Hello the tournament is become to a end , a suprise for me who became 1th,here are the 2 last games, very good play from the montreux!
Tournament 40/2hours.
1.Montreux .off. 10 points out 14 games
2.Tasc R30 off. 9 ,,
3.T.M. Londen 8.5 ,,
4.Risc 1 MB. 7 ,,
5.Sparc 6 ,,
6.Milano pro 6 ,,
7.Magellan 5.5 ,,
8.Polgar T.20 mhz 4 ,,
polgar,sparc,milano played with tournamentbook, the rest with randombook
londen-tasc 1-1 londen-risc 0.5-1.5 londen-magellan 2-0 londen-montreux 0-2 londen-polgar 1-1 londen-milano pro 2-0 londen-sparc 2-0
tasc-risc 2-0 tasc-magellan 2-0 tasc-montreux 0.5-1.5 tasc-polgar 2-0 tasc-milano pro 0.5-1.5 tasc-sparc 1-1
risc-magellan 1.5-0.5 risc-montreux 0-2 risc-polgar 1.5-0.5 risc-milano pro 1.5-0.5 risc-sparc 1-1
magellan-montreux 1-1 magellan-polgar 2-0 magellan-milano pro 2-0 magellan-sparc 0-2
montreux-polgar 1-1 montreux-milano pro 0.5-1.5 montreux-sparc 2-0
polgar-milano pro 0-2 polgar-sparc 1.5-0.5
milano pro-sparc 0.5-1.5
It taked a lot off time to play this tournament at this playlevel .but i have enjoyed it . i did see good games . but it was really a suprise for me who won. But i am sure when i put all comp.on tournamentbook the result would be different. i hope i have pleased u with my games dear chessfriends ,i shall play more tournaments only with less time . 30 sec. ore 60 sec. for a move .
greetings from : Hans van Mierlo