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Alt 03.05.2011, 15:15
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EberlW EberlW ist offline
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AW: PDA2011 / Termine & Partien

Hi Carlos,

maybe it's just because i don't like this variation, but still i think Hiarcs has been acting too much passive. "Dangerous" might just be another (friendly) interpretation for this kind of passive defense...

Of course it is dangerous to invite an opponent destructing my position.

Well, i saw some opportunites to try a counter strike, but none of them would have been successful, as Stockfish was able to cover everything. Right after leaving the opening library i felt Hiarcs has to fight for a draw - and, as told above, Hiarcs itselfes felt pretty safe all the time and discovered his hopeless situation very late in this game at move 51. It never understood the openings idea.

I hope, none of the next opponents (machines, not operators) will choose similar openings, as i fear Hiarcs can't catch a single point out of those games. Every engine has its own weakness - too sad, Hiarcs showed his that much early in this tournament...

Regards, Wilfried
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Turnier: 7. Online Aktivschach WM - Partien + Termine Chessguru Partien und Turniere / Games and Tournaments 323 21.03.2011 19:52

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