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Alt 27.01.2022, 11:30
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Mephisto Lyon
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10 game match between TheKing personalities

I’ve finally completed a 10 game match I’ve been wanting to do for some time between Millennium’s TheKing element set to play with it’s “Normal” personality and TheKing with the “King of Alabama” personality settings created by Spacious Mind. I know “King of Alabama” won in the Aegon 1997 Revisited tournament (played in 2019, how time flies!) achieving an ELO of 2761. This is extraordinary in my opinion, and all participants did well.

The rating achieved in the Aegon 1997 Revisited tournament was at a time control of 40/40, so an average of 1 minute per move. I have been interested to see how well TheKing element’s Normal personality would perform against King of Alabama at a time control of 40/120. Would this longer time control yield more draws or would one machine dominate?

Here are the King of Alabama settings:




For TheKing “Normal”, all settings are 100% except SELECTIVITY which is Auto.
I left Contempt and Randomness at their defaults for both personalities.

I wasn’t sure of The King Element’s actual ELO rating at a time control of 40/120 so looked it up on
Here, tournaments are conducted at 40/120 and TheKing has a rating of 2594 after 74 games. I’m guessing this was with it’s “Normal” personality.

Game 1 of 10
[Event "Battle of the Kings"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "1"]
[White "TheKing Normal"]
[Black "TheKing Alabama"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B45"]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6 5.Nc3 Nf6 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Bf4 e5 8.Bg5 a6
9.Bxf6 gxf6 10.Na3 d5 11.Nxd5 Bxa3 12.bxa3 Be6 13.Bc4 Qa5+ 14.Qd2 Qxd2+ 15.Kxd2
O-O-O 16.Kc3 f5 17.Nb6+ Kb8 18.exf5 Bxf5 19.Rad1 Nd4 20.f4 f6 21.fxe5 fxe5
22.Rhe1 Rhe8 23.Bd3 Bg6 24.a4 Re6 25.Nc4 Rc8 26.Kb2 e4 27.Bf1 Nc6 28.Nb6 Rd8
29.Rxd8+ Nxd8 30.Nd5 Nc6 31.Bc4 Re5 32.Ne3 Nd4 33.Kc3 Nf5 34.Nxf5 Bxf5 35.Kd4
Ra5 36.Bb3 Kc7 37.c4 Kd6 38.Bc2 b6 39.Bxe4 Bxe4 40.Rxe4 Rxa4 41.Rh4 Rxa2
42.Rh6+ Kc7 43.Rxh7+ Kc6 44.Rg7 Ra4 45.Rg6+ Kc7 46.Kc3 Ra3+ 47.Kb2 Ra4 48.Kb3
Ra1 49.h4 Rb1+ 50.Kc2 Rh1 51.g3 a5 52.Rg5 Kd6 53.h5 Rh2+ 54.Kb3 Rh3 55.Rg6+ Kc5
56.h6 Rh1 57.g4 Rh3+ 58.Ka4 Rh2 59.Re6 Rh1 60.g5 Ra1+ 61.Kb3 a4+ 62.Kb2 Rh1
63.Re2 b5 64.cxb5 Kxb5 65.Rg2 Kc5 66.Ka2 Kb4 67.g6 Rxh6 68.g7 Rh3 69.g8=Q Ra3+
70.Kb1 Rb3+ 71.Kc1 Rc3+ 72.Kd2 Ka3 73.Qf8+ Kb3 74.Qb8+ Ka3 75.Rg1 Rd3+ 76.Kxd3
Ka2 77.Rg2+ Ka3 78.Qb2# 1-0

The Sicilian, Taimanov/Sveshnikov opening was played.

HIARCS15 Analysis:
White: 1 mistake and 7 inaccuracies.
Black: 2 blunders and 9 inaccuracies.

The first dubious move made from the opening was by King of Alabama(KingA). In the following position King Normal (KingN) had just moved 10.Na3:

Here, KingA moved 10…d5?! This loses the pawn to White’s Knight on c3 and Black’s position quickly deteriorates. Strange to give away a Pawn especially as there did not seem to be any positional advantage.

Neither personality was perfect but in this game, KingN came out of the opening a Pawn up and more or less maintained its advantage all the way. The blunders made by KingA were in the end-game where it was going to lose anyway so I acedemic at this point.

Out of interest, at move 69 KingA announced it would be mated in 12, KingN announced mate in 13, but it actually took 17 ply moves.

So the first game goes to KingN.

I will post the next game shortly.
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Folgende 8 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Ray für den nützlichen Beitrag:
applechess (27.01.2022), dsommerfeld (27.01.2022), Egbert (27.01.2022), Mapi (27.01.2022), marste (27.01.2022), mclane (27.01.2022), Oberstratege (27.01.2022), Tibono (27.01.2022)

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