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Alt 09.12.2022, 23:20
Benutzerbild von GONeill
GONeill GONeill ist offline
Saitek Leonardo
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Saitek OSA driver (Windows and Linux)

I was asked about writing a driver for the OSA boards (Leonardo, Galileo and Renaissance) and saw that Achim Pietig had already written "OSA for Arena" so didn't expect it to be too hard. I was wrong! It's taken two months with Achim doing lots of testing for me and Lars Nowak also helping share information about his work adding OSA boards to BearChess. But finally it seems to be working.

There are DLL drivers for Arena, ChessBase, Fritz, LucasChess and Shredder, a SO driver for LucasChess on Linux as well as Windows and Linux UCI/Winboard engines for other GUIs that don't support my library files. The LucasChess files will be included in his next update, which I think will be next week.

There are some unusual things about how these boards work (especially with captures) so please read the ReadMe PDF file on my web page for details.
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Folgende 5 Benutzer sagen Danke zu GONeill für den nützlichen Beitrag:
achimp (11.12.2022), applechess (10.12.2022), ferribaci (10.12.2022), kamoj (16.12.2022), lars (10.12.2022)
Alt 10.12.2022, 10:38
Benutzerbild von applechess
applechess applechess ist offline
Lebende Foren Legende
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AW: Saitek OSA driver (Windows and Linux)

 Zitat von GONeill Beitrag anzeigen
I was asked about writing a driver for the OSA boards (Leonardo, Galileo and Renaissance) and saw that Achim Pietig had already written "OSA for Arena" so didn't expect it to be too hard. I was wrong! It's taken two months with Achim doing lots of testing for me and Lars Nowak also helping share information about his work adding OSA boards to BearChess. But finally it seems to be working.

There are DLL drivers for Arena, ChessBase, Fritz, LucasChess and Shredder, a SO driver for LucasChess on Linux as well as Windows and Linux UCI/Winboard engines for other GUIs that don't support my library files. The LucasChess files will be included in his next update, which I think will be next week.

There are some unusual things about how these boards work (especially with captures) so please read the ReadMe PDF file on my web page for details.
Hi Graham
You are a magician when it comes to drivers.
Many many thanks for your work.
Kind regards
Mit Zitat antworten
Folgende 2 Benutzer sagen Danke zu applechess für den nützlichen Beitrag:
GONeill (11.12.2022), kamoj (16.12.2022)

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