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Alt 25.10.2022, 21:45
Eskimo Eskimo ist offline
Saitek RISC 2500
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AW: U1700 Turnier

 Zitat von Tibono Beitrag anzeigen
Hi Eskimo,

>Congrats for developing a chess program, that's an achievement!
Thanks! I am still imprivong it .. since 6 or 7 years

 Zitat von Tibono Beitrag anzeigen
The Mirage module features level 8 where you can set the time per move you want (mm:ss).
Yes, I know! But I heard, it quits suddenly calculating once it has reached the 30 seconds. That's not what I want. Finishing the calculation is important - otherwise this could lead to very weak moves.

 Zitat von Tibono Beitrag anzeigen
From the CB-Emu package, I would suggest these relevant opponents :
Fidelity Sensory 9-b (2Mhz) 1630
Novag Constellation (2Mhz) 1699
Saitek Maestro A (4Mhz) 1722
I can't find the Saitek Maestro A in the package! Where is it located? (But I have the module on myself, but don't know which it is (A/B 4/6 MHz)!?

 Zitat von Tibono Beitrag anzeigen
As you tell us Sigmund looks to have reached some maturity - maybe time to share it? I have a collection of chess programs and would be happy to include Sigmund in some tournament games to come. I don't mind using a DOS-like interface. But feel free, if you want to keep it private, it is perfectly fine, of course.
Yes, Tibono, a good idea. But first I should write a documentation/manual because the settings a weird and could provoke misunderstandings. Only I know how to tweak them (even sometimes not :-D)
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