AW: Mm5 nur 1575 ELO ??
Soweit mir bekannt, wird in einem Fide Turnier aus der durchschnittlichen Bewertung der Gegner, den gewonnenen Punkten in den gespielten Partien die Änderung berechnet. Dabei ist natürlich auf den berühmtewn K-Faktor zu beachten. Bei uns wäre bezogen auf die Aktivliste z.B. der K-Faktor =20, da wir Schnellschachpartien spielen.
Der Schnellschachmodus hat mit dem K-Faktor nichts zu tun: Für die normale Liste gibt es gewisse Regularien, ab wann Spiele gewertet werden dürfen Allerdings gibt es bei der FIDE auch eine Rapid-List. Die wird getrennt von den normalen ELO-Werten berechnet. All das findet sich in den FIDE Rating Regulations Abschnitt 1 Der K Wert hat etwas mit der Höhe der Wertung zu tun, bzw. bei minderjährigen Spielern auch mit dem Alter: 8.5 Determining the rating change for a rated player 8.51 For each game played against a rated player, determine the difference in rating between the player and his opponent, D. 8.52 If the opponent is unrated, then the rating is determined at the end of the event. This applies only to round-robin tournaments. In other tournaments games against unrated opponents are not rated. 8.53 The provisional ratings of unrated players obtained from earlier tournaments are ignored. 8.54 A difference in rating of more than 400 points shall be counted for rating purposes as though it were a difference of 400 points. 8.55 (a) Use table 8.1(b) to determine the player’s score probability PD (b) ΔR = score – PD. For each game, the score is 1, 0.5 or 0. (c) ΣΔR x K = the Rating Change for a given tournament, or Rating period. 8.56 K is the development coefficient. K = 40 for a player new to the rating list until he has completed events with at least 30 games. K = 20 as long as a player's rating remains under 2400. K = 10 once a player's published rating has reached 2400 and remains at that level subsequently, even if the rating drops below 2400. K = 40 for all players until their 18th birthday, as long as their rating remains under 2300. If the number of games (n) for a player on any list for a rating period multiplied by K (as defined above) exceeds 700, then K shall be the largest whole number such that K x n does not exceed 700. 8.57 The Rating Change is rounded to the nearest whole number. 0.5 is rounded up (whether the change is positive or negative). 8.58 Determining the Ratings in a round-robin tournament. Where unrated players take part, their ratings are determined by a process of iteration. These new ratings are then used to determine the rating change for the rated players. Then the ΔR for each of the rated players for each game is determined using Ru(new) as if an established rating. Findet sich alles hier: http://www.fide.com/fide/handbook.ht...7&view=article
Mein Profil beim ICCF (International Correspondence Chess Federation) https://www.iccf.com/player?id=89948&tab=3 |