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Alt 17.09.2010, 21:39
altomcat altomcat ist offline
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Need help to repair a standard module Conchess

Hi everybody,

Don't blame me, i can't speak german. I'm a french owner of a Conchess Ambassador with the standard module A0005006. It does not work anymore because all the six eeprom (2732) are damaged. I checked them recently with an eeprom programmer. Each time, i have many read errors.

I hope someone has the original roms and can send them to me by mail ?
I can buy or rent a spare module if necessary to dump them ... this can help the community !

Any help is welcome !

Best regards, Arnaud.

EDIT : the chess module cartdrige

Geändert von altomcat (17.09.2010 um 21:56 Uhr)
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