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Alt 19.04.2024, 19:48
Tibono Tibono ist offline
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AW: Heimcomputer in der DDR

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Das gezeigte Heimcomputer-Programm hatte übrigens Wolfgang Pähtz, der Onkel von Elisabeth, vom Schachcomputer
ChessMaster portiert.
Well, thanks Ingo for the information. And so, one more nice chess program added to my collection!

Should you like to give it a fast and easy try:
then use your browser search on the page, keyword Schach (of course!), click on the screenshot and there you go.


get the JKCEMU software (java) from here:
plus the video chessmaster game from here:
and so you can run it locally on your PC, which is what I did:

You may need to resize the JKCEMU window: Menu Extra-Ansicht
Select the emulated hardware (I chose KC85-4): Menu Extra-Einstellungen, select, activate (Übernehmen).
Now you may save this setting as a profile; name it accordingly. I used kc85-4 as the name, this created the profile file prf_kc85-4.xml (you can check the target directory in the rightmost tab (sonstiges) of the settings.
I would suggest to create a small .bat or .cmd file in order to automatically launch the emulator using this profile, such as: start jkcemu-0.9.3.jar kc85-4 (adapt the version number to the one you downloaded, mine is rather old - but fine).
Once the KC85 runs, you get the standard KC-CAOS menu. Load the chess.kcc game file (menu Datei-Laden). Type and enter CHESS, you are done.

Moves are input using basic algebraic format like E2E4.
Commands can be input using only two chars:
NE new game
LE'enter'0-7 --> level
CO swaps color with computer (exits referee or selfplay modes)
CA quits
BO set board / exit board setting
thanksfully, entering a position is not done the same way as the chess computer, it is more usual. Funny enough, the software uses english for commands , but the pieces names are german (this puzzled me for a while before I found this out!).
e.g. : BE4 adds white bauer at e4 square
'space'E4 removes the piece from e4 square
-BE4 adds black bauer at e4

Time ago I used the JKCEMU for the GDR chess computers SLC-1 and SC-2, no more as they are now available thru Franz's CB-EMU.
But I still use it for the SC-80...
Have fun!
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Name:	chess.jpg
Hits:	231
Größe:	82,3 KB
ID:	6711  
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Folgende 5 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Tibono für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Chessguru (27.04.2024), fhub (20.04.2024), kamoj (20.04.2024), mclane (20.04.2024), Wandersleben (20.04.2024)

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