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Alt 07.06.2005, 22:09
Erik Erik ist offline
Chess Challenger 1
Registriert seit: 28.02.2005
Ort: Norwegen
Beiträge: 7
Abgegebene Danke: 81
Erhielt 3 Danke für 1 Beitrag
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Lächeln Vorstellung

Sorry to write in English. I read German very well, but it takes very,very long time for me to write...

I am 48 years old and bought my first chess computer inn 1983 (Mephisto Modular). It was almost like magic when it signalled it's moves. I really liked that old machine, even though it was easy to beat after a while. Today I have quite a few chess computers. I do not collect computers only to have them. I play with almost all my computers (except CC7 and Fidelity Chess Card) from time to time. Good thing that the winters in Norway are long and hard .

Regards from Norway

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