn
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Alt 24.05.2005, 14:12
Benutzerbild von Ruud Martin
Ruud Martin Ruud Martin ist offline
Maker of Phoenix Chess Systems
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Ausrufezeichen AW: Deep Sjeng

 Zitat von Björn
Dear Ruud,

I´m still thinking to buy the new Modul. I give attention to what is new and I follow the games of Resurrection with a big interest.

Of course you have a lot to do in oder to adapt all the news and the improvements. But nevertheless I would like to ask you what´s about Deep Sjeng?

Is it still a topic to have this software in the new modul?
Can you update me about that matter?

Thank you very much and congratulations to your Resurrection!

Regards Björn
Deep Sjeng will be added in next major release. Somewhere august 2005.
Ruud Martin
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Alt 25.05.2005, 17:18
Benutzerbild von Ruud Martin
Ruud Martin Ruud Martin ist offline
Maker of Phoenix Chess Systems
Registriert seit: 20.04.2005
Ort: Hoeven, Niederlande
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AW: Deep Sjeng

 Zitat von Björn
Dear Ruud,

I´m still thinking to buy the new Modul. I give attention to what is new and I follow the games of Resurrection with a big interest.

Of course you have a lot to do in oder to adapt all the news and the improvements. But nevertheless I would like to ask you what´s about Deep Sjeng?

Is it still a topic to have this software in the new modul?
Can you update me about that matter?

Thank you very much and congratulations to your Resurrection!

Regards Björn

Deep Sjeng will be there...
Just wait a few months.

Ruud Martin
Ruud Martin
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