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Alt 11.08.2024, 11:15
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Mychess Mychess ist offline
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Re: A patch for AT mode of the Novag Sapphire


Sorry for the late reply, but I was entertaining my family on vacation.

I decoded about 750 lines of H8 assembler to make this patch.
There were 3 main bugs, including the treatment according to the color to move, and the calculation of the new average time after each move.

In the end, I ONLY took the AT mode code from the Sapphire II and adapted it (different offsets) to the Sapphire.

For the Emerald Classic Plus, I'll have a look at the code.


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Folgende 6 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Mychess für den nützlichen Beitrag:
ferribaci (11.08.2024), fhub (11.08.2024), kamoj (11.08.2024), mclane (11.08.2024), Robert (12.08.2024), Wandersleben (11.08.2024)

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