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Alt 06.09.2022, 16:11
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10 Game Match beween TheKing and ChessGenius Android

I have played a 10 game match between Millennium’s TheKing module set to Normal play style, Master book and all other settings at their defaults, against Chess Genius for Android running on my Galaxy Tab A8 with a time control of 30 moves in 30 minutes then all remaining moves in 30 minutes.

I know that matches have been performed with TheKing module against Millennium’s Chess Genius module and TheKing dominated, even when set to a much lower speed. In my case, my tablet is a 64-bit, 8 core processor running at 2GHz per core and has 4GB of memory, although I believe Chess Genius for Android only uses a single core (please correct me if wrong, but it’s not advertised as being multi-core) compared to the King module which is a 32-bit processor running at 300MHz. From these figures, TheKing is running on a computer in the order of about 7 times slower. I’m not sure how much Chess Genius benefits from being a 64-bit program, but that may make the speed difference even more. I also don’t know how much different the Chess Genius for Android engine is compared to the one in the Millennium Chess Genius module; apart from it being 64-bit. But I think we would all agree, that Chess Genius Android has the advantage in this match for processing power!

Maybe the outcome will be similar to the matches between Chess Genius and TheKing modules from Millennium especially as I believe Chess Genius does not scale up so well on faster hardware.

What are your predictions for the outcome? Will Chess Genius win with the extra processing power, or will TheKing show it can still perform against it?

Games will be posted shortly...

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Folgende 2 Benutzer sagen Danke zu Ray für den nützlichen Beitrag:
Egbert (06.09.2022), Tibono (06.09.2022)


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