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Alt 17.05.2006, 23:32
bobosse bobosse ist offline
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why a mephisto polgar and an MMV the same year ?

Sorry I am new in this forum and perhaps it is an old question for you and everybody knows the answer.
At least it's an old question for me without answer until now.

Mephisto published the Polgar module in 1989/1990 (at a time where MMIV was still available at a similar price) and soon after the MMV module (cheaper ?). Both seems to have similar level but different behaviour.

Was there different programmers team working for Ed Shröder ?
Is there some major commonalities between the MM-IV MM-V serie and the Polgar ?
if Polgar is not a variant of MM-IV - was it linked to any other programms stronger or weaker (outside the milano)

Sorry to ask in English, I am afraid you would not understand my German. but I can understand German, so feel free to answer in German.
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