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Alt 07.03.2008, 19:06
Benutzerbild von spacious_mind
spacious_mind spacious_mind ist offline
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Ort: Alabama, USA
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AW: Unter 1400 ELO Turnier

 Zitat von -Bruno
Hi Nick,

This is indeed a fascinating report, I hope you will continue the good work!

One question: What formular did you use to calculate the Elo-changes (e.g. Excalibur LCD Chess +446, Fidelity CC7 -400)? My results are quite different.

Greetings to Alabama,
Hi Bruno

Yes I am still playing this tournament. Soon I will report on the last stages of U1400 Blue.

The +446 and -400 is generated automatically by Chessbase and is based in this case only on the performance of the machines that played in Group 3. Therefore this is the performance within the world of Group 3 only. I used Wiki ELO as a starting base for the tournament and I just guessed a rating for machines that did not have one. But all that is not so important in the end when the tournament is complete all the games will be merged into one database and I will have a final tournament ranking order.

Also I submit all the games to Schachinfo active list therefore later when all the games are in, this will be the best place to get a more accurate ELO rating since these games will be merged with games from other testers.

But I will also when everything is complete redo the ELO's by using ELOstat for all the games in my tournament. This will then enable me to compare my ELO List against the Schachinfo Active list just for verifiaction and for spotting any major discrepancies.

All the best

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