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Alt 23.08.2015, 11:56
Benutzerbild von Sargon
Sargon Sargon ist offline
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Leiden 2015 31e GebrauchersTurnier

Hallo Jungs ,

Leiden kommt wieder dran

Auf Samstag 17th Oktober fangt das wieder an
Jetzt ist die elo grenze bis 2200 elo Aktiv Schach

31st User Tournament

The CSVN organises on Saturday 17 October 2015 again a users tournament. We start at 10:00, so we invite you to be at the premises in time. The locations will open at 9:30. And at approximately 17:00 we will close with the prize giving ceremony.
For those who want to participate, please send an email to Luuk Hofman, Duivendrecht, Monday 5 October the latest. The email address is There is, as usual, no registration fee.
If you like to participate but you do not have a good chess computer, it is possible to arrange one for you. And if you only want to watch, you're welcome too!
Rules for the 31st User Tournament
  1. Maximal playing strength for this edition is 2200 ELO.
  2. The playing strenght is according to the “Aktiv” norm of the Wiki list. In principal only listed computers with a rating less than or equal to the above mentioned playing strength can participate:
  3. Because of the limited time the time control for the tournament is 30 minutes per game per computer.
  4. To have special computers (not on the list above) participate, the tournament leader can decide to let this computer play. It must be clear that the computer does not exceed the above mentioned playing strength.
  5. Participation is with a dedicated chess computer, which means a computer specially made to play chess. E.g. with a wooden or plastic board or a portable chess computer. Other forms, e.g. a laptop with chess program, are not allowed.
  6. The user can always offer a draw.
  7. The game is lost for a player who's time has run out.
  8. An external clock will be used and if necessary external chess boards, The organisation will take care of that.
  9. It is allowed to set the level at the beginning of the game. It is also allowed to change the level during the game, unless the computer is thinking.
  10. It is not allowed to force the computer to move.
  11. Robot computer can be an exception for the clock due to their slow behavior. For a game with a robot computer the internal clock of that robot computer is the clock to use for both players.
  12. The tournament leader will decide in all other cases.
Aufgeben kann Mann sich bei Luuk Hofman ,email ist hieroben von ihn

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