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Alt 07.01.2008, 16:34
Winterbottom Winterbottom ist offline
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UCI-Driver for the Novag Citrine

Hi all!
Here's my brand-new UCI-Driver for the Novag Citrine. Now it's possible to play online with the Citrine! Have a try and tell me what you think about it.

Ucitrine v.0.1 by JSM
An UCI-Driver for the Novag Citrine


1) Microsoft .net is required (v.2 or higher)

2) Write the portname to which the citrine is connected
into the first line of "Settings.txt"
(Example: COM8)


1) For online-play, use Arena 1.1
The latest Arena does not support online-play

Known Issues

-If the opponent captures a piece, it's not shown correctly
which piece is being captured.

-Using Arena 1.1 (
If the opponent mates, the last move will not be send to
the Citrine.
Angehängte Dateien
Dateityp: zip (3,8 KB, 308x aufgerufen)
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