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Alt 03.02.2012, 14:13
Stevehow Stevehow ist offline
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Turbostar 432 repairing the Sensor pad.


I purchased a Turbostar 432 from ebay and when I put the batteries in it today, nothing would respond. After an hour of testing I found the problem to be one of the Sensor Pads to be worn and when the Chess piece (Magnetic) was on its square it was triggering the pad on Boot Up sending the Computer into a spin/lockup.

Could this be repaired. Has anyone attempted this type of repair. The pad is clearly worn and its sagging in from over use. The smallest amount of pressure triggers it...even tapping the console will trigger it.

Has anyone ever pulled off the sensor pad to attempt a repair.

Btw, ty for replying to my last question. I had to start a new thread as I cannot open my last one to thank anyone. All other threads open buy my previous one. My last topic was about upgrading with the KSO Modules. When I opened the case today there are infact 2 ROMS installed. I assume one must be the KSO.

I am in a battling to get a refund off the seller, in my experience this sensor pad is none repairable. Its stretched and sagging into the sensor trigger holes.

Steve How.

Geändert von Stevehow (05.02.2012 um 14:05 Uhr) Grund: Typo.
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Alt 03.02.2012, 19:09
Stevehow Stevehow ist offline
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Re: Turbostar 432 repairing the Sensor pad.

Hi I am thinking about replacing the complete pad from another unit. I measured it at 201.5mm squared, and it just happens that I have a Excalibur Kingmaster 3. Its pad will fit if cut down. (202.5mm one millimeter over size when cut down to best fit, I will split the 0.5 mm) Of course I am not going to destroy the Excalibur Kingmaster 3, I am going to try to get a new Pad. Besides, no way you will pull off an already used Pad and hope that the pad will be in one piece. They are glued on.

Has anyone attempted such a task. I think its possible, these sensor boards are nothing more then buttons that make contact with the circut board. But I have never pulled one off.

Anyone attempted this before.

Steve how.

Geändert von Stevehow (03.02.2012 um 21:16 Uhr) Grund: typo's
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Alt 04.02.2012, 16:37
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achimp achimp ist offline
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AW: Turbostar 432 repairing the Sensor pad.

Hi Steve,

it is normally not possible to repair a broken plastic sensor pad. You can try to replace ist with a sensor field from a damaged computer of the same kind (e. g. same manufacurer and model from the same time). For the T432 a Turbo Star or Superstar may work. Best is to replace the complete cover, because it is difficult to extract the foil without damage.

Parts from different manufaturers (e. g. Excalibur) will not work, because the cable and and the pins are different.

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Alt 05.02.2012, 14:11
Stevehow Stevehow ist offline
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Re: AW: Turbostar 432 repairing the Sensor pad.

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Hi Steve,

it is normally not possible to repair a broken plastic sensor pad. You can try to replace ist with a sensor field from a damaged computer of the same kind (e. g. same manufacurer and model from the same time). For the T432 a Turbo Star or Superstar may work. Best is to replace the complete cover, because it is difficult to extract the foil without damage.

Parts from different manufaturers (e. g. Excalibur) will not work, because the cable and and the pins are different.

Hello Achim,

Thanks for the reply. I understand what you are saying, and this would be one task to attempt. I am wondering if its worth it. I was not going to try to replace the complete pad, just the vinyl membrane on the top. But again, not knowing what is underneath the existing one this could turn into a disaster - not to mention how difficult it would be to get a matching membrane. I might send this one back to the seller as he has offered 7 day refund and look for one in good condition.
Sad though because it really plays a great game of chess and the program is a pleasure to use.

Like all things in life, things get old.

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