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Alt 01.02.2025, 15:34
Benutzerbild von Mythbuster
Mythbuster Mythbuster ist offline
Registriert seit: 06.04.2008
Ort: UNESCO Welterbe
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AW: HIARCS Chess Explorer Pro / Chess Explorer

Ach so, das ist neu:

Key improvements include:

New stronger HIARCS 15.4 chess engine: +50 Elo stronger than H15
H15.4 v H15: +55 Elo 128 games: 57.8% 74-54
H15.4 v H14: +346 Elo 128 games: 88.7% 113.5-14.5

Improved game analysis from H15.4
New MasterBase24 database
New 2025 Opening Books, local and online
New engine cache for each chess engine
New search for positions in variations
Show best move using arrows on board
Improved look and feel for Windows
Windows Dark mode support (including on the fly change)
Improved live game responsiveness
Improved game merging and always merge at last common position
Engine matches improvements
New TestSet64 for engine match testing
Set starting game number in database
Set starting ply to play from in database
Set maximum number of rounds for database matches
Recall last match database used
Analysis lock always available
Chess960 improvements
Fix en passant in CTG books
Elo in databases now supported from 0 Elo
Copy board image with arrows
Game Analysis allows all moves to be annotated
This post may not be reproduced without prior written permission.
Copyright (c) 1967-2025. All rights reserved to make me feel special. :-)
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Folgende 5 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Mythbuster für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Chessguru (01.02.2025), dsommerfeld (04.02.2025), Egbert (01.02.2025), Mapi (01.02.2025), Roberto (02.02.2025)

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