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Alt 11.07.2024, 21:12
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AW: Re: AW: Re: Mess Emulator für diverse Schachcomputer ist fertig!

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I don't know where hap got this prototype from.
All about this "Victoria" prototype that can not even read library cartridges, is a mystery.
Why is there no opening library with it?
Maybe it came from a module with 6.144 MHz, but this program is made for 6.7 MHz.
No one has seen a photo of it or PCB, unless it's from Steve Blincoe,
but Steve says he wont open his "prototype". (See other forum about this.)

So time goes about 10% to slow for the chess engine,
causing it to think too long time, eventually causing a time forfeit.

Berger also knows how to check the interrupt frequency of the Conchess programs.
Well, let's wait what 'hap' and/or Berger will say about it.

I could imagine one other reason (than 6.144 vs. 6.7 MHz) for the speed problem:
in the MAME driver the IRQ timer is set to 750 Hz (12.288 MHz / 0x4000), but you say that it should be 820 Hz. Now 820/750 is the same factor (~1.09) as 6.7/6.144, so maybe changing this IRQ frequency to 820 Hz may result in the same slowdown?
But as I said, I'll wait for an answer from 'hap' before I change anything.

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