Hash for DCCs
Hi all,
at first some thoughts about influense of subject for DCCs playing strength that I have:
Atlanta (+512kb) - Milano Pro
2267 - 2160 (german ELO)
2274 - 2154 (dutch ELO)
...so here is ~+100 ELO if +512kb Hash Tables.
Next I took my London 16-bit and turn Hash=OFF and got these match results (30min/game):
draw 5:5 vs Scorpio
lost 4:6 vs FD2265
won 5.5:4.5 vs Milano
seems like strength could be claimed around 2050, so again +512kb hash gives ~+100 ELO gain in active chess, this time for other programmer's computer!
And there are the questions:
Which amount of RAM was rated generally for RISC 2500?
Which ELO difference might be predicted between 128kb and 512kb/2mB versions?
Thanks in advance!