Alt 07.06.2005, 21:20
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Opening Book Resurrection


can you please give some further information about the Ruffian opening book? Is it delivered with the Ruffian program or did you create it? Or is this topic "top secret"?

Did you already think about implementing a user interface for opening book saving, loading and modifying (its more related to the wishlist, I know)?

Thanks for your input!

best regards
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Alt 08.06.2005, 10:15
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AW: Opening Book Resurrection

Book is the normal opening book which was available with this Ruffian version. But it is a large book and not optimized. That is why RR is losing some games which were avoidable with a toutnament book.

An editor for book i have to think this over. First priority is to add more engines.

Ruud Martin
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Alt 08.06.2005, 14:07
Steveb Steveb ist offline
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AW: Opening Book Resurrection

Hi Ruud and Stefan

Ruud:First priority is to add more engines.

yes this would be very nice
even just one more engine is ok

i know this is not the correct place to ask about your Active Rating list but please forgive me this trangression

can i ask you...
the Geniuos London on the lisrt..
is this the TM London(36 Mhz) or the normal 33 MHZ or a modified computer at 50 Mhz?

also are all the schachcomputers on the list originally released computers or are some modified computer or overclocked(tuned) computers?

if so,could you please mention which ones are?

Best Regards
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Alt 08.06.2005, 16:30
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AW: Opening Book Resurrection

 Zitat von Steveb
i know this is not the correct place to ask about your Active Rating list but please forgive me this trangression

can i ask you...
the Geniuos London on the lisrt..
is this the TM London(36 Mhz) or the normal 33 MHZ or a modified computer at 50 Mhz?

also are all the schachcomputers on the list originally released computers or are some modified computer or overclocked(tuned) computers?

if so,could you please mention which ones are?

Best Regards

to answer your questions: To my knowledge the Genius is the standard version w/ 33 MHz. As far as we received information, all other computers are standard computers as well, if not mentioned otherwise. We want to track also tuned machines if they are available (I participated in our championchip for instance w/ a Super Forte C @ 7 MHz, but there are so far not enough games available), but they will be evaluated seperately of course and will get a special name, for instance w/ the higher clock speed etc.

best regards
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Alt 08.06.2005, 16:37
Steveb Steveb ist offline
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AW: Opening Book Resurrection

Hi Stefan

to answer your questions: To my knowledge the Genius is the standard version w/ 33 MHz. As far as we received information, all other computers are standard computers as well, if not mentioned otherwise.
but they will be evaluated seperately of course and will get a special name, for instance w/ the higher clock speed etc.

thank you for your reply!
Warm Regards

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