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Alt 03.08.2010, 20:58
Benutzerbild von blitzchess †
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Collector’s corner : Machine Tournament Team 2010


I propose a second tournament team:

5 teams of 10 machines (Elo mini 1480 and a maximum of 2050)

The choice of these teams has been dictated by two criteria:
- The list (Elo Aktiv List - 02/08/2010)
- And, of course, my machines available for this tournament.

Team N°1: Scisys-Saitek (Elo 1759)

Team N°2: Mephisto (Elo 1759)

Team N°3: Fidelity Electronics (Elo 1767)

Team N°4: Novag (Elo 1762)

Team N°5: Selection Monde (Elo 1765)

an average of teams : 1763.

Cadence 30" - 4 rounds and if I find the courage ... 4 new round...

Echiquier N°1 contre N°1
N°2 contre N°2...

More details on my site

Best regards
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