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Alt 14.08.2018, 14:20
Benutzerbild von StefanT
StefanT StefanT ist offline
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AW: Conny 3.6 Mhz

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Hi Stefan
Even against a Conny 3.6 are exact moves necessary to win. And as soon
as you have complicated positions on the board it's not an easy task to
find the best moves on level Aktivschach.
Kurt no it isn't easy in a tactical struggle to keep the pace. Computers are tactic maniacs compared to humans.
Of course ELO could compensate but mine is not high enough to battle with the Conny @ tactic level. I presume you need 2000+ to try your chances there.
Still I underestimated the Conny in this game (in allowing Qa5 and Kf1) and suffered hard from it lateron. All games in here are played at Tournament conditions ( Level 7)
as my level dramatically falls if I'd go for quicker play. In real life chess , I already suffer from a 2nd (suddendeath) timecontrol like e.g. 15 or 30 minutes.

Geändert von StefanT (15.08.2018 um 13:42 Uhr)
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